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Do you have an infectious tooth causing unbearable pain? Or you may have missing teeth and are left with a less-than-perfect smile. Are you wondering what you can do to restore your pearly whites and perfect smile?


Same-day Dental Implants Near Me are widespread and popular in the orthodontic world. Because traditional implant treatment can take months; however, same-day dental implants could restore your smile in significantly less time. But the question arises how do same-day implants work? Are they durable enough?


Here is an article for you in which you will learn both pros and cons of same-day dental implants. This might be new for you, so you should know before considering it.

What Are Same-Day Dental Implants?

Simple, same-day dental implants are the most suitable way to get a perfect smile. So, instead of spending too much time at your dental office waiting for new teeth, you can get in just one visit. 



For traditional implants, there’s a very lengthy process. Initially, your dentist extracts the affected tooth, then waits 3-4 months for the socket to heal. After that dentist inserts the implant and waits for another 3-6 months; only then will they place a crown on the implants.


However, with same-day implants, the Dental Implant Procedure is much quicker in nature. You need three dental visits, one for consultation, surgery, and finally, for follow-up.   


But the dentist office near me may complete the implantation in just one visit. That means no waiting period for healing, and this means you get a perfect smile in a quicker way than you say.

What Are the advantages and disadvantages of Same-Day Dental Implants?

For some, th quick process sounds good to be true. But how effective is it? Is it durable enough like a Houston Dental implant?

The advantages of Same-Day Dental Implants

Same-day implants are getting more and more efficient. Ths success rate for these surgeries is sky-rocketing. Here is a list of same-day implant surgery include:


  • You’ll leave the office with a perfect smile
  • In this, it is easier for the implant to fuse to the bone as compared to traditional
  • The more straightforward healing process for the gums
  • Implants keep bacteria away from the healing socket
  • In this procedure, you’ll leave the office with a free mind and provide your mouth better appearance.


The Cons of Same-Day Dental Implants

Every time a positive comes with some negative. You should consider them before you select the same-day dental implant treatment.


  • They are Slim but have a higher chance of failure than traditional implants.
  • More bone loss
  • More post-treatment discomfort
  • Longer sitting at one time
  • Generally, the main disadvantage of same-day implant surgery is a higher risk of implant failure. Because same-day surgery can be harder compared to the traditional healing time after that

If you have missing or knocked teeth and are looking for a traditional dental implant, you should visit Dental Implant Specialist Near Me to know what is best for you.

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Nov 24 '22 · 0 comments

Suppose you experience something that looks like your teeth that don’t melt or dissolve while eating something hard candy or crunching ice. Although the enamel, the outer layer of your teeth, is the hardest, have the most mineralized tissue in your teeth.


Falling, receiving a blow to your dace, or biting down something hard, particularly if you have decayed teeth, can cause a tooth to break or chip.


If you find you have a broken or chipped tooth, don’t panic because your dentist can save your tooth structure with a cracked tooth filling.

How to Care for a Chipped, Broken, or knocked Tooth?

If your teeth are broken, chipped, or knocked, you should consider visiting a dentist as soon as possible. Otherwise, your Tooth further deteriorates or becomes infected, possibly causing tooth loss.



Till you contact Urgent Dentist Near Me In Houston, here are some self-care tips to help:


  • If the Tooth generates immense pain, you may use the recommended over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • You should rinse your mouth with salt water.
  • Due to a break or chipped Tooth, if you experience a sharp or edged tooth, cover it with a small piece of wax paraffin or use sugarless chewing gum to keep your tongue protected and safe from the cuts.
  • You should also avoid eating from broken teeth side.


Dental treatment for a broken or chipped tooth will depend on the severity of the case. If only a tiny piece of enamel is broken, the repair needs just one dental visit. However, a badly or severely damaged Tooth may require a lengthy and costly procedure. Therefore you should contact Emergency Dentistry Near Me In Houston if you find even a tiny part of the Tooth is broken or chipped.

What is the Treatment for Broken, chipped, or Knocked-Out Teeth?

A knocked-out or accidental permanent Tooth is a dental emergency that can be reimplanted or inserted in many cases but has higher chances if the treatment is done within thirty minutes.

Collection of Teeth Fragments
  • You should handle teeth carefully because damage may prevent the reimplantation of teeth.
  • Touch it with the crown or top part of the Tooth, do not touch the roots of the Tooth.
  • Rinse the Tooth gently in a water bowl for less than 10 seconds if there is dirt or matter. Do not use scrub or alcohol to remove the dirt.


Reinsert or Store Teeth
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • If possible, reinsert the permanent Tooth into the correct socket and use a gauze pad to hold the teeth in place.
  • If you can’t reinsert your permanent teeth, store than in whole milk to prevent drying.
Treat Symptoms
  • Control bleeding with sterile gauze or cloths
  • For pain and swelling, apply a cool or ice compress. Or use over-the-counter pain. medication

For knocked or chipped teeth, you should contact Emergency Dentist Near Me In Houston for proper chipped tooth filling and diagnosis of the issue. Also, you should take the teeth or fragments so that a dentist can insert them into a socket.

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Nov 14 '22 · 0 comments

Your back molar, also known as wisdom teeth, are the teeth that usually come between the ages of 17 and 21. Because many people don’t have enough room for extra teeth to accommodate, wisdom teeth can lead to various problems.


If you are suffering from the same problems, you should visit Emergency Dentist, who will recommend surgery to remove them. Wisdom teeth removal surgery is widespread, takes a week to heal, or may depend on specific cases. Recovery may take longer if the wisdom teeth are impacted or haven’t emerged below the gums. But the question arises How Long is Wisdom Teeth Recovery?

On surgery day

Wisdom teeth extraction is an outpatient surgery, meaning you come and go on the same day. If your dentist uses local anesthesia or sedation during the surgery, you can wake up after the procedure. But if they have used general anesthesia, it takes longer for you to wake up; hence you’ll need a recovery room. You should see a dentist about the dental sedation process.



You may find slight swelling and pain just after the procedure. On the first day of recovery, you may get some bleeding in your mouth. You should use an ice compressor and over-the-counter pain killer to relieve pain.


You also consider having someone to drive you home because you won’t be able to drive for an extended time after tooth extraction surgery. Also, you should avoid using some items in your mouth, like straws, because this can lead to complications.

Long-term recovery

Most people recover from wisdom teeth in three to four days, and it may take a few weeks to recover if you have impacted teeth or come at some angle. The extraction surgery site wound won’t completely heal for months. There are high chances of developing an infection after a week of surgery. You should be cautious and take care of the healing area.


You may resume your activities the day after the wisdom teeth removal surgery. However, you should avoid dislodging stitches or blood clots on your wounds. Here is a list of activities you should avoid to heal your teeth faster:


  • Exercise in which you may hurt your mouth
  • Smoking
  • Spitting
  • Drinking from a straw

Some swelling, pain, and heavy bleeding after the wisdom teeth removal. You should consider contacting24 Hour Emergency Dentist Near Me In Houston if you experience pain or excessive bleeding. 


When to see 24 Hour Emergency Dentist?

Your symptoms, like pain and bleeding, should vanish after the third day of surgery. However, if you find continuous bleeding or pain, seek help from your doctor for any such symptoms:


  • If you find it troubling while swallowing or breathing
  • A little fever
  • If your medication is not effective
  • If the swelling gets worse day by day.
  • Continuous Numbness in your tongue, cheeks, and gums
  • Any blood or pus coming out of your nose
  • If bleeding doesn’t stop after a few days of wisdom teeth removal

Find your wisdom teeth erupting at some angle or crowing the place, which may cause pain and swelling. You should consider visiting 24 Hour Dentist Near Me In Houston for proper treatment and diagnosis of such issues.

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Nov 7 '22 · 0 comments