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Periodontitis is a severe gum infection that may damage the soft tissue. If left untreated, it can destroy the bone support and teeth. Periodontal diseases can cause loose teeth or may lead to tooth loss.

Periodontitis is very common but can’t be reversible. It’s usually caused due to poor oral health and hygiene. Therefore you should not compromise your dental practices, such as brushing and flossing your teeth atleast twice a day and visiting Emergency Dentist Open 24 Hours Near Me for a routine checkup atleast two times a year.

Periodontal Disease Symptoms

Healthy gums are pale pink and fit snuggly around your teeth. Here are some signs that you be suffering from periodontitis diseases:


  • Swollen gums
  • If you feel any tenderness while touching your gums
  • Bright reddish, dusky red, or purplish gums
  • Bad odor
  • If you notice blood after brushing or flossing your teeth
  • Pus pocket in between your teeth and gums
  • Loose teeth or loss of teeth
  • If your gums bleed easily
  • Painful while chewing and eating
  • If new spaces develop between teeths
  • Receding gums, you may feel your teeth get longer
  • If you find pinkish skin after brushing
When to see a dentist

Find any pain, swelling, or inflammation. You should visit a dentist for periodontitis treatment and diagnosis of the issue. The sooner you contact the dentist, the better your chances of reversing the damage from periodontitis diseases.


The development of periodontitis starts with a sticky, firm layer of bacteria called plaque. If left untreated, your plaque advances to periodontal diseases; here is how it happens.

Plaque buildup on your teeth due to sugar or food particles interacting with bacteria normally found in your mouth. Therefore you should brush and floss regularly or atleast twice a day to prevent plaque formation.

Furthermore, plaque hardens under your gumline and forms a tartar layer on your teeth. The longer the plaque and tartar stay on your teeth, the more damage they can do. Also, tartar is difficult to clean with regular brushing and flossing because it’s filled with bacteria.

Plaque causes gingivitis disease, which irritates and inflames parts of your gums tissue around your teeth. However, your dentist and proper treatment can reverse gingivitis.

If left untreated, gums inflammation can cause periodontitis, in which plaque and bacteria pockets develop in between your gums and teeth. As time passes, the pocket becomes more profound and filled with bacteria, causing loss of tissues and bone. Or sometimes, you may lose one or more teeth and strain your immune system.


Risk factors

Here are some factors that can increase the chances of periodontitis include:

  • Gingivitis disease
  • Poor oral habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco
  • If you don’t follow dental practices such as brushing and flossing
  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or menopause
  • Excessive obesity
  • Inadequate or deficiency of nutrition and vitamin C
  • Genetics dental problem
  • If you’re on certain medications that cause dry mouth

If you have periodontitis symptoms, pain, sensation, bad odor, or discolored tooth. In such conditions, you should visit Emergency Dentist Near Me Open Now for proper treatment and diagnosis of dental issues.

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Oct 30 '22 · 0 comments

You need atleast two dental visits to prepare a dental crown and tooth reshaping. On the first dental visit, your Dentist will examine with digital scanning and X-rays to prepare your tooth for crown placement. Then your dental team will create an impression of the tooth for dental cap construction. During this process, your Dentist will place a temporary crown to save your reshaped teeth. They will send the impression to a dental lab, where a dental technician will fabricate the crown and blend it with your teeth' color.

In the second visit, your Dentist will remove the temporary crown and place the custom-made crown with the help of white dental cement. If you have chipped, knocked, or fractured teeth, you should consider visiting a Walk In Dentist.

Temporary crown

A temporary crown is used to save reshaped teeth or to save teeth from being fractured or chipped, and it is used for a concise period of time. Dentists use some adhesive to place crowns so they can temporarily remove them.


One-day crown

You'll get this crown in a single appointment, but only a few dental offices offer same-day installation using a comper-aided design. They are fabricated or designed from a ceramic block in the dental office.

Onlay or 3/4 crown

Some crowns are made so they cover a portion of your tooth. If your teeth don't need a full crown, your Dentist might suggest onlays or ¾ crowns. Therefore you should consider visiting a dentist for a Dental Crown Procedure and diagnosing dental issues such as chipped, cavities, or knocked teeth.

Who needs a crown?

A dentist places a dental crown if you have a large cavity that filling cannot fill. Moreover, you may need a dental crown if you have:

  • Severely worn down or cavities.
  • Cracked and knocked teeth
  • Weakened teeth that can't tolerate pressure from your teeth while chewing and eating
  • Mostly your Dentist recommends a crown just after the root canal treatment to provide additional support and enhance your teeth' durability.

If you have missing teeth, you are a perfect candidate for a dental crown, or a dentist may need a dental bridge or a tooth implant to maintain the aesthetic and functionality of the tooth.

How can you care for a Dental crown?

Once you get the crown, taking care of the dental appliances is essential. Maintaining good dental hygiene will help protect your teeth and Dental Crown Near Me for a long time. Here are some tips you should consider to protect your dental crown.


Avoid hard foods

After having a dental crown, you should avoid chewing ice or hard foods to prevent the crown from cracking, especially if you have a porcelain dental crown.

What does it mean when you grind your teeth at night?

If you grind or clench your teeth, Walk In Dentist near me will recommend a night guard to protect the surrounding teeth and the dental crown.


If you have chipped, fractured, knocked, or missing teeth, you should consider visiting Emergency Dental Clinic to save your teeth from the severity and bacterial infection.

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Oct 28 '22 · 0 comments

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, appear or emerge as the last permanent teeth. It may occur in individuals in their late teens, early 20s, or later lives.

The untreated wisdom tooth can increase the risk of the tooth becoming more infectious. Wisdom Tooth Infection can lead bacteria, also called septicemia, to reach the bloodstream and even cause blood poisoning. Sometimes a tooth infection is referred to as a tooth abscess and can cause stinging pain and discomfort to the tooth. People undergoing dental pain and disease should meet a dentist and get treated as soon as possible. Not having proper treatment may have further troubles and can lead to severe or long-standing complications.

Why is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

Taking them out is necessary as they come at the last of the mouth and do not come in a proper shape or place they may shift the nearby teeth to rise because they do not have the room to set. They may be trapped in your jawbone or gums, which is painful, so removing them is necessary.


Signs of a Tooth Infection

A tooth infection occurs when bacteria enter a tooth's gums or roots due to improper cleaning or not visiting your dentist for regular checkups. Thus this can cause your mouth to swell, pain, inflammation, and sometimes an abscessed tooth orAbscess Tooth, a pocket of pus in the gum and throbbing pain that can reach your jawbone, neck, and ear.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth

The main symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth don't always cause pain or other signs. Still, if it is affected, it can cause other teeth damage or can cause other dental problems like

  1. Redness and swelling in gums
  2. Tender or bleeding gums
  3. Pain in Jaw
  4. Swelling around the jaw and cheek
  5. Bad breath
  6. Difficulty while opening your mouth

If you find any symptoms above, visit  Wisdom Teeth Removal Near Me, a dentist.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A dentist or a specialist surgeon will perform your Wisdom tooth extraction. If your dentist recommends the extraction of wisdom teeth, they will take an X-ray of your mouth to determine who should proceed with the extraction.

Your dentist will give a slight cut to access the wisdom tooth that has not come through the gum. Your dentist will also remove a small amount of the tooth bone covering the tooth.

The tooth may be cut into smaller parts to make it easier to remove through the opening.


Your dentist may give you anesthesia to numb the area so you will not feel any pain. It will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to remove the tooth, but sometimes if the case is more complicated, it can take longer than 20 minutes.


Not removing wisdom teeth can cause various problems. Pain and swelling in the mouth are two common symptoms of a wisdom tooth infection. If these dental problems last more than a few days, visit an Emergency Dentist.

Your dentist will likely clean the affected tooth and prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. They may also recommend extracting the tooth to prevent further issues.

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Oct 15 '22 · 0 comments

The most common surgical procedure is the removal of wisdom teeth or third molars. Most people have 4 wisdom teeth that grow at the last of their gums and are the last teeth to come through them.

After Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure, it usually takes up to 2 weeks to recover from the surgery, and during this duration, you may have swelling in the mouth and cheeks. The pain may be worse for the first few days, but as time passes, it will improve. Some people need stitches to help close the wound; your dentist will remove it after a week. You may need some time to recover if you have bruises or swelling.


Recovery time will be different for everyone. It may take longer if blood clots become dislodged from the injury or the injury becomes infected.


What can you eat?

After your wisdom tooth surgery, you should eat soft or liquid foods to help prevent damage to the affected area or stitches. Some examples are

  1. Soup
  2. Jello
  3. soft noodles
  4. Eggs
  5. mashed banana

 To recover soon after the surgery, you must avoid eating food that needs chewing, sticky food like candies, hot or spicy food, and avoid eating hard food that may hurt your wounds.

Returning to daily activities.

Healing time may differ from person to person, and some people heal faster and return to work after wisdom teeth removal. If you have a strenuous work background, ask your oral surgeon for better suggestions, as you should avoid any strenuous activities after the wisdom tooth extraction.

How to speed up the healing process:

The wisdom teeth removal recovery can be fastened when blood clots will form from where the dentist has removed the tooth. These blood clots are good for healing fast because they:


  1. They help prevent the flowing of extra blood
  2. It helps in protecting the wound from further infection and allows new tissue to grow to

Protect the bare bone.

How long does it take to get relief after wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?

Avoiding strenuous activities, consuming sticky or hard food, and taking self-care is key to relieving wisdom teeth surgery pain. If the extraction site becomes visible, you might feel extreme pain.

How to reduce swelling

During the extraction of a wisdom tooth, you may cause some swelling around your mouth. You need to eat food that is not hard and avoid eating them for atleast 1 week to let it cure completely. To reduce the swelling, including ice chips, ice packs, and cold compresses.


Your dentist may recommend an Anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen or naproxen to help reduce swelling.

Sometimes swelling can occur due to food pieces stuck in that area. You can rinse your mouth with salt water or an oral rinser suggested by your dentist.


If you have severe dental issues, recommend Wisdom Teeth Extraction Near Me. However, it only takes two weeks to recover from wisdom teeth removal if you take the prescribed medication and care as your Emergency Dental Clinic suggests. Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost can vary depending on the case, locality, and the experience the dentist is having.


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Oct 10 '22 · 0 comments · Tags: emergency dental clinic