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非接觸溫度計的靈敏度和特异性為97%. 陰性預測值為99%,這對於排除發燒和避免不必要的實驗室檢查尤為重要.


如果您的設備使用探頭來檢測溫度,不準確的讀數可能是探頭即將失效的訊號,您可能需要訂購替代品. 100°+不準確:很可能您的探頭已經短路,可能很快就會開始顯示字母程式碼(例如LLL或HHH).


如果您的體溫為103華氏度(39.4攝氏度)或更高,請致電您的醫療保健提供者. 如果這些症狀或體征伴隨發燒,請立即就醫:嚴重頭痛. 皮疹


將溫度計探頭對準前額中心,保持距離小於1.18英寸(3cm)(理想距離為成人手指的寬度). 不要直接觸摸前額.


如果患者發燒,他們的前額可能會感到很熱. 這可能不準確,但可能提供一些一般資訊. 然而,一個疑似發燒的人觸摸自己的額頭可能不會感覺到任何异常. 囙此,向他人尋求幫助很重要.


最佳預算:亞馬遜iProven Dt-R1221AWG醫用溫度計
亞馬遜最佳多用途溫度計:Elepho eTherm耳前溫度計


正常體溫範圍為97.5°F至99.5°F(36.4°C至37.4°C). 它往往在早晨較低,晚上較高. 大多數醫療保健提供者認為發燒溫度為100.4°F(38°C)或更高. 體溫在99.6°F至100.3°F之間的人有低熱.




如果多人使用同一設備,為了避免細菌在人與人之間傳播,您應在每次使用之間對溫度計進行清洗和消毒. 為了確保安全地對其進行消毒,請按照以下說明清潔数位和紅外版本.


陳腐的 ™ 溫度計是醫院裏必不可少的設備,但它可以用於更廣泛的醫療環境,包括牙醫,護理院和醫生手術. 2021 11月26日


Nov 25 '22 · 0 comments



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Nov 8 '22 · 0 comments

eventually form

Antibiotics are one of the greatest inventions in the history of medicine. During World War II, they were called the "抗生素 of World War II" along with the atomic bomb and radar, and after a long period of development, antibiotics are now very common in medicine. The main function of antibiotics is to kill those microorganisms that may cause diseases and reduce the physical symptoms caused by bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis, and according to research statistics, the mortality rate of tuberculosis in the United States was reduced by 77% after antibiotics were applied to the disease, which means that antibiotics are good for disease prevention.

Although it is said that the application of antibiotics in life research is very with a wide range, but we always have reports of the adverse social effects caused by antibiotics, and they are always people are saying to be careful with antibiotics, this is China why? In fact is the main reason is because of the abuse of antibiotics, common antibiotics are amoxicillin, cephalosporin, penicillin, etc., whether it is a cold, fever or inflammation, eat a grain of amoxicillin has a certain role in relieving the enterprise. Since it is not too common anymore, people learning can often ignore the adverse behavioral reactions it may need to cause. What are some of the adverse factor effects that antibiotics may bring on their own? The following doctor gives you an introduction to analyze.

1, easy to produce drug resistance

The antibiotics are also a kind of medicine, mainly for the body of bacteria to destroy, but bacteria is also a group of "development", in the process of confrontation with drugs will continue to "learn", let themselves become more diverse, more suitable for the body to live in the The bacteria 退化性關節炎治療 do not change, so it is easy to have the drug become less and less effective, which is often called "resistance", until the next time to achieve the same therapeutic effect requires more or more effective drugs, if not controlled, may eventually form If not controlled, the "superbug" may eventually form, causing health hazards.

2. Indiscriminate aggressiveness

There are more than 10 billion bacteria in our body, they each have their own role, and do not affect the development of the body is not a benefit, and antibiotics is a "bacteria terminator", regardless of whether it is harmful pathogenic bacteria or beneficial bacteria, all eliminate, but because we through some students body functions are But because we need bacteria can be carried out, such as intestinal digestion and peristalsis, are companies rely on the function of bacteria, if they do not have bacteria, will affect the company's normal digestive function, these bacteria are destroyed after the community, the body's immune analysis system is more likely to be damaged, the ability to resist external pathogenic bacteria continue to decline, but the mental health problems have little benefit.

3, increase the burden of liver and kidney disease caused

As long as the drug has certain side effects, antibiotics as the biggest "hero" to destroy bacteria, it must contain a large number of chemicals, and these substances are not needed in the body, the liver and kidneys need to metabolize it out of the body. When antibiotics are abused, the level of chemicals in the body increases, which can easily affect the normal liver and kidney metabolism and cause damage to the body, especially during the development of children, antibiotics may affect the immunity later, so they should be treated with care.

In fact, our bodies have the ability to learn just like bacteria, especially since the body contains a type of immune cell called a memory B cell, which is designed to "record" the type of bacteria the body has previously received. The next time the same bacteria appear, antibodies can be produced in a short time to reduce the damage to the body. These self-produced antibodies are healthier and safer than those formed by drug supplementation. Although the disease can cause some adverse effects when it occurs, it is always good for the body.

Therefore, in learning life if there is no for some corporate headaches and minor ailments do not think about taking medicine, drink more hot water, supplement the body nutrition, more sports development helps us to improve their own body immunity, so that immune cells to destroy bacteria on the body activities more positive health, if you are the emergence of some serious problems of disease, then do not be too pedantic, the medication or to take medication on time. Specifically are teachers to be carried out according to the information of the doctor's opinion.

Nov 1 '22 · 0 comments