alanpoe's blog



仮想通貨における女性の影響力は、単なる参加を超えて広がっています。それは、より公平で多様な金融エコシステムの構築に向けた推進です。女性は新しい視点とスキルをもたらし、イノベーションを推進し、暗号通貨コミュニティ内の規範に挑戦します。彼らの知名度と成功の高まりにより、より多くの女性が暗号通貨分野に参入し、そこで成功するようになりました。取引も検討するのに最適なオプションであり、非常に簡単です。ただし、適切なプラットフォームを選択することが重要です。読むことから始めるxtrade レビューそのパフォーマンスを理解し、どの取引プラットフォームがお客様のニーズに最も適しているかを判断します。








仮想通貨分野での女性の台頭により、この分野での女性の支援に特化した多数のネットワークや組織の形成が促進されています。 Women in Blockchain や Blockchain Women's Network などのグループは、指導、ネットワーキング、コラボレーションのためのプラットフォームを提供しています。これらのコミュニティは、より多くの女性が暗号通貨を探索し、優れた技術を発揮するよう奨励する上で非常に重要です。彼らはサポートやリソースを提供するだけでなく、テクノロジー関連分野で女性がしばしば直面する障壁を取り除くことにも取り組んでいます。





女性が暗号通貨に参加できるようにするには、教育が重要な役割を果たします。女性にブロックチェーン技術、コーディング、仮想通貨取引、投資について教えることを目的とした取り組みが増加している。女性向けに特別に調整された教育ワークショップ、オンライン コース、コミュニティ ミートアップは、テクノロジーの謎を解き明かし、女性がしばしば直面する参入障壁を下げるのに役立ちます。




Apr 29 · 0 comments

The landscape of trading is undergoing a seismic shift, with emerging trends poised to redefine the very fabric of how trading is conducted. As we stand on the cusp of this transformation, these innovations promise not only to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of trading but also to democratize it for a global audience. This article explores the pivotal trends set to reshape trading, heralding a new era of opportunity, inclusivity, and sophistication in the financial markets.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The infusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into trading platforms is revolutionizing market analysis and decision-making processes. These technologies enable the parsing of vast datasets to identify patterns and predict market trends with unprecedented accuracy. For traders, this means enhanced insights, more informed decisions, and the potential to stay ahead of market movements, making AI and ML integral to the future trading landscape.

Blockchain and Decentralization

Blockchain technology, known for its role in cryptocurrency transactions, is set to have a broader impact on trading by introducing decentralization. This shift promises to increase transparency, reduce transaction times, and lower costs by eliminating intermediaries. The adoption of blockchain could redefine trust and security in trading, making it more accessible and efficient for participants worldwide.

Rise of Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic trading, where trades are executed at high speeds based on pre-set criteria, is becoming increasingly prevalent. This trend allows for more disciplined, efficient trading, minimizing the impact of human emotions on trading decisions. As technology advances, algorithmic trading is expected to become more sophisticated, offering tailored strategies that can adapt to market changes in real-time.

Democratization Through FinTech

Financial Technology (FinTech) innovations are democratizing access to trading, allowing a broader spectrum of individuals to participate. Mobile trading apps, micro-investment platforms, and social trading are breaking down traditional barriers, making trading accessible to the masses. This trend is fostering a more inclusive trading environment, where anyone with a smartphone can potentially grow their wealth.

Sustainable and Socially Responsible Trading

The growing emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility is shaping trading practices, with an increase in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing. Traders and investors are increasingly aligning their portfolios with their values, favoring companies that adhere to sustainable practices. This shift towards responsible trading is encouraging transparency and accountability, leading to a more ethical financial ecosystem.

Personalization and Customization

The future of trading will be characterized by unprecedented levels of personalization and customization. AI and data analytics will enable platforms to offer personalized trading experiences, tailoring information, recommendations, and strategies to individual user profiles. This bespoke approach will enhance user engagement and effectiveness, making trading a more intuitive and user-centric experience.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future with Optimism

The future of trading, shaped by these transformative trends, promises a landscape that is more intelligent, efficient, inclusive, and ethical. As we navigate these changes, the potential for growth and innovation in trading is boundless. By embracing these trends, traders, investors, and financial institutions can look forward to a future where trading is not only about wealth creation but also about contributing to a more sustainable, equitable world. The journey ahead is filled with promise, and the time to adapt and thrive in the future of trading is now.

Apr 10 · 0 comments

В последние годы отельная индустрия переживает настоящий бум в сфере оздоровительного туризма. Современные отели всё чаще предлагают своим гостям не просто комфортабельные номера и высококлассный сервис, но и комплексные программы для улучшения здоровья и благополучия.

Новый Тренд в Отдыхе: Здоровье и РелаксацияСпа и Велнес Программы

Все чаще отель с программой для здоровьявключает в свои предложения спа-процедуры, направленные на улучшение состояния кожи, расслабление мышц и общее омоложение организма.

Здоровое Питание

Рестораны отелей предлагают меню, разработанное диетологами, с акцентом на здоровом питании и сбалансированном рационе, поддерживающем физическое здоровье и благополучие.

Физическая Активность

Фитнес-программы включают йогу, пилатес, аквааэробику, что способствует укреплению мышц, улучшению гибкости и общей выносливости.

Медитация и Релаксация

Для улучшения психологического состояния гостей отели предлагают занятия медитацией и майндфулнесс, направленные на снижение стресса и достижение внутренней гармонии.

Преимущества Оздоровительных ПрограммИндивидуальный Подход

Каждому гостю предлагается индивидуальная программа, учитывающая его личные потребности и состояние здоровья.

Интеграция с Природой

Многие отели используют природные ресурсы региона, такие как минеральные воды или лечебные грязи, усиливая тем самым эффект от оздоровительных процедур.

Программы для здоровья в отелях становятся неотъемлемой частью современного отдыха. Они предлагают гостям не только комфорт и расслабление, но и реальную возможность улучшить свое физическое и психологическое состояние, что делает отдых не только приятным, но и полезным для здоровья.

Nov 10 '23 · 0 comments

يوفر التداول في الأسواق المالية عالماً من الفرص لأولئك الذين يسعون إلى تنمية ثرواتهم أو الاستثمار في أصول مختلفة. Xtrade هي منصة تداول مشهورة عبر الإنترنت توفر الوصول إلى مجموعة واسعة من الأدوات المالية، بما في ذلك الأسهم والسلع والعملات الأجنبية والمؤشرات والعملات المشفرة. في هذه المقالة، سنقدم دليلاً خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية بدء التداول في Xtrade. لمزيد من المعلومات حول تقييم شركة Xtrade، يمكنك زيارة موقعنا على الإنترنت.

الخطوة 1: التسجيل

الخطوة الأولى لبدء رحلة التداول الخاصة بك مع Xtrade هي التسجيل للحصول على حساب. قم بزيارة موقع Xtrade وانقر على زر "تسجيل" أو "تسجيل". سيُطلب منك تقديم بعض المعلومات الشخصية، بما في ذلك اسمك وعنوان بريدك الإلكتروني ورقم هاتفك. تأكد من اختيار كلمة مرور قوية لتأمين حسابك.

الخطوة 2: التحقق من هويتك

للامتثال للمتطلبات التنظيمية، قد تطلب منك Xtrade التحقق من هويتك. يتضمن هذا عادةً تقديم نسخة من جواز سفرك أو وثائق الهوية الأخرى. تعد عملية التحقق أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لضمان أمان حسابك ومنع الاحتيال.

الخطوة 3: إيداع الأموال

بمجرد التحقق من حسابك، يحين وقت إيداع الأموال في حساب Xtrade الخاص بك. تقدم Xtrade خيارات إيداع متنوعة، بما في ذلك بطاقات الائتمان/الخصم والتحويلات المصرفية والمحافظ الإلكترونية مثل Skrill أو Neteller. اختر الطريقة التي تناسبك وقم بإيداع المبلغ الذي تفضل التداول به.

الخطوة 4: استكشاف منصة التداول

توفر Xtrade منصة تداول سهلة الاستخدام يمكن الوصول إليها من خلال متصفحات الويب وتطبيقات الهاتف المحمول. خذ بعض الوقت للتعرف على ميزات المنصة، بما في ذلك الرسوم البيانية والمؤشرات الفنية والأدوات المالية المتاحة. يمكنك أيضًا الوصول إلى الموارد التعليمية وأدوات تحليل السوق لتعزيز معرفتك التجارية.

الخطوة 5: اختر أداة التداول الخاصة بك

تقدم Xtrade مجموعة واسعة من أدوات التداول، بحيث يمكنك اختيار فئات الأصول التي تتوافق مع استراتيجية التداول الخاصة بك وأهدافك. سواء كنت مهتمًا بأزواج العملات أو السلع مثل الذهب والنفط أو الأسهم من الأسواق العالمية، فإن Xtrade توفر لك كل ما تحتاجه.

الخطوة 6: تطوير استراتيجية التداول

قبل تنفيذ صفقتك الأولى، من الضروري تطوير استراتيجية تداول. حدد قدرتك على تحمل المخاطر، وقم بتعيين أوامر وقف الخسارة لإدارة المخاطر، وتحديد أهداف الربح. إن وجود استراتيجية محددة جيدًا يمكن أن يساعدك على اتخاذ قرارات تداول مستنيرة.

الخطوة 7: قم بتنفيذ صفقتك الأولى

الآن بعد أن أصبحت مستعدًا، فقد حان الوقت لتنفيذ تداولك الأول. في Xtrade، يمكنك تقديم أوامر السوق، أو أوامر الحد، أو أوامر الإيقاف، اعتمادًا على أسلوب التداول المفضل لديك. راقب تداولاتك عن كثب وابق على اطلاع بأخبار وأحداث السوق التي قد تؤثر على مراكزك.

الخطوة 8: إدارة المخاطر

تعد إدارة المخاطر جانبًا مهمًا للتداول الناجح. استخدم أدوات إدارة المخاطر مثل أوامر وقف الخسارة وأخذ الربح لحماية رأس المال الخاص بك وتأمين الأرباح. تجنب المخاطرة بأكثر مما يمكنك تحمل خسارته في أي صفقة تداول واحدة.

الخطوة 9: التعلم المستمر

التداول هو عملية تعلم مستمرة. ابق على اطلاع دائم باتجاهات السوق والأخبار والتحليلات. تقدم Xtrade موارد تعليمية وندوات عبر الإنترنت ورؤى حول السوق لمساعدتك على البقاء على اطلاع.

الخطوة 10: المراجعة والضبط

قم بمراجعة أداء التداول الخاص بك بانتظام وقم بتعديل إستراتيجيتك حسب الحاجة. تعلم من نجاحاتك وخسائرك لتحسين مهاراتك في التداول بمرور الوقت.


يمكن للتداول على Xtrade أن يفتح الأبواب أمام عالم من الفرص المالية. من خلال اتباع هذه الخطوات والحفاظ على نهج منضبط في التداول، يمكنك التنقل في الأسواق بثقة والعمل على تحقيق أهدافك المالية. تذكر أن التداول ينطوي على مخاطر، ومن الضروري التداول بمسؤولية وبأموال يمكنك تحمل خسارتها فقط.

Oct 16 '23 · 0 comments

Online casinos have many advantages and features compared to traditional gambling:

- Online casinos such as glory casino offer a wide variety of gambling games. Each slot has a unique design and is made in a separate theme. Users are also given the opportunity to try their luck at roulette, poker or other card games. For convenience, all games are divided into separate categories.

- Casinos with a good reputation and extensive experience provide instant withdrawal of funds. This is an indicator of their reliability and stability. For convenient input and output, they support a large number of payment systems.

- 24/7 work without weekends and holidays.

- Regular updating and addition of the range of gambling games.

- Availability of various bonus systems and promotions.

- Ensuring complete confidentiality and safety of clients' personal information.

- Users can play in online casinos from any corner of the planet (but only in countries where virtual gambling is permitted by law). In order to grab luck by the tail, you need to have a smartphone, tablet or computer with a stable Internet connection.

- Most online casino sites have a nice design, a simple and intuitive interface.

- Availability of 24-hour technical support service with experienced and qualified specialists.

- Supports a large number of languages.

- High bet limit.

- Availability of progressive jackpots, free spins, etc.

Availability of demo mode

Beginners can use special demo games to acquire basic skills, gain experience, and become familiar with the game. This mode does not provide for real bets. Experienced users can use the demo mode as training to develop unique strategic and tactical solutions.

Responsive technical support

Every reliable and reputable casino has responsive technical support teams that work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every user can use them to ask questions, solve certain difficulties or problems. Experienced and qualified specialists are always ready to provide professional assistance and free consultation.

Sep 30 '23 · 0 comments

In the era of universal access to information via the Internet, some users are genuinely surprised at the existence of private torrent trackers. After all, why use a limited and often closed resource when you can freely download files from open and free trackers? Let's consider what private trackers are and why they are in demand. If you need invites for music torrents, you can find more info at the

What are private torrent trackers?

A private torrent tracker is a specialized website that provides access to a database of torrent files. The main difference between private and public trackers is that access to them is limited. Usually, the user needs to be registered and approved by the administration, and in some cases also receive an invitation from an already registered participant.

Content quality

Private trackers are known for their high quality content. All files posted on private trackers are carefully checked for compliance with the declared characteristics. This means that the chances of encountering a virus, a broken file or a fake are noticeably lower than in open areas.

Download speed

Private trackers usually require users to maintain a certain download/upload ratio. This encourages participants to stay on the giveaway even after the download is complete, which improves the overall speed and stability of downloading files.

Exclusive content

Some private trackers specialize in specific types of content, including rare and unique content that is difficult or impossible to find on public trackers. This may include rare music recordings, movies, software, games, etc.


Private torrent trackers provide a higher level of security and anonymity compared to public trackers. Since access to them is limited, it is more difficult to track user activity. In addition, most private trackers actively monitor the safety of their users by removing suspicious or malicious files.


Private torrent trackers also have a strong sense of community. Here you will find active forums and chat rooms where people discuss various topics, give advice and help each other. This aspect can be especially attractive for those who are looking for like-minded people with similar interests.


So, while private torrent trackers may seem redundant in this age of information sharing, they offer a number of unique benefits that make them attractive to certain user groups. They provide high quality content, fast download speeds, access to exclusive and rare content, improved security and anonymity, and the opportunity to become part of an active and enthusiastic community.

May 29 '23 · 0 comments

Projects that will tell you how to act when the living dead take over the world.

A dull look, decomposing flesh, a slurred hum instead of speech. Zombies are now as important characters in modern media as politicians, detectives and brilliant detectives. Since George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, reanimated corpses have been considered a relevant social metaphor, but this, of course, is far from the only possible interpretation. Zombies can tell us about the fear of death, terribly scare and even cheer. They could be the characters in an Edgar Wright film's swashbuckling spoof of the genre, or just another monster from a cheap B-horror.

In this compilation you will find the Best Zombie Series. If you want to know what kind of life the dead found on the small screen, then you can't do without watching these shows.

Dead Set

Even before it became mainstream, zombies were already in full swing on TV screens. The British "Dead End" tells how the walking dead filled the streets of London and at the same time came to the shooting of the reality show "Big Brother". Pampered participants take firearms, fire extinguishers and other improvised means in their hands - both the dead and the living will be killed here. The very idea to cross a plot about a mind-numbing reality format (there is a cameo of real Big Brother participants here!) And a meaty horror belongs to Charlie Brooker, the future author of Black Mirror. The mini-series unexpectedly became a hit and was even nominated for a BAFTU.

The Walking Dead

Perhaps the most important zombie series of our time is a 100% AMC hit. The showrunner of the first seasons was the famous Frank Darabont, and the plot was based on the cult comic book of the same name by Robert Kirkman. However, all this quickly changed: Darabont left the show due to financial and creative differences, and the script for the television version of The Walking Dead quickly separated from the original source and took on a life of its own. The main claim of horror geeks to the series is that too little attention is paid to zombies. However, this can also be seen as a plus: The Walking Dead turned into a treatise on political regimes and became actively interested in moral issues. The series became so popular that it spawned the well-known meme with Carl (the son of the protagonist), received a Fear the Walking Dead spin-off, and paved the way for similar shows like Z Nation to the small screen.

Dead Valley

For those who like to laugh at horror characters. The MTV series is in the style of a mockumentary film: a shaky camera, an awkward cameraman and breaking the fourth wall. Its main characters are  fighters of the new special forces who fight vampires, zombies and werewolves on the streets of a small California town. The competence of law enforcement officers is questionable. Sometimes they can't tell the difference between the walking dead and street junkies or nursing home residents. The Death Valley format itself parodies reality series about cops popular in America and does it with fervor and black humor.


"Twin Peaks "  from the world of zombie series. In a small town located in the French Alps, long-dead residents suddenly return, looking the same as they did at the time of death. Among them are a little girl, a serial killer, a nurse and many others. What should their relatives do, who have long mourned the dead and continued to live on? The series fundamentally does not give a clear answer, but it creates an atmosphere of hopeless existential longing - this is helped by the melancholy soundtrack of the post-rock band Mogwai. The Call of Grief received a direct American adaptation of The Returned and inspired a number of other shows with a similar concept.

In the Flesh

Another European series about the risen from the graves, this time British. The protagonist Kieran committed suicide, and after a while he turned into a bloodthirsty flesh-eater, one of many such unfortunates. The government has pacified the epidemic, and the doctors have come up with a cure  -  and now the former zombies are returning back to society. It is not difficult to guess that it hardly accepts those who killed people yesterday. Kieran will have to endure not only the hostility of others, but also to fight the guilt for what he has done. "In the Flesh" continues the tradition of British social cinema, turning the former dead into a repressed minority.


Free adaptation of the surreal comic book of the same name. The main character  is  a young medical student Olivia, who turned into a zombie. She does not want to kill innocent people at all, so she gets a job in the morgue, where she can eat orphaned brains with impunity. The trick is that Olivia gains access to the corpse's memories during the eating process. She decides to use her newfound abilities for a good cause and becomes an assistant to a local detective, who at first takes the girl for a psychic. “I am  a  Zombie” can be watched without tension  -  the series has a special comedic charm and a light detective-romantic flair.

Ash vs Evil Dead

Fans of the iconic Evil Dead trilogy have been begging Sam Raimi for years to release a sequel, and it finally arrived, albeit on the small screen. The main character Ash is no longer so cool (age and belly interfere), he works in a supermarket and does not want to hear anything about saving the world. However, the world needs to be saved by someone  -  and therefore the hero, battered by life, will again put the famous chainsaw prosthesis on his hand, and will hold a faithful shotgun in the other. Ash vs Evil Dead continues the glorious traditions of the film trilogy: black humor, a sea of ​​blood and mocking pathos. A rare case of self-ironic spectacle, which banter category "B" films and at the same time confesses his love for them. Watching Bruce Campbell as Ash is perhaps even more enjoyable than it was 30 years ago.

Santa Clarita Diet

Husband and wife Sheila and Joel live in a glorious suburb with a teenage daughter and work as realtors. The trouble comes unexpectedly  -  Sheila dies and almost immediately returns from the next world back to this one. The character and behavior of an ordinary middle-aged woman change dramatically  -  libido and courage reach unprecedented heights, and she eats raw meat for food. Together with a stopped heart, this quickly leads family members to a simple conclusion. The Santa Clarita Diet is full of guts, gore, and dark humor, but it turns out to be a very upbeat love story. The couple are played by Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant  -  and this is a dream duo. As Sheila kills someone again, Joel tries to cover his tracks without their cop neighbors finding out.


A post-apocalyptic future in which the government has imposed a curfew  -  in the dark it is easy to stumble upon monsters, victims of a mysterious virus. Not everyone is happy with this state of affairs, so the teams of street racers compete with each other in a deadly race from London to Scotland. The winner is promised freedom. Meanwhile, people are talking about some kind of mystical "island" that is free from both the zombie virus and totalitarianism. "Curfew" coolly mixes the ideas and style of "Mad Max", "Fast and the Furious" and "The Walking Dead". One of the main roles  is  the stern Sean Bean, so it's already possible to bet whether he will live to see the end of the first season.


A new favorite of critics and viewers among zombie series. The action of the "Kingdom" takes place in medieval Korea, which was overwhelmed by an epidemic of bloodthirsty dead. The young prince tries to get an audience with the king, but soon realizes that his father has become a monster. The struggle for power here becomes the same full-fledged part of the plot, as well as battles with hordes of zombies. All six episodes were directed by Kim Sung-hoon, director of the festival detective film Hard Day. "Kingdom" boasts spectacular battle scenes, luxurious scenery and decent camera work. At the same time, the series proves that South Korea is now making a small revolution in the genre. Of the full-length examples  -  a medieval "Breakthrough" similar in plot or insanely driving "Train to Busan".

May 26 '23 · 0 comments

First of all, we need to define what virtual mobile number for sms verification is. This is a unique number that is designed to send or receive SMS to your phone via the Internet.

SMS virtual numbers are ideal for receiving one-time passwords. The reason for this is the fact that they are most helpful in the registration process. We know that in these days of technological progress, various websites (messengers, social networks, applications, etc.) ask for your phone number in order to send verification codes. And giving your real phone number is definitely risky.

You may not be aware of this, but hackers and scammers are smart people who can get your personal details using just your phone number.

An online virtual number is the most effective way to avoid online fraud (better known as cybercrime). It's like  a free sim card  with complete anonymity. The number is designed to protect your confidential information from theft. Thus, complete peace of mind is ensured.

What are the benefits of using a virtual number ?
  • You can receive SMS wherever you are. Since your SMS phone number is located on the server , you can check incoming messages through your personal account. This fact gives you the opportunity to use your mobile device or computer to read the SMS.

  • 100% complete protection of your privacy is one of the main reasons. We ensure that the personal data of our customers is fully protected to the extent that it remains anonymous. This is especially important because we value the privacy of our clients.

  • Full round the clock customer service .

  • Reliable Connection - Fully aware that connectivity is paramount when it comes to cloud computing. That's why we maintain and constantly update our connection to optimize the end user experience.

  • Connecting to more than 30 countries - You can easily connect to more than 30 countries of the world and choose from 10,000 numbers.

The above mentioned are just some of the main benefits that you can get from connecting virtual numbers. But let me remind you that not every service provider offers the same thing on the Internet. 

Now that you know about the advantages and benefits that you can get from a virtual phone number, you can safely register and test the system. And if you are still in doubt or have questions, feel free to send us a message via chat or email. Rest assured that technical specialists  will provide you with the assistance and explanations you need to work in the service.

Mar 25 '23 · 0 comments

Having your own online store without large initial costs is quite realistic in the case of dropshipping. The dropshipping business model is only growing in popularity. Reliable suppliers and their search are the moments that excite new salespeople.

Dropshipping Features

Drop shipping or direct delivery is a type of sales when a manufacturer's product (dropshipping supplier) is sold with the help of an intermediary (merchant). The latter only finds buyers and transfers the order to the supplier. Which independently is engaged in packing and sending goods. The difference between the retail price of the store and the wholesale price of the supplier is the profit of the merchant. At the same time, you do not need to spend money on renting warehouse space, purchasing products, and salaries for staff. 

But, if the merchant wants to be successful, he will have to work hard. At the very least, you need to set up an online outlet, find good dropshippers, and invest in store promotion. 

A logical question immediately arises - why don't customers immediately buy from the manufacturer, for example, children's clothing? Because not every supplier wants and knows how to sell. Merchant just does this for his percentage. 

Ways to find suppliers

For reliability, it is better to cooperate with several suppliers at once, even in the same field. There are special catalogs and databases with prices from manufacturers in the network, the data in which is constantly updated. Resources publish a rating of successful dropshippers, including halla systems, some even with reviews. The price list can be downloaded immediately or it is sent upon request. 

What are the advantages of dropshipping?

The advantages of the system are undeniable:

  1. Minimum expenses, without storage, accounting, purchasing and other costs.
  2. Minimum number of employees. Only for marketing promotion, order processing and customer consultation. Packing and shipping are the responsibility of the supplier.
  3. Unlimited business expansion. The more suppliers, the wider the range, respectively, - more orders. But the costs will remain the same.
  4. Easy change of activity. You can try one trendy type of product, then another or a third. No new costs.
  5. Invaluable experience. With dropshipping, you can always test a niche. In case of its profitability, you can retrain yourself as a manufacturer.
What are the cons of dropshipping?

Like every business, this business model also has disadvantages:

  1. Difficulties with logistics. Especially with one order from different suppliers. Here you will either have to increase the price of the goods, or pay for the delivery yourself.
  2. Virtually no process control. Availability in the warehouse, the correspondence of the photo to reality, the quality of the products are unknown in this equation. And if something goes wrong, the seller will be guilty. 
  3. Lack of a unique brand. When selling, for example, women's trendy accessories: bags, shoes, clothes, these will be someone else's branded items from someone else's warehouse, without the original logo. 
  4. Fierce competition. Easy entry into the business causes a large number of participants. In addition, all trending niches have long been dismantled by the "bison" of dropshipping. The competition among wholesalers with a low cost of goods is also relevant. Which simply take away buyers.

In addition, it cannot be ruled out that, having received the contact of the customer, the dropshipper will make offers to him, bypassing the merchant. To minimize the risks, you need to look for decent manufacturers.

Mar 17 '23 · 0 comments

With the help of a mobile POS-terminal, you can significantly expand the geography of your sales. But not every business will benefit from such acquiring.

What is mobile acquiring

Mobile acquiring  is a technology that allows you to accept payment for goods or services with bank cards using a smartphone or tablet computer and an M-POS terminal connected to them, for example,Ingenico iWL251.

Mobile POS-terminals can be connected to a smartphone or tablet based on Apple iOS or Android, as well as to a personal computer. There are no separate restrictions on the acceptance of bank cards by a mobile POS terminal. Types and types of payment cards can be limited both by the acquiring bank (certifications in the PS) and the capabilities of the mobile POS-terminal (acceptance of cards with a magnetic stripe and/or chip, contactless cards).

Pros and cons of mobile acquiring

Among the advantages of mobile acquiring technology is the compact size of M-POS terminals used in mobile acquiring. Today it is the smallest type of POS-terminals on the market. In addition, the software that needs to be installed on a mobile device to use the M-Pos-terminal provides for the possibility of keeping a record of completed payment transactions and creating templates to speed up settlements.

However, one cannot but mention the problems with ensuring the security of payment transactions. Since the transaction process takes place through unsecured mobile phone software, there is a high probability of fraud using payment card data. In addition, M-POS terminals do not provide for the possibility of printing a receipt - the main document confirming the transaction, which significantly increases the risks on the part of the buyer of a product or service who decides to make a payment using such equipment.

Connection and installation of mobile acquiring

Tariffication of merchant acquiring services when installing a mobile POS terminal at a point of sale is similar to installing a classic POS terminal. A mobile (portable) POS-terminal is installed at merchants who need to ensure that the client pays for goods or services in the area where the client is present. For example, a pharmacy at night limits the entrance of customers and makes payments in the entrance area.

A mobile (portable) POS-terminal installed at a merchant that provides trade and service services for customers in a stationary room (office) is mainly provided by classic models that differ from stationary POS-terminals only in the presence of a battery.

If the merchant sells his goods or services outside the stationary office, then mobile POS-terminals of compact models are used. They are ideal for paying with payment cards when delivering goods and services to your home, when paying for transport services - taxis, cargo transportation, and so on.    

The best way to install a mobile POS terminal is to contact the bank and conclude a merchant acquiring agreement. The merchant can also independently purchase a POS-terminal from the supplier's company. But in this case, he will be limited in choosing a serving acquiring bank, since the equipment, before use, must be certified by the acquiring bank together with the processing center in international payment systems, whose cards will be accepted for payment.

Dec 19 '22 · 0 comments
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