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How Masticating Juicers Work and What Benefit Can You Get From It

Masticating juicers are one of the many kinds of juicers worldwide. This type of fruit and vegetable juicer features an auger that turns at about eighty to one hundred RPMs, and literally chews up all the fiber of vegetables and fruits. This process of masticating is much slower than the process done in a centrifugal juicer. It is because masticating juicers help to trace more minerals, fiber and vitamins, and even helps in extracting more enzymes, resulting to good health. This slow yet efficient masticating process can be considered when you are planning to purchase a juicer.


How Does Masticating Juicers Work?


Masticating juicers typically work with an auger or single gear - a drilling device or drill bit, which includes a rotating helical blade called the flighthing that act as the screw conveyor in order remove the drilled-out material, which in this case, the pulp. After that, the remaining juice is strained through the wire mesh and then collected. While the auger turns, all the inserted vegetables or fruits and produce are crush and squeezed against the juicers' outside wall. The wire mesh, screen or filter that lines the wall side is the one that holds the pulp while other remaining juices are squeezed out. Since this masticating process is slowly done, the extract of the juice will not be heated up. Therefore, enzymes and nutrients at this much lower temperature are all able to kept intact and survive within the extracted juice.


What Benefits Can A Masticating Juicer Bring?


As a matter of fact, there are lots of benefits you can get when you use a masticating juicer. As the juicer's auger crusher and turns your vegetables and fruits, the slow yet efficient process is able to bring you more juice from what you have been inserted. This advantage of using this type of juicer can be seen on its drier pulp. What is a masticating juicer  Because of that, it can be justified that on average, masticating juicers can be able to produce at least 15% up to 20% more extracted juice. These juicers can even be an economical solution for the rising cost of vegetables and fruits.


Created: Apr 26 '16 · Admin: jenny hanson
