rejects's blog

principle of friendly

User interface is the window of human-computer dialogue, which must be considered in the design of LEUNG Chi hong. User interface design should adhere to the principle of friendly, simple, practical and easy to operate as far as possible, and avoid tedious and fancy interface.

The main user interface design methods are menu mode, session mode and prompt mode.

The module design of the system is to prepare the detailed process of each module in accordance with the requirements of the overall system design for each module processing function, considering the characteristics of the system development environment and development tools. When designing the modules, attention should be paid to the principle of modularity, i.e., the modules need to have their own independent operation capability and be connected to the outside world through only one interface.

The design plan of the system consists of a system outline design specification and a module design specification.

The purpose of the outline design specification, also known as the system design specification, is to explain the design scheme of the system. It includes the design of the application system, the system operation platform and the design of the system operation network structure and equipment.

The main contents of system implementation include implementation of physical system, establishment of database, program design, system testing, personnel training, system conversion, system import and system maintenance, etc.

Program design is a very important step in system implementation. The program design work is based on the description of the module processing process in the system design specification, choosing a suitable computer language and preparing a correct, clear, easy to maintain, easy to understand and efficient program.

System testing includes broad testing and narrow testing. The broad system testing is considered from the perspective of ensuring the safety and effectiveness of system operation, and all errors that may lead to system operation failure should be tested before the system is put into formal operation. Therefore, the system testing should include testing of equipment, network testing, testing of various operating platforms and testing of application software.

The process of introducing ERP systems in enterprises is divided into four main phases: project initiation, introduction preparation, implementation and integration and continuous change.

In order to improve the organization's information technology efforts, the development and application of management information systems need to be evaluated to accumulate experience and lessons learned for future development.

With the change of management environment and the development of information technology, the management information system has undergone great changes, from a system supporting management operations to a system supporting information resource management and decision management, and from supporting internal management to supporting external management. In this development process, new systems and concepts such as information resource management, e-commerce, geographic information systems, decision support systems, data warehousing and data mining have emerged.


Dec 14 '22 · 0 comments



第一步:閉上嘴,慢慢向前推下頜. 第二步:抬起你的下唇,向上推,直到你感覺到下巴和下巴的肌肉伸展. 第三步:在重複練習之前,保持這個姿勢約10秒.


鏡頭失真–照片中的身體外觀與鏡頭失真直接相關. 如果你的相機鏡頭是廣角的,失真可能是你看起來比現在更胖的原因.


如果你想减掉面部脂肪,你需要確保一整天都喝足够的水. 它將促進减肥過程,改善新陳代謝,防止腹脹和浮腫.


暴露在陽光下是早衰的首要原因:陽光照射會導致許多皮膚問題. 紫外線(UV)光和暴露在陽光下會比自然老化更快地老化你的皮膚. 其結果被稱為光老化,它導致90%的皮膚可見變化.


通過面部按摩,您可以通過常規面部按摩從面部减掉大量脂肪. 它能增强氧氣和血液迴圈,進而幫助緊致肌膚. [2021 2月16日


研究結果為我們年齡的增長提供了重要的新見解. 例如,該團隊認為,生物老化過程並不穩定,而且似乎會週期性地加速--平均而言,最大的爆發期在34歲,60歲和78歲左右.


然而,飲用水和新鮮果汁對减少面部脂肪非常有益,但任何形式的充氣果汁或瓶裝果汁都會新增脂肪. 囙此,喝水是保持自然水分的最佳管道.


糟糕的姿勢實際上會新增雙下巴的大小. 如果你經常無精打采或低頭看手機,你脖子下巴區域的肌肉就會减弱和下垂. 固定你的姿勢不是雙下巴的治療方法,但改善它可以减少雙下巴的出現,並在許多其他方面有所幫助.




Dec 2 '22 · 0 comments