vfbjfhouxiao's blog


Choice is sometimes more important than effort. A good entrance exam is just the beginning, a good choice of major is also very important, after graduation can take a lot less detours.

I believe that graduates in the past two years should have a deep understanding. The continued impact of the epidemic, the economic downturn, the implementation of the policy of double reduction, housing and housing do not speculate, inhibit the disorderly expansion of capital, the past decade is very beautiful construction, civil engineering students graduated that faced the dilemma of unemployment, the past great popularity of computer graduates also did not find very satisfactory job. In fact, such a result is closely related to the decision of choosing a major four years ago. Everyone is oriented to the social popularity. There is some reason to be oriented by social popularity, but there is a bias. Because the real driver of our future work and employment is the national policy, and the social hot spots are also the result of the national policy.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the trend and keep pace with the development of the country.

In the past decade, the country vigorously develop energy conservation and environmental protection, a new generation of information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, new energy vehicles and other strategic emerging industries. At the time of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the country supported accelerating breakthroughs in core technologies in the fields of new generation information and communication, new energy, new materials, aerospace, biomedicine, and intelligent manufacturing, while deeply promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, building public service platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation, and encouraging large enterprises to establish technology transfer and service platforms.

During the past decade, thanks to the state's focused support, service platforms such as Drip and MeituanCHO Wing sing, new energy vehicles have made the bend, and new brands such as Azure, Xiaopeng and Ideal have come into everyone's life. And the students who chose these majors at the beginning also had a good time.

The past has gone, the future has come. Development is advancing with each passing day. Many situations in the past ten years have changed significantly, so you should choose your major based on the current environment and the development direction of the country.

Regarding the development direction of the country, I recommend you to read the 14th Five-Year Plan of the country. Why do I recommend reading the 14th Five-Year Plan instead of the 2035 Vision? The main reasons are as follows.

First of all, the choice of major in college is from the perspective of employment. 2022 is the second year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and students who are in college this year will graduate just before the next plan begins. The major you are studying now is the key direction of the national 14th Five-Year Plan, so when you graduate, the industry you are in will not be too "cold" to find a job.

Then, it is also a matter of national development direction, why not make a choice according to the 2035 vision plan? Wouldn't this be more beneficial to career planning? Theoretically, this makes a little sense. But on the operational level, it is not very feasible. Time back 15 years, that is, in 2007, if the students chose the direction of new energy, 2010 graduation, new energy is still in the beginning of the stage, there is no job, nor can we talk about development. Income is not guaranteed, you are likely to change careers.

Finally, it is also a more practical reason. Vision is the direction of our development, our country's five-year short-term planning is the path to achieve medium- and long-term goals, reference to the five-year plan, you can clearly perceive the changes, so as to facilitate their own adjustments. At the same time, the five-year plan is a task that must be completed, and by referring to the short-term plan, you can get a general glimpse of the current state of development five years later.

Dec 30 '22 · 0 comments


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Dec 13 '22 · 0 comments

is different in that children

Soccer teaches children the qualities of life

Be strong and brave

Soccer is a highly competitive sport, so it is hard to avoid collisions on the field. When children play soccer, they卜維廉中學新聞 they encounter on the field from the very beginning, learn to pick up from where they fall, and then know how to meet the challenges and move forward on the road to growth.

Unity and collaboration

Soccer culture sport is a study team to carry out sports, to develop to win the game, a person strong is useless, need our team 11 personal information to coordinate with each other and fight side by side. Therefore, children who play soccer must first understand that they themselves are part of the team, the collective, and must learn both how to realize the ideas of the enterprise itself and let others recognize China itself, but also must learn to give in and recognize the strengths of others. Such a process allows the child a way to get truly integrated into the group, to know how to work together and to practice teamwork.

Concentration and responsiveness

When doing a single sport, children usually only need to focus on themselves and their accomplishments. But soccer is different in that children need to focus on all the activities on the field, including teammates, opponents and changes in the position of the soccer ball. This requires children to practice adequate concentration and the ability to expand their attention span and improve their reflexes.

Know respect and follow the rules

There are rules to any game. If you want to play soccer, you must follow the rules; capriciousness will not solve any problems, but will result in a red card. Therefore, children who play soccer should know how to respect the authority of coaches and referees and know how to follow the rules, which is an important lesson that children must learn to establish themselves in society.

Patience and Resilience

A Chinese soccer teaching game 90 minutes, not necessarily every minute will affect the advantage of being in the lead of the score, in the score behind, a team with excellent ability is not their own discouragement and "swing", but will be fully developed to find each of our students can turn over the opportunity to actively carry out the adjustment of the social mentality, patiently looking for The team's ability is not to deflate and "swing" itself, but to develop all-out to find opportunities for each of our students to turn the ball over, to make positive social adjustments, and to patiently look for openings before dealing the killer blow. This is the power of patience and resilience, never giving up until their last moment.

Persistence and responsibility

Soccer can be a fun, but through training inevitably boring, involved in the team training of children we must learn is persistence and perseverance. Perseverance and training are essential to the development of results and for students to become world class soccer players. At the same time for the child to understand that perseverance is not only to improve themselves, but also to achieve the whole team, to ensure that the whole community collective, which is a job responsibility, but also an honor.


For competitive sports, it is essentially a win-win game. Each player on the field is eager to win, eager to achieve victory through the team's efforts. It is this desire to win that inspires children to be aggressive step by step, so that they understand that only by being aggressive can they keep reaping victories.

Ability to suffer setbacks

The World Cup 32 national societies participated, and finally we only have such a Chinese national team to hold the Hercules Cup. Victory is part of the game, but defeat is even more part of the game. Children playing soccer, inevitably will suffer defeat or frustration, only students learn to learn to accept and bravely face to solve these frustrations, in order to turn failure into future victory. Frustration is a creative ability, in school education as well as their future society, everyone will encounter a variety of different cultural level of frustration, from an early age is to cultivate for the child to provide good frustration ability, the growth and development of the child has a vital.

Dec 7 '22 · 0 comments