kimberly925's blog

three apprentices and teaches

Management has always been a technical job, but 80% of people believe that it is not. Many of the company's technical LEUNG Chung fan is far away, that they do a good job on their own acreage, that it is because of this concept, that many people for many years or a few thousand dollars base salary of the small people.

When many people think of management, they immediately think of meeting the superiors, toadying, deceiving the top to hide these, but this is to go astray people deliberately distort the management of the mystery. What is the ultimate goal of management? Is to improve efficiency, to play each team's ability, so that 1 + 1 > 2.

Because Chinese people value learning and excellence, many technical staff, if more excellent, are also priority promotion candidates for the company's technical department. Why should we promote technical personnel to management positions? Knowing the technical staff is extremely difficult if they rely solely on their own strength. As more and more things pile up on a technical person, technical people eventually run out of time.

For example, the company now has a machine tool with a daily output value of 200,000 that a technician can maintain and guarantee the company's monthly output value of 6 million. If the company grows and there are ten machines, even if they are veterans, the daily maintenance becomes extremely difficult. Do you think one person can keep the equipment running continuously for 16 hours a day for 365 days if there are 20 machines running continuously for 16 hours a day?


Four people maintaining 20 machines can guarantee the company's output of 1200W per month if this technician manages three apprentices and teaches them according to each one's strengths and allocates shift time reasonably. In comparison to the output value of 200,000 for one machine, his personal value is increased by 60 divided by 4, a 15-fold increase. If his salary triples from 2000 to 6000, the boss makes a profit.

But if this technician cannot manage, we all go to work off duty without shifts; if the machine fails at night, who wants to come over at this time? Who does not want to come over during the day? One machine that is delayed for one night costs at least 100,000 yuan. What if three machines are present? At least 300,000 people. 300,000 may be much more than the monthly salary of four people.

Dec 27 '22 · 0 comments
What is difference between P2P and P2M?

Types of UPI Payments

UPI transactions are typically both P2P (money transfer between people) and P2M (money transfer between people and merchants).

Is Adyen a Chinese company?

Adyen is a Dutch payment company that allows businesses to accept e-commerce, mobile, and point-of-sale payments.

Is LinkedIn PaaS or SaaS?

Second to Salesforce, LinkedIn is the second largest SaaS company in the world. Unlike most SaaS companies which are B2B, LinkedIn is a B2C2B company. LinkedIn attracts hundreds of millions of consumers to post resumes online and sells this data and access to its audience to advertisers and recruiters and salespeople.

Is Amazon a SaaS or PAAS?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that includes a mixture of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and packaged-software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings.

Is grab a SaaS?

GrabForBusiness is the B2B arm of Grab, with an easy-to-use SaaS platform ( that enables digitisation, cost efficiencies, convenience, control and transparency for companies and their employees in Southeast Asia while using Grab's services (Transport, Delivery, Food and Digital Vouchers) for business ...

What are the modern methods of payment?

Modern payment systems use cash-substitutes as compared to traditional payment systems. This includes debit cards, credit cards, electronic funds transfers, direct credits, direct debits, internet banking and e-commerce payment systems.

Is SAP HANA SaaS or PaaS?

SAP S/4 HANA Cloud is SaaS (Software as a Service). SAP HCP (HANA Cloud Platform) is PaaS (Platform as a Service) SAP HEC (HANA Enterprise Cloud) is IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

Is SaaS a hybrid?

Hybrid SaaS combines SaaS solutions with an on-premise software application to provide the benefits of SaaS with more security and user control. The functional aspect of the software is presented through the cloud, hosted by the software provider.

Is Razorpay a UPI?

The UPI intent flow has high usage on Android devices, and with Razorpay bringing the UPI intent flow to iOS as well, the usage of UPI is only going to increase. While such features can be immensely beneficial for small businesses, the average consumers also stand to gain from using UPI payment apps.

Is there a monthly fee for PayPal?

We don't charge a monthly fee and no minimum balance is required. We don't charge for inactivity or limited use of the card. A fee of up to $3.95 will apply when loading cash to your PayPal balance at supported stores.

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Dec 7 '22 · 0 comments





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Dec 1 '22 · 0 comments