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the most succinct definition of marketing.

You must understand what marketing is, how it works, Vincent LEUNG it, and what to market as a marketer.

What exactly is marketing?

Marketing is concerned with identifying and satisfying human and social needs. "The profitable satisfaction of a need" is the most succinct definition of marketing.

When Google realized that people needed faster and more efficient access to information on the Internet, it built a powerful search engine capable of organizing and prioritizing queries. IKEA introduced removable furniture after discovering that people wanted good furniture at a reasonable price. These two businesses are excellent examples of marketing techniques that have successfully converted private or social needs into profitable business opportunities.

The American Marketing Association (AMA) provides the following formal definitions: Marketing is an activity, system, and process that involves developing, disseminating, delivering, and exchanging marketable supplies that are valuable to customers, clients, collaborators, and society as a whole.

Responding to these exchange processes necessitates a significant amount of effort and skill. When at least one party to a potential exchange begins to consider how to elicit the desired response from the other parties, marketing management emerges. As a result, we define marketing management (marketing management) as the art and science of identifying target markets and acquiring, retaining, and expanding customers through the creation, delivery, and communication of superior customer value.

We can distinguish between a social and a managerial definition of marketing. The social definition expresses marketing's role in society. For example, a marketer once said that the mission of marketing is to "communicate a higher standard of living". For our purposes, the social definition is as follows: Marketing is a social process in which individuals and groups obtain what they require and desire by creating, delivering, and freely exchanging valuable goods and services with others. The co-creation of value by consumers and businesses, as well as the importance of value creation and sharing, have emerged as key themes in the evolution of modern marketing thinking.

Managers frequently consider marketing to be the "art of selling products," but many are surprised to learn that sales are not the most important aspect of marketing. The sales process is only the tip of the marketing iceberg. According to Peter Drucker, a leading management theorist, "We can assume that sales are always in demand. Marketing's goal is to make sales obsolete. Marketing's goal is to get to know and understand the customer well enough to make the product fit the customer and sell itself. Marketing should ideally make the customer want to buy. The next step is to provide adequate goods and services."


Dec 30 '22 · 0 comments

內部隔熱材料具有成本效益,但會减少可用空間,而且不能防水. 外部隔熱材料價格昂貴且易受昆蟲影響. 無論選擇何種絕緣材料,都必須考慮到效率,毒性和彈性.



我們使用箔面剛性隔熱材料,以保持房屋下方的空間乾燥. 塑膠和絕緣材料將消除爬行空間中的任何水分問題,例如混凝土牆壁和筦道上的水滴聚集.


去除黴菌的最流行的房屋清潔技巧之一是使用醋,因為醋可以殺死許多細菌,包括黴菌. 只需在噴霧瓶中按1:1的比例混合醋和水. 噴灑在受影響的爬行空間牆壁或地板上. 讓它靜置幾分鐘,然後擦洗該區域.


如果你的牆壁保溫不足,掛毯是一種簡單的裝潢方法,可以幫助你的房間升溫. 資料越重越好. 被子也可以. 你甚至可以通過使用液體澱粉在你的空間中的一個或多個牆上貼上類似牆紙的布料來創建一個布料特色牆.


當用適當的科技和合適的粘合劑密封時,硬質泡沫是一種極好的空氣屏障. 2021 2月18日




IRC將III級蒸汽緩凝劑識別為乳膠漆或瓷漆. 然而,研究表明,標準的噴漆幹牆通常具有蒸汽滲透性(超過10個燙髮,最多40個燙髮)--這在製冷季節是一個好處,但在供暖季節可能是一個問題.


Tyvek®HomeWrap®ZIP System®塗層護套和膠帶的製造商聲稱,其產品可防止水侵入,安裝速度比杜邦快40% ™ Tyvek®HomeWrap®.




如果煙霧流水准移動,則發現需要密封的洩漏. 接下來,你需要填縫劑和填縫槍. 專家建議使用矽酮填縫劑,它防水,靈活且持久. 嵌縫可以密封寬度小於¼英寸的裂縫和間隙.


Dec 13 '22 · 0 comments
What are isos and ISVs?

ISO and ISV are two extremely common terms in the payments industry, but, despite a couple of common letters, the two acronyms describe companies that do very different work – independent sales organizations and independent software vendors.

Why is Stripe better than PayPal?

Stripe's credit card processing rates are cheaper than PayPal in most cases. Stripe charges 2.9% plus $0.30; PayPal charges between 2.59% and 3.49% plus $0.49 per transaction. PayPal's higher per-transaction fee ($0.49) will particularly affect merchants with small average transactions.

What is a Visa payment facilitator?

Also known as a “PayFac” or merchant. aggregator, a payment facilitator is a third. party agent that contracts with an acquirer to. THE ACQUIRER. A Visa Client licensed to provide card acceptance services.

What API does Uber use for payment?

The key technology used by Uber Payments is Apache Kafka - an open-source stream-processing software platform. Processing in distributed systems at scale comes with several challenges, including error handling, validation, and integration with external systems.

Can banks pay aggregators?

A payment aggregator in India is incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 / 2013. Now, it can be a bank or a non-bank entity. Since a PA handles funds, it requires a license from the Reserve Bank of India.

Who is a POS aggregator?

Payment Terminal Service Aggregator (PTSA) ensures the technical and operational standardization of all deployed POS devices through terminal certification. This assures the constant availability and uniform functionality of the terminals and devices in the Industry.

What is an ISO in the payments industry?

What is an ISO? ISOs, or independent sales organizations, are companies that aren't officially part of the cardmember associations like Visa or MasterCard but have developed partnerships with acquiring member banks to provide merchant accounts or other merchant services to members.

What is third party payment provider?

A third-party payment processor is a provider that allows a business to accept payments without opening its own merchant account, a bank account needed for holding money earned from card payments.

Is Amazon a merchant of record?

For shoppers, these items appear on the platform with the label "Ships from and sold by Amazon.com". In this case, Amazon is the merchant of record (MOR), meaning the legal owner of the inventory prior to it changing hands with the consumer.

Is Cybersource a payment processor or gateway?

Yes, CyberSource is a payment gateway. It provides online payment and fraud management services for medium and large-sized merchants.

payment facilitator companies

Dec 6 '22 · 0 comments