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Periodontist and gum disease are without a doubt directly linked in the quest to prevent, treat and ultimately cure painful and uncomfortable mouth and periodontal abscess. The best dentist near me has the required experience and know-how on the various forms of gum diseaseand the successful treatment thereof.


A gum abscessis a mere referral to soft tissue and bone infection specifically in and around teeth and jaw areas.

Symptoms and signs:

During the initial phase of infection the disease is likely to be without any symptoms, it is only when infection progresses that signs become more visible, not to mention painful. These signs include but are not limited to pain, red, tender, andswollen gums, bad breath, and gum bleed especially after brushing or flossing, and gum recession. Make an appointment with Emergency Dental Careto determine the suitable treatment.

Treatment options:

The most popular treatment options for severe periodontal disease are flap surgery and soft bone grafting. These treatments are rather intrusive, expensive, and just plain painful. Antibiotics are normally prescribed as a supplement to surgery or therapy. Try not to let your gum disease get to the point of needing surgery. Instead, learn what you can do to help stop gum disease from home and prevent it from coming back again. Follow the links below for more information.


Prevention is always better than cure, with oral hygiene topping the list of preventative measures employed to combat gum diseases. Schedule your 6 monthly dental check-ups and teeth cleaning by a hygienist well in advance and brush as well as floss in the way and frequency prescribed by your dentist.


  • Brush and floss are mandatory for maintaining effective oral hygiene as it is the foundation of healthy bone and gums and a beautiful smile. Floss and brush twice a day to keep out plaque and prevent gingivitis and gum disease that develops from plaque build-up.

Arrange a professional dental cleaning each four to six months. It's a reality that no matter how properly you floss and brush, calculus will form in tough to reach areas. Calculus is a thick, white build-up that you may not even be able to see. Visit your dentist regularly for a good cleaning and check-up.

  • Receive a bone graft or implant if you miss a tooth. No matter how you drop a tooth, it gets hurt during sports or your dentist extracts it for health reasons - the bone surrounding it will shrink through a normal remodeling process. Once that bone is terminated, it's hard to get it back. 

  • The best way to prevent bone loss is to have your surgeon place bone graft material at the same time as extraction or place the implant in a timely fashion (typically 2-3 months after extraction). This type of grafting done at the time of tooth loss is easy, painless, and less expensive than doing it later. (And don't worry, surgeons can use different kinds of bone graft materials - they don't take it from your own bone.)


  • Get an immediate implant if possible. Don't wait if you require a tooth replacement; when you get an immediate implant on the same day as an extraction, you'll help preserve the bone and save it from shrinkage. 

  • Repair rotted teeth and treat early gum disease - early. As tooth decay advances, it can enter the nerve, causing it to become inflamed and then necrotic, often leading to an abscess and bone loss. Early gum disease (gingivitis) can also generate periodontal disease which commences bone loss. To maintain your bone health, be sure to repair decayed teeth and treat gum disease as soon as possible.

Hopefully, these above-mentioned tips may help prevent further complications. 

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Aug 29 '21 · 0 comments

A dental extraction is the process of pulling out one or many teeth that overcrowd our oral cavity. Only a qualified and certified dentist should do this procedure because of the many factors that should be considered. Temporary teeth in younger children will fall out sooner or later with little to no effort at all. Of course, some of the bigger ones will need to be extracted even if they are temporary. Permanent ones grow into their place soon after. It is the permanent teeth that need to be cared for to ensure that they do not decay or chip off. Once these are removed, nothing will grow after. Dental treatment and remedies are the only solutions to having a complete set again. Make an appointment at Emergency Dental Near Meto get tooth extractiontreatment.


Causes of Removal:

A tooth extraction usually happens when the person has damaged or rotting teeth, cavity on front tooth. Our pearly whites are basically strong and hardy but with carelessness and inadequate care, they may become damaged and rotten. They cannot be left to rot in the gums because bacteria that eat through them can infect the bone underneath or the gums themselves. Other teeth can also be affected by plaque and decay. Regular visits to an oral health care practitioner help to maintain the state of the oral cavity to make sure that there are no decay or tooth infection symptoms. Another reason for removal can be to accommodate more growth in the oral cavity. Some people may develop more than the normal number of teeth and the extra ones should be extracted. Tooth extraction might also be done for irregularly placed pearly whites at Emergency Dental Care Near me.

Risks and Complications:

Infection is one of the biggest concerns of dentists after a removal. The exposed tissue can develop an infection because of the presence of food and other bacteria that may enter the oral cavity. The constant movement brought about by talking and eating can also aggravate the situation.

After the procedure, the dentist usually prescribes an antibiotic to prevent the possible development of an infection. In some cases, the antibiotic is prescribed to be taken several days before the procedure. Swelling in the affected area is also a common occurrence after the tooth extraction. The assault to the tissue or the bone can bring this about.

Anti-inflammatory medication is also prescribed for post-operative recovery. A fragment of the root or any other part can also break and be left embedded unto the gums. Clean removal is imperative because if a small part is left, it may need a follow-up surgery to extract it to prevent an abscess or an infection. A swallowed or inhaled tooth can also cause problems such as a lung abscess or pneumonia.


To help prevent the possible risks and complications, it is important to follow the recommendations and prescription of the oral health care practitioner for pre and post-tooth extraction care. This precaution lowers the risks and helps to make the operation and the recovery period easier.

tooth extraction cost:

Simple extraction usually requires between $75 and $200 per tooth and maybe more relying on the type of anesthesia you require during the process. The cost to extract impacted teeth is significantly higher and may range between $800 and $4,000.

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Aug 22 '21 · 0 comments

Tooth nerve painis a pain that we feel when something is wrong with our teeth or periodontal surrounding. Sometimes something similar to a toothache can occur due to reasons not related directly to dental causes. The pain can range all the way from mild irritation, only felt when teeth are in contact with some external substances, to severe, excruciating pain. 


In either case, home remedies are sometimes applied, but they are never a permanent solution, so visiting a dentist near meis always the best idea. As for dental reasons, tooth pain can occur because of the tooth itself, because of the conditions of the gum or the bones beneath the tooth, nerves supplying the temporomandibular joints, the area of the tooth, and the muscles that move the jaw.

What are the types of tooth nerve pain?

There are mainly three types of tooth nerve pain, which are as follows:

  • Mild tooth nerve pain
  • Moderate tooth nerve pain
  • Severe tooth nerve pain

  1. Mild tooth nerve pain-

In this type of tooth pain, An increased sensitivity of the tooth to cold or hot substances.  Usually, the reason for this type of pain is the recession of your gum and exposure to your teeth roots. Sometimes, low-quality dental procedures can leave the repercussions such as this type of pain as well.

If anything you can switch to over-the-counter medication or desensitizing toothbrushes and mouthwashes - they can be obtained in any nearby drug store and can act as a temporary alleviation of your problem.


  1. Moderate tooth nerve pain-

As you can guess it is more severe. It is felt by touch, tapping on the tooth, and can disable you to chew the food properly without feeling too much discomfort. It can be happened due to the inflammation and infection of the dental pulp.  If you leave your cavity unchecked, it can lead to a bacterial infection that will in turn result in the injury of the pulp.

For some tooth nerve pain relief, over-the-counter medications can be used to alleviate moderate pain and control the situation. Antibiotics are used to control the swelling and the infection of the dental pulp, but all of this should be done after visiting your dentists because moderate tooth pain already requires professional help.

  1. Severe tooth nerve pain-

Severe pain usually occurs when the early signs of pulp infestation are ignored. Trauma, such as a tooth fracture can also cause the deterioration of enamel and extreme pain. Still, the abscess is the most common reason for severe pain and can be accompanied by a rise in temperature (fever) and swelling in the mouth or cheek. Sometimes the pus pocket, the tooth abscess, is there but there is no pain - still, you should seek immediate medical help, because there is a probability that the situation is already too extreme.


It is not improbable that your tooth can be saved in these situations, but be prepared for the diagnosis of tooth removal. Of course, medications and antibiotics will be applied as well to reduce the symptoms, but if the infection is too deep then the tooth will need to be operated on in order to get rid of the source of the problem. Discuss the various options for tooth replacement with your dental clinic near mein this case.

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Aug 16 '21 · 0 comments

Impacted wisdom teethappear later in an adult’s life. Under normal conditions, these molars grow without a problem. But in certain situations, they need to be extracted due to a variety of different reasons. Removing wisdom teeth is a common and simple procedure that helps to relieve the pain and symptoms associated with misaligned teeth.


The wisdom teeth start to emerge in the mouth when the person has reached 17 to 22 years of age. Rarely is it necessary to undertake extraction for anyone over the age of 30? They appear at the very back of the mouth at the top and bottom. While a small percentage of people require wisdom teeth removaldue to insufficient room or poor alignment, most people aren't likely to notice any negative symptoms of the teeth appearing in later life.

Reasons to Extract wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth extractionis advised in several different situations. A common issue relates to a person’s jaw not being large enough to accept the extra set of molars. If the mouth doesn't have enough space, the newly emerging teeth impact the existing teeth causing them to be pushed together. 

When existing teeth are pushed crooked it helps to have the teeth removed for cosmetic reasons. In addition, the molars need extracting if they face the wrong direction or grow crooked. Also, if the wisdom teeth grow in such a way that it makes it difficult to clean them, this can result in wisdom tooth pain relief. So it further benefits to have the teeth extracted.


Common symptoms of wisdom teeth 

Obvious signs of needing extraction relate to the teeth that are growing in at an awkward angle. Symptoms can include jaw stiffness and wisdom tooth painclose to the area the teeth are appearing. Other issues include discomfort if teeth rub the inside of the mouth, crowding of the existing teeth, gum disease or tooth decay at the back of the mouth, and wisdom tooth infection.

  Diagnosis of wisdom teeth

Checks on the emerging wisdom teeth are performed by the dentist at regular intervals. Tests include feeling the gum line at the back of the mouth to find how the new teeth are coming along. X-rays are also used to help with checking the alignment of the teeth and whether they are growing safely. If the dentist has the opinion the teeth are likely to appear misaligned or have insufficient room, they will suggest wisdom teeth removal near me specialized oral surgeon.

wisdom teeth removal recovery

After having your wisdom teeth removed it can take up to 2 weeks to full wisdom teeth recovery. During this time you may go through:



Swollen cheeks and mouth-For the first few days, this will be worse. After few days, it will gradually improve. Pressing a cold cloth to your face helps to reduce the swelling.

Visible mild bruising of your cheek- For up to 2 weeks the skin may be bruised a stiff. But sore jaw should wear off within 7 to 10 days.

Mild pain- If the extraction was complicated or difficult this is worse and causes an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

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Aug 9 '21 · 0 comments

Sudden toothache might be a sign of a lurking infection. A tooth abscess is not an age-based problem that can happen to anyone. The situation can become serious if not consulted by the dentist near me, as facial swelling often occurs and it might become difficult to open my mouth. It's highly recommended that anyone suffering from a gum abscess or Abscess Tooth talk with the dentist, as further complications--such as the advancing of the tooth abscess stages--can result in the untreated abscess. Luckily, there are numerous safe, temporary treatments that could be tried at home and you can always consult the doctor. We suggest taking home remedies in addition to the medicine, solely relying on them could be harmful. This article is about symptoms, causes, and prevention of tooth infection.

10 Reasons Why All My Teeth Hurt Suddenly


Symptoms of tooth infection growing in your body


If an infected tooth has not been corrected, the infection could get spread to the body, which can become life-threatening. Signs and symptoms are mentioned below:


Symptoms of Tooth Abscess


  1. Throbbing pain in the affected tooth affecting the whole mouth and aches when touched.


  1. Red, tender swelling of the gum over the root of the tooth and giving the painful sensation all around.


  1. Having metallic taste in the mouth all the time.


If the infection increases to the gum and cheek area, your face might get flushed with the pain and creates pain.


What Are The Causes of Tooth Abscess?


Damage to the tooth, a fallen cavity, or gum disease becomes the reason for the abscessed tooth.


If a cavity is not treated, the inside of the tooth (called the pulp) gets into danger of falling apart. Bacteria can spread from the and the area around this, creating an abscess.


Gum disease causes the gums to slightly loosen the grip, bacteria can grow, and dental abscess comes into the picture. Over time an abscess can cause the bone around the tooth to dissolve.

10 Reasons Why All My Teeth Hurt Suddenly


How can you prevent an abscessed tooth?


You can prevent an abscessed tooth by consulting the dentist at the earliest and also taking antibiotics for tooth infection (only on the prescription of the dentist). The best way to do that is to take good care of your teeth and gums:


  1. Brush teeth regularly at least for 3 minutes and twice a day, in the morning and at night, also always swish after having meals.


  1. Use dental floss to tap on the corners that remain untouched while brushing too.


  1. See your dentist once in 3 months if you are a smoker, otherwise consulting once in 6 months is a great practice.

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Aug 2 '21 · 0 comments