rejects's blog


羽絨或羽毛:大多數羽絨枕可以放在洗衣機裏. 但使用冷水和溫和的清潔劑,然後用小火乾燥. (高溫會損壞羽絨.)記憶泡沫或乳膠:洗衣機攪動會破壞泡沫,囙此這些枕頭可能需要用手清洗. 2021 11月6日


然而,以這種管道睡覺實際上可能表明你沒有像你應該的那樣容易呼吸. 布蘭特納說:[有些人睡覺時手臂放在頭上,因為這是打開肺部的自然管道.".



如果你沒有肩膀問題的病史,並且你突然醒來時肩膀疼痛,你的睡姿很可能是罪魁禍首. 側睡的人經常睡在肩膀上,這會導致肩袖肌腱或肩囊受到擠壓.


在雙腿之間放一個枕頭可以保持骨盆中立,防止脊椎在夜間旋轉. 保持良好的對齊可以減輕背部組織的壓力,並可能减少椎間盤突出或坐骨神經痛引起的疼痛. 2021 4月15日


陶瓷和陶瓷是可用的最持久的地板資料,它們幾乎不需要維護. 瓷磚地板也具有防潮性,是浴室,廚房和洗衣房等經常發生洩漏的區域的理想選擇.


歐洲人睡在羽絨被下麵,上面有羽絨被. 你永遠不會在歐洲的床上看到頂層床單,除非是在國際連鎖飯店,奇怪的是,你會發現它與羽絨被和被套搭配在一起. 如果你問歐洲人,頂層床單是不必要的,不舒服的,淩亂的.


當你仰臥或側臥時,枕頭應該放在你的頭和脖子下麵,而不是肩膀下麵. 一個很好的經驗法則是,無論你處於什麼位置,你的枕頭都應該保持頸部與床墊平行.




底線:多個枕頭睡覺可能看起來是一種支持性的選擇,但這可能會破壞脊柱的自然排列. 囙此,睡一個更厚的枕頭通常是首選. 2021 4月21日




Nov 25 '22 · 0 comments

Office relocation

Moving an office or a company can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! In this article, you’ll find tips and advice on how to make your move a successful one.

What are the benefits of office relocation?

When it comes to office relocation, there are a number of benefits that you and your company can enjoy. Here are just a few of the advantages of making a move:

1. Fresh start: A new location can provide your business with a much-needed fresh start. If you're looking to rebrand or change up your company's image, relocating to a new office can be the perfect way to do it.

2. More space: If your current office is starting to feel cramped, relocating to a larger space can give you and your employees the room you need to breathe.

3. Access to new talent: Moving to a new city can help you tap into a whole new pool of job candidates. If you're looking to expand your team, relocating to an area with a strong talent pool can be a great way to do it.

4. Lower costs: In some cases, relocating your office can save you money on rent and other expenses. If you're looking to cut costs, this may be something worth considering.

5. Improved quality of life: In many cases, employees willOffice relocation chance to relocate to a new city with a better quality of life. If your current location is struggling with high crime rates or poor schools, moving somewhere else can be a great way to improve the lives of your employees and their families.

Why would someone want to relocate their office?

There are many reasons why someone might want to relocate their office. Maybe they're looking for a change of scenery, or they want to be closer to their clients. Maybe they're expanding their business and need more space, or they're downsizing and need to save money. Whatever the reason, there are a few things to keep in mind when relocating your office.

First, you'll need to notify your employees of the move and give them plenty of time to prepare. You'll also need to take care of any legal details, like changing your business address with the government. And of course, you'll need to physically move all your office furniture and equipment.

If you're planning on moving your office, it's important to do your research and plan ahead. But with a little bit of preparation, relocating your office can be a smooth and stress-free process.

Tips for making your move as smooth as possible

1. Start by planning and organizing your move well in advance. This will help ensure that everything goes smoothly and you don't forget anything important.

2. Make a list of all the things you need to do in order to prepare for your move, and start working on them as soon as possible.

3. If you're moving your business, be sure to notify your customers and clients well in advance so that they can make any necessary arrangements.

4. Hire a professional moving company to handle the logistics of your move. This will save you a lot of time and hassle.

5. Make sure you pack everything carefully and label all of your boxes clearly. This will make unpacking much easier once you reach your destination.

6. Be prepared for some disruptions during the actual moving process, and try to stay calm and flexible throughout it all.

7. Once you're settled into your new place, take some time to explore your surroundings and get acquainted with your new city or town

The costs associated with relocating your office

If you're considering relocating your office to another city, there are a few cost considerations you'll need to take into account. First, you'll need to factor in the cost of renting or purchasing new office space. You'll also need to budget for any renovations or build-outs that may be necessary to get your new space up and running. Additionally, you'll need to account for the costs of moving your furniture, equipment, and other belongings to your new location. And finally, don't forget to factor in the cost of setting up utilities and other services at your new office.

While the costs associated with relocating your office can be significant, it's important to remember that the long-term benefits of moving to a new city can far outweigh the upfront costs. When done right, relocating your office can help you tap into new markets, attract top talent, and boost your company's bottom line.

How to find the best move management company for your needs

If you're planning on relocating your office to another city, you'll need to find a reliable and reputable move management company to help you with the transition. Here are a few tips on how to find the best company for your needs:

1. Do your research. Ask around for recommendations or look online for customer reviews of potential companies.

2. Make sure the company is experienced in commercial moves. Ask them about their previous projects and if they have any experience managing office relocations.

3. Get an estimate of the costs involved. Moving can be expensive, so it's important to get a realistic quote from the company before making any decisions.

4. Ask about their services. Most companies will offer a complete package that includes packing, transportation, and unpacking, but some may only offer basic services like transportation. Make sure you know what's included in their service so there are no surprises later on.

5. Find out if they offer any additional services such as storage or disposal of unwanted items. These services can be helpful if you're downsizing your office or getting rid of old furniture and equipment.

By following these tips, you should be able to find a reputable and reliable move management company that will make your office relocation go smoothly.

Nov 9 '22 · 0 comments