terqishi's blog

it is difficult for them

What is a sommelier?

A sommelier is a person who applies the techniques of conducting sensory tasting China, 婚宴 of the wine, guiding the production process, storage and blending of our winemaking, and conducting wine design and research and development of new products.

Each winery basically needs to have a corresponding sommelier, whose main tasks are as follows.

Responsible for the evaluation and taste quality control of wines;

Participate in wine products for design and wine new product development management research.

Blending and tasting techniques, grading for determination and quality management acceptance personnel work.

Base wine, semi-finished products, finished wine for sampling and sending samples, laboratory management

Through the duties of the sommelier, we can see that the sommelier is related to the quality of wine tasting, 品酒師 said that a good sommelier determines the life and death of a winery is not too much.

Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of the wine, tasters need to protect their tongues and noses.

Why do different sommeliers need to care for their tongues and noses as well?

First: They must keep their tongues and noses sensitive; otherwise, it is difficult for them to distinguish the subtle differences between wines.

Second: Tasters also rarely eat spicy food and try to be as bland and tasteless as possible because spicy and strong food can damage their taste bud system.

Third, if the taster is a girl, she must also throw away her makeup and wait for her. Any slight scent of cosmetics may spoil the whole tasting result. And men can't use men's perfume, either.

It can be said that the taster is a profession that allows the full development of the use of the tongue and nose dynamics, so they we must know how to learn to protect the tongue effectively.

Most sommeliers usually we give a special care to a tongue, such as students brush their tongue with a toothbrush every day, gargle with distilled water, or do massage for their tongue before going to bed, so that the tongue comes to a set with the ability to stretch as well as movement, etc.

Some tasters also protect their tongues and noses like soccer players protect their legs and feet.

So, did you get the point about tasters?

Oct 30 '22 · 0 comments

熱泵乾衣機更適合保存衣物,因為它們可以避免衣物與高溫緊密接觸。 熱泵乾燥器也不需要筦道通風,而冷凝器加熱器需要放置在通風良好的房間中,以防止發黴。







如果可能,將衣服掛在繩子上,或使用晾衣架。 一條線通常是最快的,但並不總是實用的。 確保將每件物品單獨懸掛,以便有足够的空間和通風條件快速乾燥。 定期旋轉和翻轉衣物,確保衣物均勻乾燥。


如果乾燥機被迫頻繁運行,乾燥機的感測器(設計用於防止乾燥機過熱)可能會出現故障。 沒有人知道火灾現場烘乾機的狀況,也沒有人知道它是如何維修的,但據認為,房子火灾是在烘乾機關閉很久之後才開始的。


惠而浦公司(WHR)是一家領先的家用電器公司,銷售惠而浦、KitchenAid、Maytag、Amana、Jenn Air和Consul等多種品牌的產品。


​​ 無熱滾筒乾燥意味著使用無熱烘乾機。 乾衣機只是用室溫空氣把你的衣服扔掉。 這種設定通常用於使衣服蓬鬆,並幫助去除灰塵、棉絨或頭髮。 由於不使用熱量,囙此不加熱滾幹比加熱滾幹需要更長的時間。


乾燥器通常在2000至6000瓦的範圍內。 這意味著乾燥機每小時消耗2到6千瓦。 您的乾衣機是否獲得能源之星認證? 如果是這樣的話,它應該比標準機器少用20%左右的電。


平均洗衣機的滾筒容量為7.3立方米。 英尺至7.5立方米。 ft.有了這種尺寸的烘乾機,你可以烘乾一個四口之家每週的衣物量。


就施工和勞動力而言,一個好的估計是3-5天。 水管工需要一天時間,電工需要一天,然後你可能需要一天的時間來重新安置和關閉牆壁。 在第四天,你將能够油漆,一旦乾燥,安裝新的洗衣機/烘乾機(第五天)。

Oct 22 '22 · 0 comments