vfgejeas's blog


你牙齒的白色實際上來自外層,牙釉質. 健康的牙釉質就像堅固的骨骼,保護著牙齒的內層. 保護牙釉質是保持牙齒潔白的好方法. 有些人的牙齒仍然比其他人的牙齒更白.




美白過程使您的牙齒恢復自然顏色. 污漬和污漬都被去除了,雖然你的牙齒看起來會比手術前好很多,但它們的自然顏色會保持不變. 漂白過程會使你的牙齒變白,超過自然顏色.


大約兩到六周內,你可以使用牙醫推薦的美白牙膏,每天刷牙兩次. 你可以使用經過認證的美白漱口水,通常需要三個月才能產生明顯的效果. 美白條是最有吸引力的內部治療,持續長達六個月. 2021 9月1日


刷牙齒的內側,外側和咀嚼表面. 根據2018年的一項研究,用美白牙膏刷牙也被科學證明可以美白你的笑容. 這些美白牙膏含有溫和的研磨劑,可以擦洗牙齒以去除表面污漬,但足够溫和,安全.


與牙醫討論專業的辦公室漂白,以去除牙齒上的深層污漬. 雖然這種方法被認為是清潔變色牙齒最有效的方法,但它也可能是最昂貴的方法.


牙齒美白是永久的嗎? 牙齒美白不是永久的. 它可以持續幾個月到3年,因人而異. 如果你吸烟或喝紅酒,茶或咖啡,美白效果不會持續那麼久,這些都會污染你的牙齒.


牙垢堆積在牙齒之間和牙齦線上最常見. 酒石本身是多孔的,極易變色和染色. 囙此,食物,飲料和其他因素會使其變成明顯的棕色.



這是牙齒最常見的顏色. 淺黃色表示强烈的健康微笑. 你的牙本質的自然顏色是黃色的,它是一層細小的小管,位於你的牙釉質下麵,連接著每顆牙齒的牙神經. 2021 2月2日


如果你想知道真相,是的,Crest Whitestrips確實有效. 它們可以讓你的牙齒看起來更白,因為一種凝膠沿著條帶擴散並放置在牙齒表面. 這種物質含有過氧化氫或過氧化脲,能穿透牙釉質去除污漬.


Nov 24 '22 · 0 comments


What exactly is mining?

Mining is the process of calculating the location of digital money and obtaining it using computer technology. For example,llgo the Bitcoin system creates a random code on the system nodes every now and then, and any computers on the Internet may seek for this code. Whoever discovers this code will create a block and get a bitcoin; this process is known as mining. Because calculating this random code needs a large number of GPU operations, miners buy vast numbers of graphics cards in order to get bitcoins more rapidly and profitably.

The mechanism of virtual currency mining is that miners utilize computers to complete these processes and are subsequently rewarded with virtual cash.

Bitcoin has a limited total, with the first four years producing a total of 10,500,000 BTC, then halving the amount produced every four years, producing 5,250,000 BTC in years four through eight, only 2,625,000 BTC in years eight through twelve, and so on. Finally, the total amount of bitcoins produced is close to 21,000,000 BTC.

Based on the data structure, one bitcoin is split into eight decimal places, which is 0.00000001 BTC, and the lowest unit of bitcoin miners can mine is 0.00000001 BTC.

In layman's terms, Bitcoin is analogous to a gold mountain containing 21 million coins. To get it, players must utilize the processing capacity of their computer to calculate a set of integers using the current method.

Simply simply, mining is the process of creating digital money. The data on the chain is recorded using blockchain technology and then broadcasted in order to get a reward, which is the freshly created digital money.

There are now two methods of digital currency issuance: one via a computer executing a particular algorithm to compete for accounting rights (POW proof-of-work mechanism), and the other through interest received by holding a genuine digital currency (POS proof-of-equity mechanism).

Why do we mine?

Mining is the process of calculating the location of digital money and obtaining it using computer technology.

Why the term "mining"?

Bitcoin is a distributed ledger with no centralized authority (the central authority for the RMB is the central bank). Bitcoin is intended to be a highly complicated mathematical issue that necessitates the use of a computer to do sophisticated calculations, and the first person to find out the correct answer gets the right to hold the ledger for 10 minutes. The first person to obtain the right answer wins the 10-minute book. The individual who conducts the accounting is paid with bitcoins, a process known as "mine" since it is akin to gold mining. Originally, mining computers were conventional computers, but due to the growing complexity of computing, they are now employing professional computing equipment known as "mining machines."

"Mining must be aware"

I. What exactly is a mining machine?

A mining machine's arithmetic power and power consumption are the two most crucial measures. Arithmetic power determines how many coins a mining machine can produce per unit of time, while power consumption determines how much power a mining machine can consume per unit of time. For example, a mining machine with an arithmetic power of 13.5TH/s (13.5T Hash operations per second) and a power consumption of 1200W. (1.2 degrees of electricity per hour).

II. What exactly is a mining farm?

Power supply (sufficient power supply and reasonable wiring), heat dissipation (the heat of the mining machine is very high, minus 20 degrees in the winter in Inner Mongolia, the mine is very hot without closing the windows), noise (mining machine noise is very loud, to prevent nuisance), and site are the main requirements (the more appropriate cost is the plant).

Third, what exactly is a mining pool?

The mining pool, like the previous paragraph mining inside the same, early mining is like a lottery, there is a probability of winning, and then many people put the computing power of the mining machine together to mining, so that the formation of the mining pool, the larger the pool the higher the probability of winning, the prize of all the mining pool inside the mining machine equal share, so that the mining machine

Nov 9 '22 · 0 comments