urdolls's blog

Can sex doll robots replace human work?

How do you want to meet a beautiful woman, perfect body, willing to have sex? Yes, it will cost you, but no - she is not a prostitute. She is a robot. Of course, "she" as long as the machine has sex. The latest wrinkles of plastic companion, A.I. Sexual robots are a kind of cut for a simple doll because she can talk easily, turn her head, and even have orgasm. Sounds like the future, right? She can do anything, such as telling you a joke, singing a song for you or guiding you.

While some critics worry that sex dolls, especially those with artificial intelligence, cross a dangerous boundary, Kate believes that most criticism comes from fears of unfamiliarity and discomfort in the technical field. Here are some of the things these synthesizers have: they have sensors in the expected position - face, breasts, waist, mouth, vagina - when you touch them, they creep and squat by desire. Sex dolls have the ability to reach orgasm.

Time and time again, when faced with the choice between convenience and affordability and the less obvious benefits of emotional intimacy, humans chose the former. There is no reason to believe that the sex industry will be an exception to this rule. The skeleton of the sex doll also mimics the real body to replicate the real human movement.

However, the robotic fuselage has not yet been developed for gender robots - it developed the company's welcome and service robots - the company is creating a product for the store and restaurant as a hostess.

Sexual dolls can't do emotional work on that level, or provide the benefits of any other less obvious flesh-and-blood friends - but at the same time, your iPhone or any other countless technological advances can't be as easy as our lives. lonely.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, Americans have been plagued by robotic anxiety. In some service industries, these concerns have proven to be predictive. But this technology is far from perfect, although a report predicts that robots can replace human work by 2030, but most people can rest assured that their work is temporarily safe. Most people are also sex workers.

To date, the traditional method of making silicone doll parts has been to use molds and shaped castings. Creating a face for a sex doll using a 3D printer means that the assembly line process will be greatly accelerated, so the production cost of the robot will be reduced. The work of these sex robots around the world continues. In the United States, it is hoped that silicone enthusiasts will be released in time last Christmas.

"If someone starts using these brothels, the dolls can't agree, they don't have any restrictions," she told us. “We know very well what will happen, not during the party. If sex dolls become popular, customers will think [lack of restrictions] is normal.”

It can be said with certainty that the main objections of many sex workers to squat brothels are not moral or philosophical, but economic. The maintenance cost of a sex doll broth may be very high when you consider the level of cleanliness involved in ensuring that a doll meets hygienic standards for repeated use.

Due to the high cost performance, sex dolls are still considered expensive novelty items. Legally, they also exist in a somewhat gray place: they do not technically violate the prostitution laws of most states. Just like Barbie can change heads when you are young, TPE doll can be other people; her face is attracted by magnets, when you are tired of her appearance or when her AI ability reminds her of your mistakes, you can Change her face, voice and personality in one fell swoop.

In the summer of 2018, she flew from London to Southern California. She rented a Ford Mustang convertible and drove to the industrial park in San Marcos, a city in southern Los Angeles. Her destination is a company that produces life-size sex dolls. In her new book "Transfer: Science, Sex and Robotics," Kate describes the moment she first stared at a life-size mini 100cm doll.

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Mar 11 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: doll
Sexual dolls do not have emotional damage caused by daily relationships

His family and best friends know his doll, but he said that he did not "show off" her, preferring to give her to the doll owner. 

How to have sex with a sex doll. This is really nothing complicated. However, it is important to have a bottle of water-based lubricant on hand before you start. I will explain in this guide why it must be based on water as soon as possible. But now, let's discuss strategies for how to have sex with sex dolls!

The effectiveness of this storage solution depends to a large extent on your dolls and more. If you have a high quality skeleton doll that is easy to maintain position, then sitting position should not be a problem, even if there is no fixed method. However, some of my cheap dolls tend to move their positions slightly after a long period of time, which may cause the doll to eventually fall off the chair.

However, this does not mean that you should immediately buy the world's most expensive sex doll. There are a lot of budget options, some of which look and feel close to the same level as the top premium dolls. Accepting a loan and using it as your first doll may be tempting, but I highly recommend not doing it. Starting with a good quality doll, but still at the mid-range price level. For your first purchase, I will recommend a mini 100cm doll for around $1,000.

How to hide and store dolls. The possibility of storing dolls is as much as that of sex doll owners. Every owner tends to come up with new creative solutions to this dilemma, but I will list some of the more common strategies. If you think one of these solutions can work for you, then storing and even hiding your sex dolls shouldn't be a problem.

So far, hanging is the most effective and simple way for me to store my sex dolls. My doll series requires two complete cabinets, but it is a more convenient solution than having them all sit or stand around the house. However, I should mention that you need to buy a strong closet that can handle the weight of the doll. When I heard a sudden "THUMP" in the closet, I learned this firsthand, opened the cabinet door, and I sent a bunch of fallen silicone dolls. There is no doubt that this is a fascinating sight, but I hope to avoid this in the future. Therefore, I now have a cabinet pole made of chrome. That thing can withstand anything!

He said: "I don't think the general public is ready to see people turning around dolls." In terms of sex, sex dolls work in much the same way as real women. Or, not really. They work in exactly the same way as real women, without all the negative aspects that are usually included in the baggage. There are no expensive appointments, no noisy children, and no emotional damage caused by routine relationships.

If he feels lonely, the 33-year-old Nick put his doll and his doll Asao on the bed next to him. He also admitted that after a bad day, he gave her a hug.

A truck driver from Ontario, Canada spent £6,205 on a dream female of the best-selling doll maker in March 2017. He designed her to match the golden hair, blue-eyed blockbuster image in the magazine he had been craving.

The bed is very soft and your doll will not be damaged when laid on the bed. As long as the doll does not have any direct sunlight, high temperature or pressure on the skin. I know that storing new dolls on the bed seems to be a very attractive solution. After all, who doesn't love to hug and caress in the bedroom? I know that I am doing this, which is why I and I put my first doll on the bed for nearly half a year.

“Although I respect and care for my dolls very much.” The critics see them as creepy and weird. One activist said that they may lead to a reduction in sexual life and even violence against real women. However, if you want to try something new and you have the ability to maintain an open mind, sex dolls can add some extra spice to your life. If used well, sexual dolls are incredible. I know I will buy more in the future.

Nick waited for two weeks to have sex with Krystal and then had a cup of coffee.
“It’s great to have sex with a TPE doll, but it’s not like a real woman,” he said. "Psychologically, with a real woman, this will be sexual intercourse, not masturbation, and I obviously will not treat her like an object.

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Mar 11 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: doll
Customized dolls according to your taste

They can even set it as "disgusting", although why you want to do this is beyond us. In a snippet published by the manufacturer on social media, a so-called robot manufacturer asked the doll: "How do you feel about sex?" smell, taste and texture. Products such as mini 100cm doll are often made of realistic materials such as TPE and silicone, but they do not completely replicate the effects of human skin on you. Again, if you have a bad experience with your partner's health problems, it may be a plus for you!

What does the research show? Sex robots are just high-end toys? Or can they provide greater therapeutic goals to help guide or suppress bad behavior - such as rape or pedophilia - or else it can harm real people?

"You can say to her: 'I am very hungry, what should I eat?' She will say: 'You tell me that pizza is your favorite food, maybe you should eat that.'" There is currently no question about how much the robot might cost. The news of money, but we think it is not just a subscription to sex dolls.

Will people fall in love with robots one day? Like sex movies, only a few people can't use robots to distinguish reality. I hope that we will focus on this kind of education rather than demonizing technology. Britain has just opened their first personality doll brothel. He is also proud to say how much he loves sex dolls. He claims to be special and her life is better, so he pats himself. The silicone doll improved his marriage, especially when his wife didn't want to have sex with him and he was desperate because, according to him, men need to have sex.

We asked sex biotechnology researchers, if what is available now is really considered a sex robot and what we can expect in the future. Spoiler Alerts: Interpersonal Relationships - Even casual, mostly or completely - are not just getting off. Sex toys and sex doll are incredible tools, but human partners do a lot of things, such as...

Fortunately, it seems that sexy robots are likely to replace human partners - at least for now. According to a survey by Tufts University researchers, most people think that having sex with a robot is more like using sex toys than sleeping with people. But even if gender is removed, our artificial friends will have other interesting uses in the future.

What do you think the most advanced sex robots will look like in 10 years? Sexual robots within 10 years may be increasingly able to detect sexual movements (eg, touching the nipples and pain levels), but little is known about "typical" sexual interactions - how many people desire or respond to nipples and what Is the best pressure - it will be very difficult to develop accurate "off the shelf" robots. These advances are most likely to come from learning algorithms developed for other non-sexual purposes. The need for advanced computing to integrate peripheral information (nipples, vulva, etc.) and the stigma of working in the field suggests that gender-focused robots won't get the attention of the best scientists until some time after others develop relevant capabilities. I am not optimistic, we will see a lot in 10 years.

Hug and talk to the pillow. Sometimes, the end of sexual behavior may make you feel empty because your neurotransmitters exclude yourself. When you have a lovely person snuggling and talking, it's easy to hit, but sometimes lying in bed with a silent sex toy may exacerbate that feeling of loneliness. Maybe you and the sex doll can listen to the podcast or something together....

His wife also talked about her husband and sex dolls, claiming that her husband used the TPE doll without problems. She said: "For couples, I think that as long as there is trust in mutual relations and mutual respect, the introduction of dolls can help." Users can adjust their doll personality up and down according to their taste.

What negative effects will they have? The biggest possible negative effect is that technical rebounds always occur in sexual behavior: people are ashamed of the robot's sexual behavior. They will feel that they are broken, out of tune or otherwise smaller. In other words, the most likely negative impact comes from the social response to the sex robot, not the robot itself. For people with social anxiety, they may also face challenges, otherwise they may improve social interaction by attracting sexual partners, having family members, and so on. Of course, any device can pose some basic risk of injury, but I believe that those are minimized because security is considered when developing.

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Mar 4 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: doll
How much do you know about sex dolls?

The world, to meet harmony. Fully manual and programmed by computer chips, a somewhat realistic robot is sold by sex doll manufacturers for $15,000. According to the Guardian, she has an intimate relationship, but it is also a "perfect companion", saying - able to quote sex dolls and remember your birthday.

“We found a lot of health claims and we analyzed them,” explains the co-author of the study. She is an academic foundation physician at St. George's University Hospital, London Foundation Trust. “Sex robots may contribute to safe sex, and mini 100cm doll have a therapeutic effect on people with sexual partners or partner problems and may reduce sexual abuse of children.”

Walk into a sex toy store and you'll find a range of colourful dildo, docking plugs and vibrators. In tomorrow's sex shop, you may be welcomed by warm genital sex robots. However, whether you use a toy now or screw a spiral real robot into the future, the same rules apply: use protection and clean up later.

Although sex robots have become commonplace, sex toys are now becoming smarter. There are vibrator programming to help achieve climax and very realistic VR porn in a variety of ways. This is an emerging technology that allows people to communicate remotely (or even strike) with remote partners over the Internet. In the future, sex robots may even get some kind of awareness.

Non-porous materials include pure silica gel, stainless steel, glass, ceramic and medical grade plastics. At the same time, porous materials include elastomers, jelly toys, latex, vinyl, rubber and other materials that may feel more realistic.

The third claim is that sex robots may be used in some way as therapeutic interventions for paedophiles and other sex offenders. The fourth person believes that sex robots may help discourage users from the urge to rape or engage in any form of involuntary sexual activity.

This is why it is important to clean the toy after use. You can wash them with soap and water and soak them, or use antiviral or antibacterial cleansers. Use silicone, metal and glass toys that you can boil for hygiene.

The key issue is that the availability of sex dolls may exacerbate interpersonal problems, especially for shy young people, so that they can avoid facing social problems, and the use of sex dolls may enhance the objectification and exploitation of women - this is very big The extent of attention is paid to certain forms of pornography. The growing interest in sex dolls is because the deterioration of interpersonal relationships can seriously threaten our intimacy and attachment ability? Sex dolls, for some people.

The survey project aims to clarify multiple areas of interest. How much do respondents know about people using sex dolls, and how open are they to personal use of TPE doll? Do they think it is possible to fall in love with robots? Being able to have sex at any time without any obstacles (the robot will never "headache")? Is it okay for a person to marry a robot? Is it a good idea to let robots meet sexual needs? The researchers addressed whether the respondents were stigmatized about the robot's sexual behavior and whether they thought they could be intimate with the humanoid robot.

If you plan to use sex toys with your partner, it is best to use silicone sex doll that are easy to clean. Porous toys are cheaper but more likely to retain sexually transmitted infections, even after you have cleaned. If you use a porous toy, do not share it, or if you use it, be sure to place a condom on it or use a dental dam.

I was an avid science fiction reader since I was a child. I remember reading the classic silver metal lover when I first published it in 1981. Transcendence, Lee explores the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence, tells the story of a lonely young girl, even though she falls in love with the robotic bard. In turn, silicone dolls seem to be more humane through the love of him - although the robot is really alive, or consciousness is just an illusion, but this problem can never be solved. This highlights an important question about the modern evolution of sexy robots: How far can the attachment to lifelessness and more and more human machines go? In order to facilitate an untrue partner, will we give up the relationship with other people and be realistic in the eyes of the onlookers?

More religious respondents said that the more they accept sex with sex doll or humanoid robots. Those who believe that premarital sex is wrong are also open or understood about the use of sex dolls or humanoid robots, and those who believe that premarital sex is beneficial to lovers or believers.

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Feb 26 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: doll
Multiple roles of sex dolls

How to buy my love doll?First, once you have determined the sex of the sex doll. Most order sites start with gender. Once you have finished selecting the gender of your doll, transfer to the race. Asian, Caucasian or other. It all depends on your mood, style and choice. After that, the aesthetic appearance of the doll will appear in the light. You can make your doll look as attractive as you want. Some websites allow you to choose skin tone, built-in, height and many other features.

How to buy a satisfactory sex doll depends on your purpose and the role that sex dolls bring to you. When you buy sex dolls for the first time, the process is really difficult. There are many options based on different factors to choose from on the market that can be confusing. The following information will help you decide where to start when looking for a reasonably priced, best performing sex doll.

Currently, the sex dolls on the market mainly include silicone doll and TPE doll. Be sure to check the seller's comments before finalizing the purchase. Choose a well-known seller to make sure you get what you ordered. Be sure to check the packaging details. Most sex dolls are packed in appropriate boxes, but it's best to check how the seller delivers the doll.

Peer relationship: Companionship is not limited to emotional connections with people. Your long-term partner may be in other cities, states, or even other countries. Living with a spouse can become lonely and unsatisfactory. In addition, if you are single for a long time, the need for companionship and physical intimacy can be increased to an uncontrollable level. Sex dolls can help you reduce stress. You can use the real sex dolls on the market to hug and sleep, and feel the true presence of a partner.

Gifts: Sex dolls are also a good gift for your single friend or family. If you want to see an unexpected family member shocked by your choice, you want to have some fun, sex dolls are the perfect gift. They were more popular before the silicone dolls took over. The main problem with rubber dolls is that it is porous. It is possible for mold and bacteria to start growing on it. You have to make sure it is always clean and dry.

Art: Someone correctly says that art has no boundaries. Therefore, these sex dolls inspired many artists, designers and photographers to try out the craziest projects. There are some photographers and sex dolls on the market who have done a lot of work. Fashion designers will also use these dolls to try on their outfits and see how they will look at real people. In general, these sex dolls provide a bridge between fantasy and reality without compromising social ethics.

Different races: At first, sex dolls basically have similar faces, expressions and styles. Now you can choose to use India, Africa, Asia, USA, France, Russia and Brazil or any type of race in your sex dolls. There are no restrictions on creativity and choice.

Different genders: If you think that sex dolls are only made for men or lesbians, because only female sex dolls are available, you are completely wrong. Sex dolls have male, female and male genders. So basically, you can make your fantasies wild and enjoy some of the most exquisite fantasy with sex dolls.

The artificial intelligence on the dolls is still very basic: they can answer questions, but they can't talk longer. Dolls use vocabulary by connecting to a database supported by Chinese technology giant Baidu.

How to buy my love doll?
First, once you have determined the sex of the sex doll. Most order sites start with gender. Once you have finished selecting the gender of your doll, transfer to the race. Asian, Caucasian or other. It all depends on your mood, style and choice. After that, the aesthetic appearance of the doll will appear in the light. You can make your doll look as attractive as you want. Some websites allow you to choose skin tone, built-in, height and many other features.

It is common to get creases and wrinkles on the skin of the doll. Don't panic if it happens, let the doll rest in a straight position on the floor. Wrinkles will disappear in a short time. If there are wrinkles, do not fold it to avoid any damage. Allow the skin to return to its original shape before storage.

When transporting dolls, be sure to calculate the weight you carry. In general, sex dolls weigh about half the size of a real person of the same shape and size. So you can expect your doll to weigh between 70-100 pounds. Do not apply any weight to the package or doll. Pack the accessories in different boxes during shipping.

In Beijing's push to turn the country into an artificial intelligence (AI) powerhouse and integrate technology into all aspects of life, some Chinese entrepreneurs are bringing their expertise into a new field: sex dolls.

Urdolls is one of the largest sex doll manufacturers in China and is headquartered in the southeast of Guangdong Province, providing customers with the most realistic dolls and services. Customers can personalize their dolls by choosing a variety of look options, including height, hairstyle and eye color.

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Jan 9 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: doll
Sex dolls reduce your sense of isolation

Maybe a lot of people want to have their own sex doll, but you have to know that picking the most suitable silicone adult sex doll can be a daunting task. It is similar to choosing the best phone from among the many available options. Getting a climax that keeps us climax is an advantage we can't ignore.

Some people prefer a flat breasts doll. According to an article in 2014, another sex doll manufacturer, Oriental Industries, believes that anyone who buys their products will no longer want a suitable girlfriend. Their life-size dolls are currently on display in Tokyo and are respected for their great beauty. A report says that the main market for these love dolls is not only collectors who like to live with them, but also others.

I also saw the doll in the bedroom, a more recognizable terrain, and the work is questioning whether a woman is considered to be more than just her body. It has been said that artists are regaining ownership of women's bodies from male characters that are prevalent in women's bodies and women's body spaces in contemporary art.

On the contrary, human sex dolls provide opportunities for people to project their feelings. Sexual relationships with inanimate objects are similar to fantasy games and are limited only by imagination. Emphasis on the importance of sex and intimacy to humans. After basic needs such as eating, drinking and breathing, sexual activity and motivation to connect with others may be considered secondary.

In short, sexual dissatisfaction is a personal choice. We need a sex doll to avoid the frustration that occurs whenever we want to inspire our genitals. This is the best time to invest in the sex dolls we choose to get a special sex experience.

The need to copy your favorite celebrity sex dolls is there. However, some mainstream celebrities may be reluctant to license their appearance to be reshaped as a sex doll because it has a negative impact on their career and reputation. We believe that porn stars and texture models will be the first to do so. Some famous porn stars have copied their body parts. Recently, a 42-year-old product and graphic designer spent $50,000 to create a human robot that looks like a famous Hollywood actress. Very impressive!

People who lose their partners through death, divorce or dissolution, and those who may not be able to easily contact other partners can imagine the benefits of dolls. The opportunities for sexual expression and the feeling of not being alone can provide relief and reduce the sense of isolation.

All of us who like sex dolls will not be abnormal. We only need to ensure reliable sexual assault without hurting anyone's feelings. This is why we appreciate the development of the sex toy industry that meets our needs. Useful alternatives are designed to satisfy all our experiments and likes.

Will sex dolls become a bridge in the distance to the forest "mystery valley"? Or are they the embodiment of the abyss? Is it easier to ignore the fright caused by their quasi-humanity because they have achieved sexual function? At least from the perspective of half of the world's population, the answer may be positive. In fact, almost all sex dolls are made with a sexy feminine look, suitable for men, male ads and male purchases, not only in biology and women's different sexual psychology, but also in their wake-up The way to find and satisfy.

The construction of dolls is a vital feature because it controls their cost and purpose. Some of the materials used to construct dolls include fabric, rubber, TPE and silicone, which are the most popular of all available materials. These doll accessories are mainly used for masturbation purposes, but they can provide other benefits to the user. Read on to find out the many benefits of having this doll.

When you have a sex doll, you are happy and comfortable, because you can use the body part of the doll at will, so you can get the best release without having to take and hold something. Often, people feel tired and depressed when they are self-pleasant when they are approaching the climax. This does not happen with TPE dolls or silicone dolls. You can get released without feeling the energy and physical resources exhausted.

Most of us think of having a sex doll and are not prepared to accept the fact that these silicone beauty is the next best thing for a real person. Making such dolls is done with great attention and due diligence, and they also have good uses. Most of the materials used to build this sex doll are tpe and silicone.

Do you also want to have a beautiful and sexy sex doll? They can help you a lot. You can buy them through the online store, which is very cost-effective.

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Jan 2 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: doll
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