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When your teeth are chipped or crooked or stained spoiling your smile and physical appearance, veneers might be a good option to get an improved smile. Veneer teeth are one of the beneficial options when a teeth whitening procedure is not helping to get rid of tooth discoloration.


What are dental veneers?


Dental veneers are thin layers of tooth-colored porcelain attached to the front surface of your natural teeth. They can help to solve a variety of physical and aesthetic problems because they are considered a permanent solution to tooth discoloration if taken care of properly.  


If you have decided on getting veneers, visit a Dentist in Houston TX to know detailed information about the procedure.  


Why need to get dental veneers?


Once you have decided to get veneers, you should know the following things first discussed below:


  • If you are suffering from extensive tooth discoloration and it has become impossible to get stained-free teeth by tooth whitening procedure, you are likely a good candidate to get teeth veneers.
  • If you have crooked teeth and want a permanent solution to get perfect teeth, teeth veneers can be a good solution to the problem. This treatment will help you get your teeth in a perfect row.
  • If the tooth enamel has been worn down due to certain issues, dental veneers can be the correct solution to the problem. When the tooth enamel on your tooth gets thinner and you start experiencing tooth sensitive issues leading to tooth pain, veneers can help stop this pain by covering your teeth making them stronger.
  • If you have a broken tooth ruining your look, veneers can help to hide it from view.   
  • As you age, teeth start losing their white color, if you want to better the appearance of your teeth, teeth veneers can help you in this way.


You should visit the  Dentist Open Today Near Me if you have any queries regarding the treatment, once you are set to get the treatment, your dentist will explain to you how many veneers you need.  


Treatment procedure:


Make an appointment with an Affordable Dentist In Houston, where he/she will evaluate the fit, shape, and shade of the veneers matching perfectly to your teeth. Then, the dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly so that teeth cleaning can keep bacterias away from being trapped under the veneers and prevent tooth decay. After that, the dentists will create a thicker texture on each tooth on which a veneer is to be put in as it makes the veneers easier to stick to the tooth.  

Then, your dentist will use bonding material to attach veneers to the teeth using ultraviolet light to toughen the material quickly.


What is the cost of veneers?


Veneers cost may range between $1,000 to $4,000 per tooth. You can ask your dentist whether your dentist is offering a payment plan for the treatment or not.



So, if you are wishing an attractive smile making your overall appearance more pleasant, you can contact your dentist to get veneers now.

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Apr 12 '21 · 0 comments
What is a tooth abscess?


An abscessed tooth is a sac of pus that is accumulated in or around the tooth. It can lead to a bacterial infection and reach different parts of a tooth causing tooth loss. So, it is essential to drain out pus from the affected area of the tooth as it can cause severe pain spreading to your ear or neck. To get recovered from such an abscess, you should have a Walk-in Dentist Near me.

What are tooth abscess symptoms?


When you feel a throbbing pain in the tooth or arises a severe pain on touching the affected area of the tooth and there is a release of foul-tasting pus into the mouth, it indicates dental abscess symptoms. In addition, you can feel pain while you are biting or chewing the food. If the infection has been spread, you may find your face swollen and you can suffer from fever. If you notice that you have an infected tooth, you should consult DDS near me.

How to Diagnose?


When you will go to a dentist office near me, he/she will examine your tooth along with the neighboring area in the following steps:  


Touch on your teeth:


The dentist will put gentle pressure on your tooth to find out if it is sensitive to touch or pressure.


Advise an X-ray :


The dentist may recommend an X-ray to detect an abscess. Also, an X-ray will determine the length of the infected area.  


Prescribe a CT scan:


If the infection has expanded to other parts within the neck, a CT scan can help identify the extent of the infection.

Treatment Procedure:


Mainly the focus of the treatment to eliminate the infection. To get done this job efficiently, your dentist may:


Drain the abscess: 


The dentist will make a small incision into the abscess to drain out the pus and then wash the affected area with saltwater. Usually, a small rubber drain is placed to keep the abscess open for the drainage process after swelling decreases.


Perform a root canal: 


This procedure removes the infection and saves your tooth. To perform this procedure, your dentist will make a hole inside your tooth’s pulp chamber and the root canals.  Then, he/she will cap it with a crown to make it stronger. This treatment can stay longer if it has cared for properly.  


Remove the affected tooth: 


Your dentist may extract the affected tooth if the infection is so severe that it is impossible to save.


Suggest  antibiotics:


If the infection is restricted to the affected area, you won’t require antibiotics. But infection has expanded to the neighboring area of the affected teeth such as your jaw or other areas. Your dentist will recommend antibiotics to prevent it from spreading further.



If you are experiencing symptoms of a tooth abscess, you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately before the infection spreads further.   Once the infection spreads in other parts, you will have to go through a tooth extraction procedure and have to lose your natural tooth.

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Apr 6 '21 · 0 comments