vfbjfhouxiao's blog

What can I put on my teeth to prevent sensitivity?

Fluoride. A dentist may apply fluoride to sensitive areas of the tooth to strengthen the enamel and relieve pain. He or she may also recommend at-home prescription fluoride, applied through a custom tray. Desensitized or bonded.

Treatment options may include:
saliva replacement products
specific mouthwashes or lidocaine
capsaicin, a pain reliever derived from hot peppers
a drug called clonazepam (Klonopin) Anticonvulsant drugs
Certain antidepressants
Drugs that block nerve pain
More Items -•

Why are my sensitive teeth getting worse?

Coffee and tea are the two most common causes of yellow teeth, but red and white wine are also culprits. Other culprits include dark and light sodas and sports drinks with artificial flavors

現時,ADA推薦高露潔,Sensodyne,Burt's Bees,AIM,Aquafresh®,Crest,Hello和來自緬因州的Tom`s等品牌.

What diseases can cause burning mouth syndrome?

Endocrine disorders, such as diabetes or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) Overstimulation of the mouth, which may be caused by excessive tongue rinsing, use of harsh toothpaste, excessive use of mouthwash, or drinking too many acidic beverages. Psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression or pressure.

Why am I suddenly allergic to toothpaste?

The most common culprits of toothpaste allergies are flavorings such as peppermint, spearmint, or cinnamon, which freshen breath and mask the taste of other ingredients. Other less common allergens include: Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB ), a foaming agent or foaming agent. 6 days ago

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Tongue Pain?

Iron deficiency anemia, lack of vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin B12 and zinc can cause a burning sensation in the tongue.


Which toothpaste is best for sensitive teeth?

When it comes to toothpaste for sensitive teeth, Sensodyne has been one of the most trusted names in India for many years. As the name suggests, this toothpaste is perfect for fixing your minor dental problems and protecting them from allergies. This toothpaste is available in gel form , suitable for adults. March 23, 2021

Why does my tongue feel jerky and burning?

Mouth irritation

Acidic beverages such as soft drinks, spicy food, excessive tooth brushing and overuse of mouthwash can irritate the mouth. If you have a burning sensation in your mouth, try to avoid irritating beverages. 6 days ago

Jan 7 '23 · 0 comments


Choice is sometimes more important than effort. A good entrance exam is just the beginning, a good choice of major is also very important, after graduation can take a lot less detours.

I believe that graduates in the past two years should have a deep understanding. The continued impact of the epidemic, the economic downturn, the implementation of the policy of double reduction, housing and housing do not speculate, inhibit the disorderly expansion of capital, the past decade is very beautiful construction, civil engineering students graduated that faced the dilemma of unemployment, the past great popularity of computer graduates also did not find very satisfactory job. In fact, such a result is closely related to the decision of choosing a major four years ago. Everyone is oriented to the social popularity. There is some reason to be oriented by social popularity, but there is a bias. Because the real driver of our future work and employment is the national policy, and the social hot spots are also the result of the national policy.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the trend and keep pace with the development of the country.

In the past decade, the country vigorously develop energy conservation and environmental protection, a new generation of information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, new energy vehicles and other strategic emerging industries. At the time of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the country supported accelerating breakthroughs in core technologies in the fields of new generation information and communication, new energy, new materials, aerospace, biomedicine, and intelligent manufacturing, while deeply promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, building public service platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation, and encouraging large enterprises to establish technology transfer and service platforms.

During the past decade, thanks to the state's focused support, service platforms such as Drip and MeituanCHO Wing sing, new energy vehicles have made the bend, and new brands such as Azure, Xiaopeng and Ideal have come into everyone's life. And the students who chose these majors at the beginning also had a good time.

The past has gone, the future has come. Development is advancing with each passing day. Many situations in the past ten years have changed significantly, so you should choose your major based on the current environment and the development direction of the country.

Regarding the development direction of the country, I recommend you to read the 14th Five-Year Plan of the country. Why do I recommend reading the 14th Five-Year Plan instead of the 2035 Vision? The main reasons are as follows.

First of all, the choice of major in college is from the perspective of employment. 2022 is the second year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and students who are in college this year will graduate just before the next plan begins. The major you are studying now is the key direction of the national 14th Five-Year Plan, so when you graduate, the industry you are in will not be too "cold" to find a job.

Then, it is also a matter of national development direction, why not make a choice according to the 2035 vision plan? Wouldn't this be more beneficial to career planning? Theoretically, this makes a little sense. But on the operational level, it is not very feasible. Time back 15 years, that is, in 2007, if the students chose the direction of new energy, 2010 graduation, new energy is still in the beginning of the stage, there is no job, nor can we talk about development. Income is not guaranteed, you are likely to change careers.

Finally, it is also a more practical reason. Vision is the direction of our development, our country's five-year short-term planning is the path to achieve medium- and long-term goals, reference to the five-year plan, you can clearly perceive the changes, so as to facilitate their own adjustments. At the same time, the five-year plan is a task that must be completed, and by referring to the short-term plan, you can get a general glimpse of the current state of development five years later.

Dec 30 '22 · 0 comments


不幸的是,這種保存方法會產生致癌副產物,這意味著它會導致人類癌症. 中式鹹魚和加工肉一樣,是一類致癌物. 替代品:新鮮魚或海鮮,如對蝦,貽貝或魷魚.


許多化學致癌物在體內持續存在幾十年,並新增了患各種癌症的風險. 致癌物可能通過致突變,非致突變或錶觀遺傳機制起作用,也可能由內分泌系統的破壞引起.





1:吸烟比吸烟危害小,但仍然不安全. 電子烟加熱尼古丁(從烟草中選取),調味劑和其他化學物質,產生氣霧劑,讓你吸入. 普通烟草香烟含有7000種化學物質,其中許多是有毒的.




黴菌暴露的症狀可能包括頭痛,喉嚨痛,流鼻涕,咳嗽,打噴嚏,眼睛流淚和疲勞. 哮喘患者可能會發生哮喘發作. 免疫系統受損者可能會發生嚴重感染.


第1組:對人類致癌. 2A組:可能對人類致癌. 2B組:可能對人類致癌. 第3組:對人類的致癌性不可分類.


黑色素瘤幾乎可以擴散到身體的任何地方,但最常見的擴散部位是:淋巴結. 肺. 肝臟




紅肉的證據並不明確,囙此IARC將其列為可能致癌物(2A組). 2021 7月22日

Dec 13 '22 · 0 comments

is different in that children

Soccer teaches children the qualities of life

Be strong and brave

Soccer is a highly competitive sport, so it is hard to avoid collisions on the field. When children play soccer, they卜維廉中學新聞 they encounter on the field from the very beginning, learn to pick up from where they fall, and then know how to meet the challenges and move forward on the road to growth.

Unity and collaboration

Soccer culture sport is a study team to carry out sports, to develop to win the game, a person strong is useless, need our team 11 personal information to coordinate with each other and fight side by side. Therefore, children who play soccer must first understand that they themselves are part of the team, the collective, and must learn both how to realize the ideas of the enterprise itself and let others recognize China itself, but also must learn to give in and recognize the strengths of others. Such a process allows the child a way to get truly integrated into the group, to know how to work together and to practice teamwork.

Concentration and responsiveness

When doing a single sport, children usually only need to focus on themselves and their accomplishments. But soccer is different in that children need to focus on all the activities on the field, including teammates, opponents and changes in the position of the soccer ball. This requires children to practice adequate concentration and the ability to expand their attention span and improve their reflexes.

Know respect and follow the rules

There are rules to any game. If you want to play soccer, you must follow the rules; capriciousness will not solve any problems, but will result in a red card. Therefore, children who play soccer should know how to respect the authority of coaches and referees and know how to follow the rules, which is an important lesson that children must learn to establish themselves in society.

Patience and Resilience

A Chinese soccer teaching game 90 minutes, not necessarily every minute will affect the advantage of being in the lead of the score, in the score behind, a team with excellent ability is not their own discouragement and "swing", but will be fully developed to find each of our students can turn over the opportunity to actively carry out the adjustment of the social mentality, patiently looking for The team's ability is not to deflate and "swing" itself, but to develop all-out to find opportunities for each of our students to turn the ball over, to make positive social adjustments, and to patiently look for openings before dealing the killer blow. This is the power of patience and resilience, never giving up until their last moment.

Persistence and responsibility

Soccer can be a fun, but through training inevitably boring, involved in the team training of children we must learn is persistence and perseverance. Perseverance and training are essential to the development of results and for students to become world class soccer players. At the same time for the child to understand that perseverance is not only to improve themselves, but also to achieve the whole team, to ensure that the whole community collective, which is a job responsibility, but also an honor.


For competitive sports, it is essentially a win-win game. Each player on the field is eager to win, eager to achieve victory through the team's efforts. It is this desire to win that inspires children to be aggressive step by step, so that they understand that only by being aggressive can they keep reaping victories.

Ability to suffer setbacks

The World Cup 32 national societies participated, and finally we only have such a Chinese national team to hold the Hercules Cup. Victory is part of the game, but defeat is even more part of the game. Children playing soccer, inevitably will suffer defeat or frustration, only students learn to learn to accept and bravely face to solve these frustrations, in order to turn failure into future victory. Frustration is a creative ability, in school education as well as their future society, everyone will encounter a variety of different cultural level of frustration, from an early age is to cultivate for the child to provide good frustration ability, the growth and development of the child has a vital.

Dec 7 '22 · 0 comments

非接觸溫度計的靈敏度和特异性為97%. 陰性預測值為99%,這對於排除發燒和避免不必要的實驗室檢查尤為重要.


如果您的設備使用探頭來檢測溫度,不準確的讀數可能是探頭即將失效的訊號,您可能需要訂購替代品. 100°+不準確:很可能您的探頭已經短路,可能很快就會開始顯示字母程式碼(例如LLL或HHH).


如果您的體溫為103華氏度(39.4攝氏度)或更高,請致電您的醫療保健提供者. 如果這些症狀或體征伴隨發燒,請立即就醫:嚴重頭痛. 皮疹


將溫度計探頭對準前額中心,保持距離小於1.18英寸(3cm)(理想距離為成人手指的寬度). 不要直接觸摸前額.


如果患者發燒,他們的前額可能會感到很熱. 這可能不準確,但可能提供一些一般資訊. 然而,一個疑似發燒的人觸摸自己的額頭可能不會感覺到任何异常. 囙此,向他人尋求幫助很重要.


最佳預算:亞馬遜iProven Dt-R1221AWG醫用溫度計
亞馬遜最佳多用途溫度計:Elepho eTherm耳前溫度計


正常體溫範圍為97.5°F至99.5°F(36.4°C至37.4°C). 它往往在早晨較低,晚上較高. 大多數醫療保健提供者認為發燒溫度為100.4°F(38°C)或更高. 體溫在99.6°F至100.3°F之間的人有低熱.




如果多人使用同一設備,為了避免細菌在人與人之間傳播,您應在每次使用之間對溫度計進行清洗和消毒. 為了確保安全地對其進行消毒,請按照以下說明清潔数位和紅外版本.


陳腐的 ™ 溫度計是醫院裏必不可少的設備,但它可以用於更廣泛的醫療環境,包括牙醫,護理院和醫生手術. 2021 11月26日


Nov 25 '22 · 0 comments



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Nov 8 '22 · 0 comments

eventually form

Antibiotics are one of the greatest inventions in the history of medicine. During World War II, they were called the "抗生素 of World War II" along with the atomic bomb and radar, and after a long period of development, antibiotics are now very common in medicine. The main function of antibiotics is to kill those microorganisms that may cause diseases and reduce the physical symptoms caused by bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis, and according to research statistics, the mortality rate of tuberculosis in the United States was reduced by 77% after antibiotics were applied to the disease, which means that antibiotics are good for disease prevention.

Although it is said that the application of antibiotics in life research is very with a wide range, but we always have reports of the adverse social effects caused by antibiotics, and they are always people are saying to be careful with antibiotics, this is China why? In fact is the main reason is because of the abuse of antibiotics, common antibiotics are amoxicillin, cephalosporin, penicillin, etc., whether it is a cold, fever or inflammation, eat a grain of amoxicillin has a certain role in relieving the enterprise. Since it is not too common anymore, people learning can often ignore the adverse behavioral reactions it may need to cause. What are some of the adverse factor effects that antibiotics may bring on their own? The following doctor gives you an introduction to analyze.

1, easy to produce drug resistance

The antibiotics are also a kind of medicine, mainly for the body of bacteria to destroy, but bacteria is also a group of "development", in the process of confrontation with drugs will continue to "learn", let themselves become more diverse, more suitable for the body to live in the The bacteria 退化性關節炎治療 do not change, so it is easy to have the drug become less and less effective, which is often called "resistance", until the next time to achieve the same therapeutic effect requires more or more effective drugs, if not controlled, may eventually form If not controlled, the "superbug" may eventually form, causing health hazards.

2. Indiscriminate aggressiveness

There are more than 10 billion bacteria in our body, they each have their own role, and do not affect the development of the body is not a benefit, and antibiotics is a "bacteria terminator", regardless of whether it is harmful pathogenic bacteria or beneficial bacteria, all eliminate, but because we through some students body functions are But because we need bacteria can be carried out, such as intestinal digestion and peristalsis, are companies rely on the function of bacteria, if they do not have bacteria, will affect the company's normal digestive function, these bacteria are destroyed after the community, the body's immune analysis system is more likely to be damaged, the ability to resist external pathogenic bacteria continue to decline, but the mental health problems have little benefit.

3, increase the burden of liver and kidney disease caused

As long as the drug has certain side effects, antibiotics as the biggest "hero" to destroy bacteria, it must contain a large number of chemicals, and these substances are not needed in the body, the liver and kidneys need to metabolize it out of the body. When antibiotics are abused, the level of chemicals in the body increases, which can easily affect the normal liver and kidney metabolism and cause damage to the body, especially during the development of children, antibiotics may affect the immunity later, so they should be treated with care.

In fact, our bodies have the ability to learn just like bacteria, especially since the body contains a type of immune cell called a memory B cell, which is designed to "record" the type of bacteria the body has previously received. The next time the same bacteria appear, antibodies can be produced in a short time to reduce the damage to the body. These self-produced antibodies are healthier and safer than those formed by drug supplementation. Although the disease can cause some adverse effects when it occurs, it is always good for the body.

Therefore, in learning life if there is no for some corporate headaches and minor ailments do not think about taking medicine, drink more hot water, supplement the body nutrition, more sports development helps us to improve their own body immunity, so that immune cells to destroy bacteria on the body activities more positive health, if you are the emergence of some serious problems of disease, then do not be too pedantic, the medication or to take medication on time. Specifically are teachers to be carried out according to the information of the doctor's opinion.

Nov 1 '22 · 0 comments



您應該能夠在腳趾盒(鞋的前部)內擺動腳趾。看看你是否有足夠的空間,向前滑動你的腳,讓你的腳趾剛好接觸到沒有繫帶的靴子的末端。在這個位置,你的腳後跟底部和靴子之間應該有一個手指的寬度(大約 ½ 英寸)。


他們為他們提供的裝備提供了良好的價值,並且在所有季節和大多數戶外探險中都這樣做。他們的登山鞋尤其如此。 Columbia 登山靴和鞋子是同類產品中最好的,在許多情況下非常時尚。


Sk8-Hi 是 Vans 的另一款經典鞋款,為最粗糙的運動提供額外的腳踝支撐。這款 ComfyCush 版本的 Sk8-Hi 配有帶襯墊的衣領和鞋床,可為硬著陸提供額外的減震效果,並在步行或站在音樂會上等場外活動時增加舒適度。




所羅門鞋是在哪裡生產的?目前,Salomon 與大多數其他運動鞋品牌一樣,在越南或中國生產鞋子。

Doc Martens 會讓你的腳看起來大嗎?

就像他們的 1460 靴子和切爾西鞋一樣,Dr Martens Jadons 確實跑得很大。如果你穿 Dr Martens 靴子的一半尺碼,最好選擇小一號。運動鞋尺碼 11.5 的人會穿 Doc Martens 尺碼 10。如果您發現 Dr Martens 款式有點過於寬敞,可以使用厚襪子或鞋墊。



我可以在路上使用 Pegasus 步道嗎?

MELISSA:Nike 的 Pegasus Trail 4 體現了我神話般的、渴望已久的完美混合鞋款,適合公路和越野跑。如果您的跑步結合了公路和越野跑,那麼這款多功能野獸就是您的理想之選,具有足夠的抓地力(在乾燥、中等的地形上)和速度潛力。




Oct 24 '22 · 0 comments


"Mother, why do you need to drink milk every day?"

"Because milk can bring you superhuman energy ah!"

In the mother's lull 3-year-old Xuan Xuan finally succeeded in drinking cow's milk, every time in order to let the child drink milk, the mother is a great deal of trouble. As a baby mother, Kiki pays close attention to the nutrition of children's diet. Every day Kiki will prepare cow's milk for全脂牛奶推薦, and she has always had the habit of insisting on drinking milk.

In our daily drinks cow's milk is dominant, especially in many families that pay attention to health, everyone has the habit of drinking milk. When the economy was less developed, our standard of living did not reach, so very few families could afford to drink cow's milk at that time. Nowadays, everyone is well fed, well clothed, and often buy some health ingredients to supplement the body, and cow's milk has become a mass consumption commodity.

As we all know, the nutritional value of cow's milk is not replaced by any kind of food. Nowadays, everyone can accept the price of milk, and in many supermarkets, various kinds of cow's milk are necessary sales goods. This people's recognition of milk continues to rise, and the market is full of brands and types of milk, customers thoroughly have to select buttermilk according to their preferences and taste.

However, here is a tip for friends in front of the screen, when buying milk, be sure to look at the shelf life and production date of the milk. Different types of milk have different shelf life times. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.


1, reduce calcium loss

Most women suffer from the effects of menstruation, the body will have a lot of calcium loss, if you insist on drinking milk every day, you can definitely give the body calcium, for reducing calcium loss caused by osteoporosis has a very good effect. The calcium in the cow's milk is rich and can be fully absorbed by the body, so if you want to supplement calcium cow's milk is a good ingredient.

2, beauty and skin care

You can observe the female friends around you, the older you are, the worse the skin condition. If you have the habit of drinking milk in general, you can give the skin to supplement whey protein, which is conducive to retaining the collagen in the skin and maintaining skin elasticity. According to drinking milk can also play a role in promoting intestinal peristalsis, which is good for liver detoxification and keeping the skin clean and smooth. There is also an enzyme component inside the milk with cow is good for anti-inflammatory and swelling, improving the state of edema of the skin.

3、Improve body immunity

The protein in the milk has an antibacterial effect, and the body can adjust the peptide in the body according to the decomposition after the intake of protein, which plays an important role in improving the immune system's ability to fight diseases. Together with the influence of calcium elements, it will make women's body stronger and stronger, and keep away from disease confusion.

4、Stable blood pressure

If you insist on a glass of milk every day, it has a very good effect to help regulate the blood pressure level and avoid the complications of high blood pressure.


Drinking milk must know a few tips

1, can not drink on an empty stomach

As a nutritional product, cow's milk is not suitable for direct consumption on an empty stomach. This is because our body increases its requirement for carbohydrates when we are fasting. If you drink milk in this condition, the protein content of the milk will be converted into carbohydrates after entering the body, thus making the milk lose its own nutrients and even causing indigestion.

2, not too much

Whether after reading this article, we began to produce the desire to drink milk, buttermilk is a good thing to meet the body's nutritional requirements, but, again, good food can not eat more. For healthy adults, the daily amount of milk should be kept at 300 ml or less. Children and adolescents in the growth and development period should consume 300 to 400 mL per day to meet their body's needs. For us ordinary people to choose milk, try to choose whole milk, weight loss groups or groups with high blood lipids can drink skim milk.

3, can not use copper heating milk

In the cold season to drink a glass of 簡單減肥餐單, can give the body to supplement nutrition, but also to nourish the stomach. But in the heating of milk should not apply copper containers, if such containers are used to heat milk, there will be a large number of components produced, which in turn affects the loss of nutrients such as vitamins and other nutrients.

4, do not drink cold milk

We human gastrointestinal is very sensitive, cow's milk and certain fatty substances, cow's milk in a cooler state, relatively large fat molecules are not conducive to gastrointestinal absorption, will trigger digestive stress. So there are many people will have abdominal pain and diarrhea symptoms after drinking milk.


At what time of day is it better to drink milk?


If you choose to drink milk in the morning, be careful to drink it after breakfast. If you drink milk before or抹茶拿鐵 breakfast, it is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients in milk. Drinking milk after breakfast will bring the nutrients in milk to the highest level.

[At night].

Most people understand that drinking milk before going to bed improves the quality of sleep, although the correct approach should be to drink milk an hour or two before going to bed. This will prevent the urge to go to the bathroom just before going to sleep from interfering with sleep, while still not bringing digestive stress.

In conclusion: If you are not in the habit of drinking milk, why not stick to it for a while from today and see if your health will improve?

Oct 17 '22 · 0 comments

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皮疹可在暴露後數分鐘至數小時內出現,可持續 2 至 4 週。接觸性皮炎的體徵和症狀差異很大,可能包括: 發癢的皮疹。比平時更深的皮革斑塊(色素沉著過度),通常出現在棕色或黑色皮膚上。




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頭痛。 ...
腸易激綜合徵 (IBS)




壓力性皮疹或蕁麻疹通常會在幾小時或幾天內消失。重要的是要避免抓撓你的蕁麻疹皮疹,這樣它才能癒合並且不會留下痕跡。有時,壓力性皮疹和蕁麻疹會反復出現數週或數月。當蕁麻疹持續超過 6 週時,稱為慢性蕁麻疹。

Oct 1 '22 · 0 comments
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