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"Funny, I thought about it one day, but that I found it hard to believe the best thing for me was my bike, although there were plenty to choose from."

Mr. Fast said he thinks first, of this bike. It was all for him. He remembered as well what happened to Lucy Zanders and him, when loving sights were held down to the first look; but with the bicycles and competitions, there was no emotion for anything else.

"I lost her, too, but not my bike. I did love her, you know," he said. "But she made me to choose so I chose this," Mr. Fast pointed to his bike his lips in a dry smile, which it was replaced by a betterment grim. He lifts the large backpack from the floor and adjusts it to his waist. "It isn't so bad as you seem to think. I've on that weighted me. This one is a secret and it needs by no excuse, but a choice. There've been a lot of times I wished to be different, a teacher or something."

In his eyes one can catches the glimpse of a tear showing how such it has changed his life. There is no longer anger or sadness or any concern about it, but just as a last chapter.

He walks slowly to his bike and his fingers drop gently on the handlebars that are equipped with bar-shifters.
Created: Nov 17 '16 · Admin: adeliajames