nveausa's blog






被子是多種多樣的單品,既能保暖又能起到裝潢作用. 它們可以以多種方式使用,包括:床罩. 扔毯子. 2021 12月22日


絲綢:最適合奢華. 對一些人來說,沒有什麼比絲綢包裹身體的輕盈光滑感覺更好的了




不建議使用帶袖子的睡袋,因為在潜在危險的情况下,它們會限制嬰兒的活動. 市場上還有一些睡袋,標籤上寫著[睡袋"或[睡袋


[這取決於你睡覺時被套離身體有多近(你用頂床單嗎?) 以及它的一般用途(寵物和小孩在上面爬行嗎?), 我們建議每週清洗一次被套,如果使用頂層床單,可能會延長到每兩周


决定你的被子圖案. 如果這是你的第一床被子,那就為一床小被子找一個簡單的圖案


棉被和棉被都有經濟實惠和奢華的選擇. 平均來說,被子比被子便宜. 這在一定程度上是由於更多的被子是手工縫製的,這新增了生產成本.


你能把被子蓋在被子上嗎? 對 如果你喜歡額外的層,並且想給你的床新增溫暖,你可以在被子上蓋一床被子. 這也是展示被子複雜細節和設計的好方法.


Nov 23 '22 · 0 comments

Rapid antigen self test

Knowledge of epidemic prevention and control

In the face of the new coronavirus, we should not panic, actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work Rapid antigen self test, and do their own prevention and control. Here is a look at the new coronavirus prevention and control knowledge ~

New coronavirus

First of all, let's understand the etiological and epidemiological characteristics of the new coronavirus.

The new coronavirus (hereinafter referred to as the new coronavirus) belongs to the beta genus coronavirus, which is sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat, and can be effectively inactivated by ether, 75% ethanol, chlorinated disinfectants, peroxyacetic acid and chloroform.

Sources of infection and main transmission routes

The main sources of infection are confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and asymptomatic infected persons; the main routes of transmission are through respiratory droplets and close contact, in a relatively closed environment through aerosol transmission, and contact with objects contaminated with the virus may also cause infection.


It is worth noting that the Omicron variant has now become the dominant epidemic strain in China for both imported and local outbreaks. Available studies suggest that the Omicron variant has a shorter average incubation period, mostly 2-4 days, a stronger ability to spread, a faster rate of transmission, a lower infectious dose, a reduced pathogenicity, and a stronger immune escape capacity, and that existing vaccines are still effective in preventing severe illness and death caused by this variant.


Public prevention and control measures

Publicity and education

Public education on new pneumonia prevention and control knowledge is carried out in a comprehensive and multi-channel manner by fully utilizing new media such as the Internet, microblogs, weibo, clients, and traditional media such as radio, TV, newspapers, and promotional materials, emphasizing that each person is the first person responsible for his or her own health, advocating public compliance with the basic code of conduct for epidemic prevention, insisting on diligent hand washing, wearing masks, frequent ventilation, the communal chopsticks system, the "one-meter line "One-meter line", cough etiquette, cleaning and disinfection and other good hygiene habits and healthy lifestyles such as reasonable diet and moderate exercise, and consciously improve health literacy and self-protection ability.

Reduce gatherings, dinners and parties during the outbreak, cooperate with risk screening, nucleic acid testing and other preventive and control measures, maintain awareness of self-health management, improve body immunity, and seek medical attention promptly when suspicious symptoms appear.


1. Expand the scope of the new coronavirus vaccination population to 3 years of age or older, adhere to the principles of informed consent and voluntariness, and encourage people over 3 years of age who are not contraindicated to receive vaccination to do so.

2. One dose of homologous or sequential booster immunization will be given to eligible target groups over 18 years of age, but not both homologous and sequential booster immunizations.

3. Focus on increasing the full immunization rate and booster immunization rate for the elderly aged 60 years and above and other groups at high risk of serious illness.

4. Further improve the vaccination strategy based on the progress of vaccine development and clinical trial results.

Epidemic Surveillance and Prevention and Control

Epidemic surveillance mainly includes epidemic detection and reporting, and multi-channel alert. Among them, outbreak detection reports include cases, asymptomatic infected persons and aggregated case detection reports. Multi-channel surveillance and early warning is carried out in accordance with the principle of combining point and surface, symptom surveillance and nucleic acid testing, and the combination of infectious disease surveillance system and surveillance system of other departments, and carrying out multi-channel surveillance of people, materials and environment. It includes several aspects of medical institution attendants, risk occupational groups, key institutions and place personnel, community management groups, centralized isolation places and medical institutions, imported items and environment, drugs and virus genetic variation monitoring.

Regarding the disposal of the epidemic, it mainly includes nine steps of infectious source control, flow transfer and risk area (personnel) delineation and control, regional nucleic acid testing, personnel transfer, isolation management, traceability investigation, disinfection, mental health services and epidemic information release.

Basic code of conduct for citizens' epidemic prevention

1. Wash your hands regularly. Wash or disinfect your hands when they are dirty, before cooking, before eating, before defecating, before caring for the elderly, children and patients, before touching your mouth, nose and eyes, after returning home, after caring for patients, after coughing or sneezing, after cleaning, after cleaning garbage, after defecating, after touching couriers, after touching elevator buttons, door handles and other public facilities.

2. Wear a scientific mask. When taking elevators, public transportation, or entering crowded public places, you should wear a mask; when you have fever, dry cough, weakness, sore throat, etc., it is recommended that you wear a medical surgical mask or a mask of the above level when seeking medical attention. Masks should be changed in a timely manner and worn for a total of no more than 8 hours per mask.

3. Pay attention to cough etiquette. When coughing and sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, or use your elbow if you don't have a tissue.

4. Do not gather. During the epidemic period, gather less, visit friends and relatives, attend less wedding banquets and funerals, and do not go to crowded places unless necessary.

5. Eat civilized meals. Do not mix utensils, use common chopsticks for dishes, and share meals as much as possible; when eating in the canteen, try to bring your own utensils.

6. Observe the 1-meter line. When queuing, paying, talking, exercising, visiting or shopping, keep a social distance of 1 meter or more.

7. Ventilate often. Open the windows 2~3 times a day, 20~30 minutes each time. When the temperature is suitable, you can make the window open often.

8. Do a good job of cleaning and disinfection. Keep the room clean and tidy on a daily basis. Clean and disinfect cookware and countertops used for imported frozen foods, items used by patients and visitors, and eating utensils in a timely manner. When receiving courier, wipe or spray the outer package of courier with 75% alcohol or chlorine disinfectant, etc. Discard the outer package promptly after unpacking and do hand hygiene. Before using the air conditioner, clean and disinfect the filter, evaporator surface and air inlet and outlet of the wall-mounted air conditioner.

9. Keep the toilet hygiene. Cover the toilet before flushing, open the window or exhaust fan frequently, and keep the water seal in the water storage bend. Clean and disinfect the sanitary ware and floor in the toilet regularly, and clean and disinfect the surface when there is dirt or mold.

10. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Strengthen physical exercise, adhere to regular work and rest, ensure sufficient sleep, keep a healthy mind; eat healthy, quit smoking and limit alcohol; do daily health monitoring, and seek medical attention when you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, weakness and sore throat.

11. Nucleic acid testing. Cooperate with the regular epidemic prevention and control and nucleic acid testing in local epidemic management as required to ensure that "all tests should be done" and be responsible for the health of yourself and your family.

12. Vaccination. In response to the national vaccination policy for the new coronavirus, people over 3 years of age who are not contraindicated to receive vaccination should be vaccinated, so as to protect their health.

Nov 17 '22 · 0 comments

沒錯:根據這些研究人員的說法,如果你不滿24歲,你基本上還是一個青少年,而不是一個成熟的成年人--至少現在還不是. 如果你快20歲了,基本上你才成年幾年,你真的不能對自己的行為承擔全部責任.


不,你不應該一次使用多個避孕套. 使用兩個避孕套實際上比只使用一個避孕套提供的保護更少. 為什麼? 使用兩個避孕套會導致它們之間的摩擦,削弱資料,新增避孕套破裂的可能性.




18歲時,你已經達到了一個重要的里程碑. 在法律看來,你現在是成年人了. 你可以租自己的公寓,管理自己的財務,甚至可以自己買車--所有這些都不需要父母的同意或幫助. 你現在可以簽訂法律契约並在選舉中投票.


是的,它被稱為[氛圍圈",你必須年滿18歲才能在裡面閒逛,夥計.哦,你也不允許拍照--所以把iPhone收起來. 9.我們喜歡認為自己很擅長猜測不在場女友的胷罩尺寸,但遺憾的是,我們很少發現.


答案:杜蕾斯Play按摩潤滑凝膠是安全的,在大多數情况下不會產生副作用. 然而,在某些情况下,這種凝膠會產生一些副作用. 杜蕾斯Play按摩潤滑凝膠的副作用包括瘙癢,皮疹,腫脹,水泡,過敏反應等.


它是以傭金的形式運作的,所以你不需要支付任何費用來主辦它. 你的朋友買的越多,傭金就越多,你可以從中得到免費的東西,這是一種獎勵.




在大多數情况下,是的. VPN軟件在您的設備中運行,囙此您的路由器看到的都是VPN服務器的IP地址. 數據和真實IP地址都被隱藏(加密).


研究發現,蘇格蘭人不僅打敗了英國人,威爾士人和愛爾蘭人,也打敗了法國人,義大利人和美國人. 一項新的民意調查顯示,蘇格蘭人被選為世界上最棒的戀人.


Nov 5 '22 · 0 comments