vfgejeas's blog


樹根被廣泛認為是造成水管和下水道堵塞和堵塞的首要原因。 雖然樹根侵入老舊房屋的筦道更為常見,但樹根可以進入任何年齡的系統。


手動排水蛇,也稱為管道工的蛇或排水螺旋鑽,是一種小型鑽孔工具,當它被身體推過頑固的堵塞時,它會緩慢旋轉。 該裝置的終端是一個螺旋形的鉤子,被送入堵塞的下水道或廁所。


漿液引流主要由血漿組成。 它通常很薄,有水,通常會有一個清晰的黃色或棕色的外觀。 在癒合的第一階段,少量漿液引流是正常的。


可樂是一種鮮為人知的飲料,你可以在冰柜裏找到。 將一瓶2昇的可樂——百事可樂、可樂或通用品牌代用品——倒入堵塞的下水道。 事實上,可口可樂具有很强的腐蝕性,能有效清除下水道中的積垢,但它比商用下水道清潔劑溫和得多。


讓水槽完全排水。 這可能需要時間,但最終會解决的
使用相同的漏斗向排水管中加入1 1/4杯白醋



有些人說每週、兩個月或每季度。 然而,我們認為每月清潔排水管應該足以避免出現重大的筦道問題。 每月一次的清潔可以讓你使用安全的清潔方法,這將為你節省時間、精力和金錢。



小蘇打與醋是一種非常有效的組合,可以幫助清除討厭的頭髮堵塞。 除了幫助溶解下水道中的頭髮外,小蘇打還具有消毒劑的特性,可以對抗真菌和細菌。 2021 05月31日


您有感染迹象,例如:疼痛加劇、腫脹、發熱或周圍發紅。 從該區域引出的紅色條紋。 從該區域流出的糞便。 發燒


0:00<br>1:13<br>水槽底部孔的開口尺寸是多少。 如果大約是一加五


跟踪被排水管堵塞堵塞的水的速度和擴散情况,是一個很好的第一個名額,表明你面臨的浴缸堵塞有多嚴重。 如果水在快速上升和擴散,而且似乎無意停止,最好的辦法是儘快尋求專業幫助。


Oct 26 '22 · 0 comments


1、Scotch whisky history is the oldest?

In fact, the first legal whisky distillery is not in Scotland, but Ireland.

In 1608, Ireland's OldBushmills distillery was first granted a distillation license by the then King James I, and became the first legal production of whisky distillery. However, it is generally believed that Bowmore was the first distillery to receive a license in Scotland in 1779, more than 170 years after the Irish distillery. In fact, there were more than 200 distilleries in Ireland in the 18th century, a larger number than in Scotland, but unfortunately these distilleries closed down one after another due to wars and other reasons, and only a few Irish distilleries remained.


To deduce the age of a bottle of whiskey is sometimes very difficult, especially clubone好唔好 early years of production. Today to teach you a way to let you can more clearly deduce the date of production, that is, pay attention to the volume of the bottle. Previously, Scottish law required that the volume of whisky be 750mL, but this was changed to 700mL in 1990, so if you have a bottle of The Macallan 10 year old whisky and the volume is 750mL, you can be almost certain that the bottle was produced in the 80's or earlier. However, readers should be aware of some contingencies, such as the United States still requires that the volume of whiskey sold must be 750mL, so if the bottle is imported to the United States, this method will be wrong.

3、You won't find Scotch whisky distilled in 1944

During the Second World War, most of the Scotch whisky distilleries stopped making whisky because the country needed wheat seed for military pay. Therefore, most of the Scottish distilleries could not use malt to distill whisky unless they had special permission. Checking records, only the following distilleries were licensed to distill between 1941 and 1943: Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, The Macallan, Mortlach and HighlandPark, and there is not even a single bottle of 1944 distilled whisky on the market. Next time if you see a 1944 whisky, you will understand what happened.

4、Why is there a 39 degree whisky?

Have you ever noticed that some old Japanese whiskies are occasionally 39 degrees or 37 degrees?

This seems very strange, after all, in Scotland, the alcohol must be 40 degrees to be called whisky, but in Japan there is no such law. Before the new alcohol tax was introduced in Japan, the tax collected by the government was proportional to the alcoholic strength, and the higher the alcoholic strength, the higher the tax paid. Therefore, whisky manufacturers occasionally released whisky with an alcohol content of less than 40 degrees in order to reduce the tax paid. But this situation has disappeared after the Japanese tax reform in 1989.

5、Can't find the name of the distillery on the label?

Originally, not every bottle of single malt whisky will indicate its distillery, some individual bottlers due to contractual relations and can not publish the name of the distillery, so sometimes will write a fictitious distillery name, such as: Ballindalloch or PrideofStrathspey, etc.. In most cases these fictitious distillery names are not reused and therefore it is impossible to tell what they really are. But there are exceptions, for example Ballindalloch generally stands for Glenfarclas, Hebrides for Talisker, etc. This may be the bottling plant intends to let customers know the true face of the distillery and can very much avoid the rejection of the contract it.

6、Whisky to "shake the gas"?

Yes! Whiskey and red wine is the same as the need to unwind. Many people think that whisky can be ready to drink, but according to my experience, most whisky will be more delicious a month after opening the cap. Therefore, I suggest that readers of the newly opened bottle of whisky need to be in the glass "shake gas" for at least 15 minutes to enjoy, so that one can let the excess alcohol evaporate away, reducing the bad stimulation of the nose; secondly, the whisky after a slight oxidation will be more prominent flavor, structure will be more obvious. Some particularly high alcohol content of the original single cask, I even tried to open the wine to room temperature for a month 威士忌 香港, the quality of the wine compared to just open the lid 10 times better!

7, the wine tears or "hanging edge" is the old age?

I have heard some friends who are new to whisky infer that some whiskies are old because they have long tears. This statement is incorrect. It is not the age of the whisky that determines how long the tears are in the glass, but rather the concentration of compounds (especially oils) in the spirit that affects the length of the tears. In addition, the concentration of alcohol is partly responsible, but certainly has no direct influence on age.

Oct 19 '22 · 0 comments