terqishi's blog

We are all aware that while washing the tile floor in everyday life, certain stains just cannot be removed, and over time, a large number of old sex stains might form. So how can the tile floor be clean and gray? What type of effective procedure may assist clean it? How to clean the tile floor clean it, this linked material is a useful reference for everyone to comprehend the clean floor this issue.

How to clean a tile floor that is dirty and gray

Choose a suitable floor cleaner based on the floor material. Before usage, a sufficient quantity of floor cleaner poured into a bucket of water dilution, and then mop from the direction of the interior to the door cleaning. Because certain floor cleaners include a high concentration of surfactants,cordless vacuum cleaner supplier the semi-wet floor is more likely to be dusty after mopping, and the more unclean it becomes, so choose products with a good reputation.

How to Keep Your Tile Floor Clean

How to Clean a Tile Floor 1. To the ground, first sweep or vacuum the dust, ash, or debris off the floor. Do not clean the floor without first sweeping it; otherwise, when you mop the floor, the rubbish particles will be carried everywhere. Furthermore, there has been no preliminary clearance of dust and other easily visible marks on the floor.

The floor is tiled. how to clean a mop 2 Pour the cleaner into a bucket and fill it halfway with warm water, enough to thoroughly cover the mop head. Mop soak in the solution to thoroughly absorb the cleaner, allowing a dry and firm drag through the soaking to become free, and drag up the floor to avoid scratching the ground.

Tile floor how to mop clean 3, the mop out, wring out the extra water, so that the mop is semi-wet, neither wet nor completely dry.

The floor is tiled. how to mop clean 4, start cleaning from the corner of the room, first side by side; then, drag the mop back and forth, simply needing a little pressure to swiftly remove the dirt on the ground to clean. After cleaning the area, wring out the mop and rinse it with detergent before moving on to the next area. Rep for the whole house floor. Of course, where you want to mop up from the home initially depends on your own habits.

How to Clean a Tile Floor 5. Once all of the floors have been scrubbed and cleaned, open the door or window of the home to allow air circulation, which will allow the floor to dry quicker. Following cleaning the floor, the mop should be put up to air dry. Because if you continue to put it back in the bucket, it will decompose and leave a foul odor on the mop, which will subsequently damage both your mood and the mopping effect.

Many floor materials and floor cleaning agents that use improper words will be prone to such a situation, thus while cleaning the floor, it is best to use a particular way of cleaning tiles and cleaning agent. I presented these approaches we can utilize up, for there is a tiny cleaning floor tile this issue will have a good reference value.

Nov 18 '22 · 0 comments

布勞恩說,每天使用清潔站可以為您提供大約 30 個循環。即使不使用,液體也會在 2 個月內蒸發。





如何處理 BRAUN 清潔墨盒?



剃掉陰道毛髮會導致該區域變暗,甚至由於毛髮向內生長而發癢。如果操作不當,剃須可能會有風險,也會導致出血。因此,剃須會增加病毒感染的風險,例如皰疹、HPV 和其他性傳播疾病 (STD)。”


進入浸入式攪拌機冰沙!我把一些冷凍水果和酸奶塊扔進燒杯裡(YAY FOR THE BEAKER),加入足夠的果汁來覆蓋所有的水果,然後上下攪拌直到我有冰沙。我洗掉浸入式攪拌器,在燒杯中插一根吸管,然後 BOOM!




Oral-B iO系列手柄是德國製造的,但iO充電器和旅行箱是中國製造的。他們所有的刷頭,除了 TriZone 和 Deep Sweep 刷頭,也是在德國製造的。所有其他產品均在 2 個可能的地點生產:德國。





Nov 8 '22 · 0 comments

it is difficult for them

What is a sommelier?

A sommelier is a person who applies the techniques of conducting sensory tasting China, 婚宴 of the wine, guiding the production process, storage and blending of our winemaking, and conducting wine design and research and development of new products.

Each winery basically needs to have a corresponding sommelier, whose main tasks are as follows.

Responsible for the evaluation and taste quality control of wines;

Participate in wine products for design and wine new product development management research.

Blending and tasting techniques, grading for determination and quality management acceptance personnel work.

Base wine, semi-finished products, finished wine for sampling and sending samples, laboratory management

Through the duties of the sommelier, we can see that the sommelier is related to the quality of wine tasting, 品酒師 said that a good sommelier determines the life and death of a winery is not too much.

Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of the wine, tasters need to protect their tongues and noses.

Why do different sommeliers need to care for their tongues and noses as well?

First: They must keep their tongues and noses sensitive; otherwise, it is difficult for them to distinguish the subtle differences between wines.

Second: Tasters also rarely eat spicy food and try to be as bland and tasteless as possible because spicy and strong food can damage their taste bud system.

Third, if the taster is a girl, she must also throw away her makeup and wait for her. Any slight scent of cosmetics may spoil the whole tasting result. And men can't use men's perfume, either.

It can be said that the taster is a profession that allows the full development of the use of the tongue and nose dynamics, so they we must know how to learn to protect the tongue effectively.

Most sommeliers usually we give a special care to a tongue, such as students brush their tongue with a toothbrush every day, gargle with distilled water, or do massage for their tongue before going to bed, so that the tongue comes to a set with the ability to stretch as well as movement, etc.

Some tasters also protect their tongues and noses like soccer players protect their legs and feet.

So, did you get the point about tasters?

Oct 30 '22 · 0 comments

熱泵乾衣機更適合保存衣物,因為它們可以避免衣物與高溫緊密接觸。 熱泵乾燥器也不需要筦道通風,而冷凝器加熱器需要放置在通風良好的房間中,以防止發黴。







如果可能,將衣服掛在繩子上,或使用晾衣架。 一條線通常是最快的,但並不總是實用的。 確保將每件物品單獨懸掛,以便有足够的空間和通風條件快速乾燥。 定期旋轉和翻轉衣物,確保衣物均勻乾燥。


如果乾燥機被迫頻繁運行,乾燥機的感測器(設計用於防止乾燥機過熱)可能會出現故障。 沒有人知道火灾現場烘乾機的狀況,也沒有人知道它是如何維修的,但據認為,房子火灾是在烘乾機關閉很久之後才開始的。


惠而浦公司(WHR)是一家領先的家用電器公司,銷售惠而浦、KitchenAid、Maytag、Amana、Jenn Air和Consul等多種品牌的產品。


​​ 無熱滾筒乾燥意味著使用無熱烘乾機。 乾衣機只是用室溫空氣把你的衣服扔掉。 這種設定通常用於使衣服蓬鬆,並幫助去除灰塵、棉絨或頭髮。 由於不使用熱量,囙此不加熱滾幹比加熱滾幹需要更長的時間。


乾燥器通常在2000至6000瓦的範圍內。 這意味著乾燥機每小時消耗2到6千瓦。 您的乾衣機是否獲得能源之星認證? 如果是這樣的話,它應該比標準機器少用20%左右的電。


平均洗衣機的滾筒容量為7.3立方米。 英尺至7.5立方米。 ft.有了這種尺寸的烘乾機,你可以烘乾一個四口之家每週的衣物量。


就施工和勞動力而言,一個好的估計是3-5天。 水管工需要一天時間,電工需要一天,然後你可能需要一天的時間來重新安置和關閉牆壁。 在第四天,你將能够油漆,一旦乾燥,安裝新的洗衣機/烘乾機(第五天)。

Oct 22 '22 · 0 comments



所有領取薪水的員工都有資格獲得 EPF。此外,所有收入低於 15,000 盧比的員工都必須註冊 EPF。但是,收入超過 15,000 盧比的員工也可以自願留在 EPF 計劃中。


當前的 EPF 率為 8.50%,而當前的 PPF 率為 7.1%。從歷史上看,EPF 費率 (8.65%) 也略高於 2021-22 財年的當前費率和當前的 PPF 費率。但是,EPF 中的股票敞口使其容易受到市場波動的影響。


您的公積金提款的第一個 R25 000 不徵稅,因此如果這是您的第一次(退休基金)提款,您將無需繳稅,如果這是您的第二次,您很可能需要繳納 18% 的稅。


任何超過你薪金 5% 的供款將被視為強積金計劃的自願供款,不得扣除稅項。對於 ROR 計劃,沒有強制性供款。因此,您可以選擇從月薪的 0% 到 10% 供款。

我應該支付第 3 類自願捐款嗎?

您通常必須在您支付的納稅年度之後的第六個納稅年度結束之前支付自願的第 3 類國民保險供款,以便它們計入國家養老金。如果您在您支付的納稅年度結束後超過 2 年支付,您可能需要支付更高的稅率。




部長在周一(2 月 7 日)發布的一份公報中說,國家家庭工人的最低工資現在是 23 蘭特。 19 為每個普通小時。


額外自願捐款 (AVC) 是一個術語,用於描述員工向退休儲蓄賬戶支付的稅款延期付款超過其雇主匹配的金額。員工可以每年額外繳納一筆自願捐款,最高可達美國國稅局 (IRS) 批准的特定金額。

雇主對 PF 的貢獻是 12% 還是 13%?


雇主供款:雇主的供款是僱員基本工資和 PF 適用津貼的 13%。然而,這 13% 進一步細分為: 3.67% 的僱員公積金供款。

Sep 23 '22 · 0 comments

Ich höre oft Leute um mich herum sagen: „Ich habe letzte 睡眠質素 geschlafen und ich hatte keinen physischen Körper“, und einige Leute, die dachten, sie seien zu wenig Schlaf, sagten: „Wie kann ich die Schlafqualität verbessern? wird ihn zum Essen einladen" und so weiter. Beschweren Sie sich, aber wie verbessern wir die Schlafqualität? Der folgende Redakteur stellt einige vor:


Befolgen Sie den Schlafplan

Um die Schlafenszeit-Disziplin einzuhalten, müssen Sie die folgenden drei Dinge beherrschen: "Schlafen Sie in der Zeit", "Schlafen in begrenzter Zeit" und "Schlafen Sie in der Mittagszeit".

Rechtzeitig schlafen

Das sogenannte „zeitig zu Bett gehen“ bedeutet, sich Tag und Nacht an die natürlichen Jahreszeiten und wechselnde Disziplinen anzupassen. Die Vorgänger befürworteten "Vier Jahreszeiten Shun Yang", was auch "Yang Yang im Frühling und Sommer, Yin Yang im Herbst und Winter" ist und forderten, dass das Yin und Yang Qi des Körpers synchron mit dem natürlichen Yin und Yang steigen und fallen und fallen durch den Einsatz von Leben und Konditionierung. Die Alten sagten, "Arbeiten bei Sonnenaufgang und Ruhen bei Sonnenuntergang" bezieht sich auf das Arbeiten und Ruhen mit dem Wechsel von Tag und Nacht in der Natur, was eine Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung des Gleichgewichts und der Koordination von Yin- und Yang-Bewegungen spielen kann.

Begrenzter Schlaf

Die sogenannte "begrenzte Zeit bis zum Zubettgehen" bedeutet, dass es eine bestimmte Zeitbegrenzung für das Zubettgehen gibt. Ein abnormaler Erwachsener schläft 6 bis 8 Stunden und schläft nachts 30 bis 60 Minuten. Unzureichender und übermäßiger Schlaf sind nicht förderlich für die Gesundheit.


Das sogenannte "Mittags ins Bett gehen" bedeutet, dass zwischen 23:00 und 1:00 Uhr (Mitte) und 11:00 Uhr bis 13:00 Uhr (Mittag) die goldenen Zeiten für das Zubettgehen sind Wenn zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine außergewöhnliche Situation vorliegt, sollte die Sicherheit 針灸介紹 verloren gehen. Der Grund dafür ist, dass während dieser Zeit die psychischen Reflexionen des Menschen, einschließlich Körpertemperatur, Atmung, Pulsfrequenz und Körperstoffwechsel, auf das niedrigste reduziert sind der niedrigste Wert, daher sind Mittag und Mittag die gehorsamsten Schlafenszeiten. Die westliche medizinische Theorie geht davon aus, dass der Schlafmechanismus das Ergebnis des Wechsels von Yin und Yang ist: Mittags werden Yin und Yang übergeben und das Qi und Blut des Körpers sind zwischen Yin und Yang unausgeglichen.

02 lernen sich zu entspannen

(1) Entspannungsmethode der Bauchatmung

Die Zeit der Aufführung kann im Sitzen, Stehen oder Liegen sein, und die Augen können geöffnet oder geschlossen sein. Versuchen Sie, sich so gut wie möglich ruhig und wohl zu fühlen.

Konzentrieren Sie sich auf den Bauch (3 cm unterhalb des Bauchnabels bis zum Schambereich) und konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Atmung. Legen Sie eine Hand auf Ihren Bauch, atmen Sie langsam durch die Nase tief ein und zählen Sie langsam von 1 bis 5 in Ihrem Herzen.

Wenn Sie langsam tief einatmen, versuchen Sie, den Bauch zu dehnen, stellen Sie sich vor, ein Ballon füllt die Atmosphäre. Wenn sie an Ort und Stelle ist, wird die Lungenspitze mit Luft gefüllt.

Halten Sie den Atem an, zählen Sie von 1 bis 5 und verstummen Sie in Ihrem Herzen: 1-2-3-4-5.

Dann langsam durch die Nasenhöhle ausatmen und gleichzeitig in meinem Herzen stumm: 1-2-3-4-5. Drücken Sie beim Ausatmen den Bauch allmählich zusammen und stellen Sie sich vor, wie sich ein Ballon entleert. Sie können schrittweise auf 90° ausatmen und die Atmosphäre in der Lunge vollständig ausatmen. Spüren Sie, dass der vordere Bauch und der Rücken sich treffen. Die Luft wird vollständig ausgeatmet und es fühlt sich an, als würde man ersticken, man muss schnell einatmen.

Der obige Vorgang wird 7 Mal wiederholt.

Nov 18 '21 · 0 comments


High-sensitivity data on troponin concentrations in emergency department patients high sensitive troponin i with symptoms of myocardial infarction may help determine the likelihood of myocardial infarction and the subsequent 30-day outcome.


In an international cohort of 15 emergency department patients with myocardial infarction-related symptoms, we can determine the concentration of high-sensitivity troponin I or high-sensitivity troponin T during continuous sampling in the early or late stages. The design of a financial derivatives verification system is used to analyze and evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic performance of a variety of high-sensitivity troponin transection combinations. Based on the above information and data, an enterprise risk management assessment research tool was developed to evaluate the risk of myocardial infarction and the subsequent 30 days of myocardial infarction or death through the price index.


Among 22,651 patients, the incidence of myocardial infarction was 15.3% (9604 derived data sets and 13,047 valid data sets). The high-sensitivity troponin concentration is low when presented, the absolute change during continuous sampling is small, and it is associated with a low probability of myocardial infarction and a low short-term risk of cardiovascular events. For example, high-sensitivity troponin concentrations below 6 ng/l and absolute changes below 4 ng/l after 45-120 minutes (early sequence sampling) are associated with a negative predictive value of 99.5% for myocardial infarction and are associated with the following 30 days The risk of myocardial infarction or death is related, with a total risk of 0.2%. 56.5% of patients are classified as low-risk groups. These findings are confirmed in an externally verified data set.

in conclusion

We have developed a risk assessment tool that combines the high sensitivity of troponin or troponin t during emergency visits, the dynamic changes during continuous sampling, and the sampling interval to assess the risk of myocardial infarction during emergency visits and 30 The result of days later.

Interpretation: In the international development cohort of 15 emergency department nursing patients with main symptoms of myocardial tissue infarction, the author measured the high-sensitive troponin and the concentration during continuous work sampling in the early or late stage. A total of 10347 patients were verified, and the results were analyzed. It shows that the high-sensitivity troponin concentration is significantly lower than 6 ng/L, and there is absolutely no change after 45-120 minutes. The situation is lower than 4 ng/L (early time series data sampling), resulting in a negative study predictive value of 99.5 for myocardial infarction %, which is related to the subsequent 30-day risk management of myocardial infarction or death, with a total risk of 0.2%.

High-sensitivity troponin can be a good assessment of index myocardial infarction and the risk of myocardial infarction or death in the subsequent 30 days.

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Oct 4 '21 · 2 comments · Tags: high sensitive troponin i

Flat warts: A kind of skin surface neoplasms caused by viruses, which are more 激光脫疣 common in children and young people. The incubation period is 1 to 3 months and can spread by itself. The virus exists in the spinous layer cells, which can promote cell proliferation and cause wart-like damage. Flat warts usually occur on the face, back of hands, and arms. They are manifested as flat papules of varying sizes. They are slightly raised, with a smooth surface, round, oval or polygonal, with clear boundaries, and can be densely distributed or caused by local scratching. Arranged in a line.

Problems that should be paid attention to after flat warts are laser:

One to two days after treatment, you should pay attention to sun protection and hydration. When cleaning the skin, you should be as gentle as possible. Avoid or use less irritating chemicals. For patients with flat warts, it is very important to use the laser in the sun. Avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible. If you need to go out in the sun, you should pay attention to sun protection measures.

2. After the patients with flat warts receive the laser, if it happens on their own face, they should wash their face gently and avoid using highly volatile and oily moisturizing work supplies.

3. After the patients with flat warts receive laser, they should try their best to maintain a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables that are fresh from the company, drink as much water as possible, and eat food with sufficient water content.

4. After laser treatment, patients with flat warts should avoid spicy and irritating food, because irritating food will affect the body's endocrine, causing itching of the skin and affecting the treatment. Spicy foods include peppers, chili noodles, mustard, raw onions, raw garlic, and white wine.

Flat warts should pay attention to their development problems after laser

What problems should be paid attention to after flat warts are treated with laser? I believe that through the above introduction, everyone has an understanding of the problems that should be paid attention to after flat warts are treated with laser. The above are just a part of the precautions. You can refer to it. Of course, I hope everyone By paying more attention to these problems, we can help everyone get rid of the trouble of flat warts as soon as possible.

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Sep 30 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: 激光脫疣

Before reading the text, the editor asks, what material are the chopsticks used in your home?

Don’t use chopsticks, deformation bamboo cutlery manufacturer is one thing, but it’s poisonous, I don’t want it at all

Many girls who are not careful, buy a few pairs of chopsticks in the market and can use them for several years! Life is too hard! In fact, chopsticks are also a kind of knowledge. There are so many chopsticks materials on the market, which one is better? Check with the editor!

Material 1: Painted plastic chopsticks

The colorful lacquered plastic chopsticks look very beautiful, with fresh colors. It is loved by young people and children, but the texture of this kind of chopsticks is relatively fragile and easily deformed by heat. Moreover, the paint contains heavy metals, and long-term use is harmful to children's health. You see, the ancients paid attention to hygiene from bowls to plates, chopsticks, and wine glasses.

Material two: bamboo chopsticks

Bamboo chopsticks are by far the most useful chopsticks. It is the best choice for people! Experts say that bamboo itself has the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria. There are many family members, and chopsticks are mixed after eating. Therefore, the advantages of bamboo chopsticks are particularly prominent here. In addition, the price of bamboo chopsticks is user-friendly, the quality is good, and it will not experience high temperature deformation.

Don’t use chopsticks, deformation is one thing, but it’s poisonous, I don’t want it at all

Material three: wooden chopsticks

According to the editor's personal development thoughts, I feel that middle-aged people like to choose wooden chopsticks, but they still don't have the original wood color. The culture of wooden chopsticks is similar to that of bamboo chopsticks, but wooden chopsticks have stronger adsorption force than bamboo chopsticks, and they are prone to breed some bacteria. And there are many wooden chopsticks with lacquer on them. If the lacquer falls off after being heated, it will go to the stomach with Chinese food. Unless you are using solid wood chopsticks.

Material four: metal chopsticks

Metal chopsticks include silver chopsticks and stainless steel chopsticks. Koreans like to use stainless steel chopsticks when watching Korean dramas. It has the properties of fast heat conduction, clean and easy to clean. But when it comes to hot food, hot food, hot mouth! Young people can use chopsticks, but do not use metal chopsticks for children.

Material five: ceramic chopsticks

Ceramic chopsticks will be glazed during production, and food additives will be added for shaping during the firing process. After glazing, we can develop an insulation effect. However, the glaze itself contains some Chinese metal elements, so the company will also Human health has an important impact.

Look here, I recommend you to use bamboo chopsticks! Through the comparison of the above materials, bamboo chopsticks are the most environmentally friendly and more suitable for family use. Stainless steel chopsticks are also a good choice if you have no children or elderly in your family.

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Sep 24 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: bamboo cutlery manufacturer

Do you have to combv 竹因子生髮 your hair down every time before taking a picture to increase the curl? Do you lose a few hairs every time you stay up late until you open your eyes the next day? Or your mantra is "why is there less hair?".

Like many of us, I have always developed thin and fragile hair. Every time I can see women with long, thick silky smooth hair in these commercials, I am very envious of them. So I listened to Mr. Tony's words and used the most expensive package in the store to enter student nutrition for my hair. I didn't expect that after a period of working hours, the hair volume would not increase the business and the hair would become more frizzy. In a rage, I decided to do their own research, but I didn't expect the effect of the hair growth method to be significant.

Let me show you how to grow thick and healthy hair and stay up late.

The secret of a beautiful hair is that I use aloe vera oil. Benefits of Aloe Vera Oil: It is pure plant without any chemical ingredients, suitable for any scalp. The whole production process diy, the cost is very low, you can use your leisure time to care.

First of all, let us understand the principle of aloe essential oil hair. After all, not following the scientific method is playing a hooligan. When you massage essential oils on the scalp, it can promote blood circulation in the scalp and stimulate hair growth. Aloe contains "proteolytic enzymes" that can repair damaged scalp cells. Once these cells regenerate, your hair follicles will become healthier, your hair will grow faster and stronger, and it will help you deal with persistent hair loss and clogged shower drains.

Here is how to make aloe oil. First cut the aloe vera leaves into two finger-wide pieces. Then put the aloe vera in a bowl, add some coconut oil, put the bowl in hot water and stir until the aloe vera melts. After the mixture has cooled, filter the aloe hsl 生髮 residue with a filter and put it in the prepared container. Aloe essential oil is ready.

The next thing you need to study and do is to evenly apply the aloe vera essential oil to the hair, gently massage the scalp, and then let it stay on the scalp for 40 minutes to an hour, and finally rinse it off.

Just do it two to three times a week and stick to it for about a month and you will see huge changes.

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Sep 15 '21 · 0 comments · Tags: 竹因子生髮, hsl 生髮
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