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如果您在使用手機時(例如,在觀看視頻時)為手機充電,您可以通過創建迷你週期來“混淆”電池,在這個週期內,電池的某些部分會以比電池的其他部分更快的速度不斷迴圈和劣化。 理想情况下,您應該在充電時關閉設備。


從手機中删除照片和視頻時會發生什麼。 如果你在Android設備上删除了照片和視頻的副本,它們現在會被删除,但你仍然可以:在Google photos應用程序和photos.Google.com中查看你的照片和視頻,包括你剛剛删除的那些。


Android上有回收站/垃圾桶嗎? 不–與Windows或Mac系統不同,Android設備中沒有回收站或垃圾箱。 這是因為大多數智能手機的存儲容量有限,可能從8GB到256GB不等。


它用於在給定流上寫入給定數量的位元組,從“put”指針的位置開始。 如果put指針當前位於檔案末尾,則檔案將被擴展。 如果此指針指向檔案的中間,檔案中的字元將被新數據覆蓋。






在您的Android手機或平板電腦上,打開Google Photos應用程序。
在底部,點擊Library Bin。
在底部,點擊還原。 照片或視頻將返回:在手機的圖庫應用程序中。

如何從回收站Windows 10恢復永久删除的檔案?

按Windows鍵,在蒐索框中輸入Windows檔案修復,然後選擇Windows檔案修復。 當系統提示您允許應用程序更改設備時,請選擇“是”。 有兩種基本模式可用於恢復檔案:常規模式和擴展模式。


BIN檔案,也稱為二進位檔案,是一種包含CD或DVD中的影像和視頻等資訊的檔案格式。 近年來,由於數字媒體比CD和DVD更受歡迎,這種格式的使用越來越少,但當您需要訪問保存在電腦上的舊數據時,它仍然很有用。


在底部,點擊庫。 廢物 更多 清空垃圾箱。 永久删除。


Oct 22 '22 · 0 comments
How many companies are working on self-driving cars?

There are over 250 autonomous vehicle companies including automakers, technology providers, services providers, and tech start-ups that are taking serious steps to make self-driven or driverless cars a reality.

Why are self-driving cars bad for traffic?

Research from the University of Adelaide emphasizes that driverless cars could exacerbate traffic congestion in the upcoming decades because of shifting driver attitudes. According to the research, owners of autonomous vehicles won't show “willingness to share their rides.”

What does autonomous mean?

In its simplest sense, autonomy is about a person's ability to act on his or her own values and interests. Taken from ancient Greek, the word means 'self-legislation' or 'self-governance. ' Modern political thought and bioethics often stress that individual autonomy should be promoted and respected.

Where is full self-driving legal?

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, ...

How much does it cost to charge a Tesla?

It will cost around $10.49 to charge a Tesla Model 3. Depending on the variant, this is between 4 and 5 cents per mile. If you own a Tesla Model S, you can expect to pay about 4.3 cents per mile. A full charge will cost $17.55 total.

Who is to blame if a self-driving car crashes?

Depending on the circumstances of an accident, liability might be placed on the car's manufacturer, its software developer, the human who turned on its autopilot mode, or all three. How to seek compensation for personal injuries isn't always clear.

What is a Level 4 self-driving car?

Level 4 automation, also known as High Automation, allows a vehicle to drive itself as long as a human driver is present. However, unlike Level 3 (Conditional Automation), a Level 4 vehicle should be able to pull over safely even if the human driver does not respond appropriately to a request to intervene.

Why is it wrong for the ethics of autonomous vehicles?

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) raise a host of ethical challenges, including determining how they should interact with human drivers in mixed-traffic environments, assigning responsibility when an AV crashes or causes a crash, and how to manage the social and economic impacts of AVs that displace human workers, among others ...

What is an example of autonomous?

The definition of autonomous is a person or entity that is self-controlling and not governed by outside forces. An example of autonomous is a government that can run itself without aid from an outside country. Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing.

Who is responsible for Tesla Autopilot crash?

The driver is still responsible for, and ultimately in control of, the car.” The electric vehicle manufacturer clearly places the onus of safety on the driver, but research suggests that humans are susceptible to automation bias, an over-reliance on automated aids and decision support systems.

autonomous driving technology

Oct 14 '22 · 0 comments

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Sep 29 '22 · 0 comments

of diabetes-related deaths

Hypertension and diabetes are both chronic mental illnesses that are very common in our lives, and both are diseases for 糖尿病 method of treatment. Everyone is no stranger to these two different diseases, which are a particular hazard as well as a disease of human mental health. But at the same time, there are many people who have the question, which is more serious in China, hypertension or diabetes. High blood pressure and diabetes are actually both very scary diseases, and it is not possible to talk about which is more serious. If we have to discuss one, two or three, hypertension combined with diabetes is the most economically serious.

Hypertension and diabetes are not which is more serious?

1, the high incidence of hypertension

Although hypertension and diabetes are chronic diseases, but the incidence of hypertension will be higher. According to statistics,護肝 among Chinese adults is 25.3%, while the prevalence of diabetes is 10.9%, which is higher in terms of the incidence of hypertension.

2. Diabetes can be very harmful to vital organs

However, when it comes to the extent of damage to vital organs, diabetes is more serious. If blood sugar is not well controlled, it can bring about many complications of diabetes, including diabetic vascular complications, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic eye disease, diabetic foot, and diabetic coronary heart disease. However, hypertension can also produce complications, which should not be ignored.

3, diabetes treatment disease for control more trouble

Diabetes requires more effort to control the disease. Especially in this area of diet, hypertension patients need to control salt, alcohol, 膽固醇指標 only to control salt, alcohol, control weight, but also to control the intake of sugar, and even fruit can not be consumed at will. In terms of medication, both hypertension and diabetes have medication as a form of treatment, but diabetes has insulin injections as a form of treatment in addition to medication, which is more troublesome.

Why is hypertension associated with diabetes more dangerous?

Hypertension and diabetes each cause a lot of harm, and when the two are combined, the harm is even greater. First, it increases the risk of diabetes-related deaths, especially from cardiovascular events. Second, hypertension combined with diabetes makes you more likely to develop complications such as myocardial infarction, angina, and stroke. Diabetes can cause diabetic nephropathy and hypertension can cause hypertensive nephropathy, and if the two are combined, the kidney damage will be more severe.

If you have two different diseases should be in the living environment students active treatment, not only to lower sugar but also to lower blood pressure, these two methods of treatment effect does not exist contradiction, can improve the simultaneous enterprise to carry out. In addition to change the original way of life education, to rational diet, weight control, reduce the intake of fat, salt and sugar.

Sep 23 '22 · 0 comments

We have all read that a fever wears more, and that covering the sweat is good enough, and some people do take that kind of action. The fever will be equivalent to the general fever and cold, think cover sweat can be cured, but in fact the disease on top of the disease.


The Wuhan Morning News has reported a news report of a one-year-old baby with a fever covering sweat, resulting in a persistent high fever and very weak inhalation, who died after being sent to the clinic. When a child has a fever, although the hands and feet are cold, but absolutely not easy to understand as cold, cover the sweat is an incorrect behavior. Excessive heat in the body can lead to conditions such as desiccation, and in more serious cases, cause oxygen deficiency, desiccation, liver failure, etc., and death.


Fever should not be treated like a cold disease, wearing three layers of sweat, but should be measured after the temperature and carried out to reduce the temperature solution.

The proper way to deal with a fever.

First of all, you can use physical fever reduction. In contrast to sweating, when you have a fever, you should take off too many clothes and unbutton your clothes and pants, so that your body is in a windy situation, and keep your hands and feet warm in the heat. Physical fever reduction can also be achieved by taking a hot bath or scrubbing the body with a hot and wet rag.


Secondly, you can use drugs to reduce the temperature. There are many fever-reducing drugs on the market today, but they are generally selected for application in cases where the body temperature exceeds 38.5. If you are in a high fever situation, simple physical fever reduction regardless of the words, you can use antipyretic drugs. If the fever medicine is not down to cool down, it must be taken again at intervals of four to six hours.

Finally, drink more water. Drinking more water can speed up the body's metabolic circulation system, which is beneficial to reduce fever and temperature.

Covering sweat is a common incorrect method of reducing fever, so what other methods of reducing fever are undesirable when it comes to fever?

Fever medical misconceptions to beware of

1. Application of antipyretic drugs

When you have a fever, in order to better reduce the fever as early as possible, many people will blindly follow the trend of taking antipyretic drugs and find that there is no retreat, and will immediately take another, but this is an incorrect demonstration of sex. The best way to take antipyretic drugs is to stick to one, and not to take them again immediately after finding that they are not effective. Generally not too high temperature, are able to select physical fever to reduce the actual effect of the temperature, without bearing the adverse effects of drugs.

2. reduce fever not immediately

Many people to know their own fever situation, do not use fever countermeasures, die to wait for medical treatment. Appointment registration, equal to the number is a longer full process, why not first engage in a good temperature reduction solution, and then listen to the physician to confirm the diagnosis.

3. Fever prevention cold not bath

Fever is not the same as a cold, nor is it a viral cold. When you have a fever, you should not hold on to your bath in order to better not get a cold. On the contrary, a bath can reasonably assist in reducing fever and eliminating heat, and it is only necessary to quickly scrub the neat water drops and change the comfortable clothes and pants, so that it is not easy to catch a cold.

Fever and cold fever is a common thing, but must take the appropriate way to reduce fever .

Related article reading:

Fever and flu, in addition to taking medicine and drip, we need to do what exactly

How to fight a cold and fever at work

Советы по охлаждению при лихорадке и простуде

Sep 13 '21 · 0 comments

Maintaining good living habits is an important measure to promote physical and mental health, while maintaining good health without being affected by diseases can prolong life. Many people suffer from illness for a long time, which is mainly related to bad living habits. The work of health preservation is not done in place, and some diseases will take advantage of it.

What can be done to improve physical and mental health and bring longevity closer?

1. Keep a good attitude

If you can learn to manage your emotions, pay attention to emotional regulation, and keep your mood happy every day, you can naturally live a long life. Many people's diseases are related to negative emotions. Frequent mood swings, anger or depression may lead to fluctuations in hormone levels in the body, and blood pressure will rise when there is too much adrenaline secretion, which is not conducive to health. Therefore, people who understand health preservation should learn to manage their emotions and promote their health by maintaining a good attitude.

2. Sufficient water acquisition

The key to health preservation is sufficient water supply. Especially after getting up in the morning, the blood viscosity increases. You can dilute the blood by drinking water to reduce the blood viscosity. Generally, adequate drinking water is conducive to the circulation and metabolism of the body. After the excretion of garbage and waste, the body will remain healthy and live a long life.

If the body lacks water for a long time, it is not conducive to the excretion of garbage toxins in the body, it may also increase the blood viscosity, increase the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and live a long life. Therefore, in the process of promoting physical health, we should realize the importance of drinking water and ensure sufficient drinking water every day to maintain physical health.

3. Keep exercising

If we can exercise more and maintain good health through aerobic exercise and strength training, the effect is also relatively good. For lazy people who don't love sports, they are more prone to physical decline. When the physique decreases, some pathogenic factors take advantage of it, and it is more difficult to maintain health. Therefore, in the process of maintaining physical and mental health, we also need to pay attention to the health preservation of the body, and achieve the purpose of health preservation by taking more exercise. After physical enhancement, it is not easy to have diseases, which will naturally prolong life.

4. Healthy and reasonable diet

If we can pay attention to diet, we will be healthier physically and mentally. This sentence is reasonable. Many people have unreasonable methods in the process of eating, irregular meals and overeating. These bad eating habits are the culprit of the disease. If you want to stay away from diseases, the key is to understand health preservation, pay attention to reasonable diet, and obtain the nutrients needed by the human body, so that normal life activities can be maintained.

5. Stay away from alcohol and tobacco

The key to prolonging life is to quit smoking and drinking. Now many young people have the bad habit of smoking and drinking. When smoking and drinking, obtaining harmful substances may damage their body, which is also the reason for many people's diseases. In the process of prolonging life, we should know how to keep in good health, quit smoking and alcohol, prevent diseases and shorten people's life.

Aug 24 '21 · 0 comments
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