• The objective of the certification of a local area network, be it copper or fiber optic, is to verify that the installation of that network complies with the technical parameters necessary to comply with international regulations related to the type of installation.

    The fact that the data circulates through a cable does not ensure that they do so with the quality, speed and security established for a local area network in its different categories, nor does it guarantee that it will do so in any situation, at any temperature, or in future applications that arise.

    The certification will allow us to effectively verify that the installation has been carried out correctly and complying with all the parameters, both for the present and for the future.

    In Mexico we could find certifying entities that can validate that a structured cabling either for voice, data or cctv complies with national or international standards, however that does not imply or issue a guarantee of quality and useful life of the cabling and with this we explain the following points:

    Certificate of compliance with Standards: In this case, a non-profit entity that can validate the correct installation of a Structured Cabling based on standards.

    Certificate of Extended Warranty with the Manufacturer: The manufacturer of UTP / FTP cable , in its manufacturing process, will normally comply with the standards so that its cable exceeds the requirements of noise cancellation or interference,

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