kaikaixinxin's blog

How much does a kasambahay make in the Philippines?

Domestic workers in Metro Manila will receive a P500 pay rise, effective January 3, 2024, according to a wage order issued by the RTWPB of the National Capital Region on December 12, 2023. As a result, domestic workers' monthly pay in the NCR will increase to P6,500 from P6,000.

Why does DSWD provide cash assistance?

The DSWD Cash Assistance program helps students pay for their educational expenditures. Students can apply for DSWD Educational Assistance with this cash assistance to cover their tuition, book allowance, living expenses, and other relevant costs. Observe the Procedures.

In what way will interest be charged on a pawn?

Drawbacks: Pawn shop loans usually include high costs; the average APR is 200%, with monthly interest rates ranging from 20% to 25%. Minimal loan amounts: The value of pawn loans is merely a portion of the resale value of an object, which is usually far less than its initial cost.

What's the cheapest kind of loan?

safe loansBecause the property serves as collateral, secured loans usually have some of the lowest interest rates. Because the loan is secured by a house, jewelry, or any type of vehicle, the lender bears less risk.

Does the HELOC require repayment?

Generally, throughout the draw time, you only pay interest at a variable rate and are not required to repay the amount you borrow. A HELOC may offer a cheaper initial rate for a certain amount of time, such six months. A fixed rate can be applied to all or part of your debt with certain HELOC lenders.

Which bank makes credit card processing simple?

1. Credit card with immediate approval from HDFC Bank. In addition to being instantly activated and owned, HDFC Bank credit cards are completely safe. Here, a prospective client is sent to the end-to-end immediate digital application page, where issuance can be completed with only one click.ofw loan without ccsl hk

Which credit bureau do lenders look up?

They obtain credit reports or credit scores from one or more of the three main credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Ever since the scores were introduced as a tool for lenders in 1989, FICO scores have undergone multiple iterations that take into account changes in the credit market and consumer behavior.

Is Klarna able to provide me a loan?

Another option is to use Klarna Financing, if you are eligible. You can use this option to borrow money from Klarna in the form of a line of credit. However, in comparison to certain credit card options, this option may have an APR that is greater.

Which business makes it the simplest to obtain a personal loan?

Summary: 2024's Top Easy Personal Loan OptionsForbes Advisor Rating for Company CTA down for further informationOn the website of Fiona.com, LendingPoint 4.0The website of Fiona.com provides Universal Credit 3.5.Startup 3.5 Through the Website of Fiona.comAvant 3.5 through the website of Fiona.com.two additional rows

In Hong Kong, what is the minimal amount of food allowed?

HK$1,236 monthlyThe monthly food allowance for domestic helpers is fixed at HK$1,236 while the minimum income is HK$4,870. This was applicable to any domestic assistant contracts signed by foreign nationals on or after September 30, 2023.online loan application for domestic helpers hong kong

Apr 26 · 0 comments
What would have happened if you had invested $000 in Netflix 10 years ago?

If you invested in Netflix 10 years ago, you're probably pretty happy with your investment today. According to our calculations, his 000 investment that he made in February 2014 will be worth 138.15 as of February 12, 2024, or he will have a return of 813.81%, and this return will include Dividends are not included. Price increases are not included.

Is gold better than Bitcoin?

Is Bitcoin a better investment than gold? Which one is better depends on your risk tolerance, investment strategy, amount of capital, and how much you can afford to lose. Bitcoin is much more volatile than gold, making it a riskier investment than gold. 投資趨勢

Who won the world gold medal?

In 2023, Chinese mines produced an estimated 370 tonnes of gold. Therefore, China is the world's largest gold producer.

Is now a good time to buy gold?


Waiting for investment prices to change in your favor is always risky, but perhaps more so with alternative assets like gold. Become. Also, although the price of precious metals has increased significantly in recent years, it may still make sense to buy now.

What is the safest investment right now?

U.S. Treasury Bills, Bonds, Bonds

Historically, the United States has always paid down its debts, ensuring that Treasury securities are the lowest-risk investments you can own. Various maturities are available. Treasury bills (also known as T-bills) have maturities of 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 13 weeks, 26 weeks, and 52 weeks.

What is the price of gold in Hong Kong today?

Current gold price: HK4,470/tail

Receive the latest gold ornaments prices by email daily. 如何投資

What would happen if you invested $000 in Apple in 2000?

But if you were smart enough to invest $ ,000 in Apple stock in early 2000, you would have made a whopping 21,230% return. This means that even a small investment is currently worth 13,000 (as of July 27).

What are the best assets to make money with?

9 Best Profit-Producing Assets to Increase Your Wealth
2) High Dividend Stocks. ...
3) Bonds. ...
4) High Yield Savings Account. ...
5) Private Equity. ...
6) Investment Trust SIP. ...
7) Gold. ...
8) Peer-to-peer lending. ...
9) Pension.
Other items...

Is 1 million enough to retire at age 60?

Would you like to retire with 1 million yen? Even if he quit his job at the average retirement age of 61, he could live to 90 or even 100 years old, according to the latest data from Gallup. 1 million yen in 29 years is equivalent to 1 million yen. Generous 1,494 years. Month. <FC-f21d1a4342a10572043009142aecefcd>

How can I reach 1 million within 10 years?

Save as much as you can

[Assume your return on investment averages 10% per year. To save ,000,000, you need to save about ,000 every month. ” recommends Moore. If possible, put this money into an employer-sponsored retirement savings account.

Mar 28 · 0 comments
What are the symptoms of excessive vaginal secretions?

Symptoms of too much Yin and too little Yin are a feeling of heat, restlessness, dry skin, decreased urine output, constipation, and rapid heartbeat.Symptoms of too much Yin and too little Yin are chills, thirst, and lack of energy. , edema, frequent urination, loose stools, slow pulse.

How I healed anxiety with vitamins

Keep in mind that vitamins B, C, and (water-soluble) magnesium affect many people with anxiety and depression, but supplements and medications have been shown to help alleviate symptoms. is important.

Can traditional Chinese medicine cause liver damage?

Certain Chinese and other Asian herbs associated with liver damage include star anise lotus, psoralen, gentian, lycopodium sophorium, ephedra, and calamus. 膠原蛋白肽

Can women still have orgasms after menopause?

Great sex, including orgasms, is still possible after menopause. Small changes can add joy to your solo or partnered activities and increase physical and emotional intimacy with your partner. As menopause approaches, you may start to worry. Your sex life is about to change - and not for the better.

Is turmeric best for fatty liver disease?

In fact, the magazine cited a 2021 study of 64 NAFLD patients that showed how consuming 2 grams of turmeric helped reduce liver enzyme, serum, and triglyceride levels often associated with fatty liver disease. cites how it helped people with NAFLD, suggesting that this spice may have a positive impact on NAFLD patients. Fatty liver disease. 藿香正氣

What is so special about Mr. Zheng?

Chinese Admiral of the Indian Ocean

In the early 14th century, Zheng He led the world's largest ships on seven voyages to land around the Indian Ocean, demonstrating China's excellence in shipbuilding and navigation .

Which Chinese herbal medicine cures insomnia?

Alternative Treatments for Insomnia
Valerian Root
Chamomile is another herb commonly used to treat insomnia
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Effective Other herbs touted as sleeping pills include passionflower, hops, and lemongrass

What fruit cures diarrhea?

Eat foods rich in pectin, such as applesauce, bananas, and pickles. Pectin is a soluble fiber that helps reduce diarrhea. Eat foods rich in potassium, such as juices, sports drinks, peeled potatoes, and bananas. < ;FC-df050b3c509ef739d6bd70937f53a381>

What are the most effective natural remedies for anxiety?

What is the best natural treatment for anxiety
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) You may not be familiar with it, but there is a lot of 5-hydroxytryptophan in your body
Magnesium< br>Cannabidiol (CBD)
Valerian Root
Sacred Basil
Prescription Medications
Other Items -•

What herbs are good for headaches?

Migraine Herbal Home Remedies from Around the World Other items... .<FC-28fac842f4de21fec09aa59baa057eaf>

Mar 23 · 0 comments


父母希望鼓勵孩子慷慨大方,尤其是在大蕭條時期. 但這一傳統很快就堅持了下來,即使在今天,世界上大多數慶祝耶誕節的家庭都會為他和他的馴鹿放餅乾.hamper hk



也被稱為[世界上最昂貴的餅乾",由紐約公爵夫人餅乾的所有者索菲亞·德米特裏奧於2019年發佈時售價1000美元.chocolate hk



挑選最吸引你的口味,或者切幾片,嘗一嘗. 當然,花很好看,聞起來也很香,但你真的想嘗嘗嗎? 餅乾可以檢測所有的感官,從感覺它的細膩觸感到品嘗它的精緻味道.


你可以把柔軟有嚼勁的餅乾放進一個拉鍊袋裏,如果你想讓它更喜慶,你甚至可以把這個袋子放進罐頭裏. 或者你可以在它周圍系一條緞帶,然後把它也放進盒子裏. 收件人仍然會感到興奮--他們會得到自製的餅乾,味道會很棒!


將餅乾麵團放在冰柜裏會使其更難單獨舀出. 為了解决這個問題,在把餅乾麵團放進冰柜之前,先把它舀起來滾一滾. 舀剛混合好的麵團要容易得多,而且你仍然可以得到休息麵團的好處!曲奇禮盒


*將脆餅乾存放在蓋子寬鬆的容器中.* 餅乾可以冷凍長達六個月,效果很好. 將餅乾放在內襯保鮮膜或鋁箔的容器中,並用更多的保鮮膜或箔紙將每層餅乾分開. 密封容器.


可密封的塑膠容器和塑胶袋可以使餅乾在室溫下保持良好的形狀,只需將袋裝餅乾塞到其他容器中即可. 你應該什麼時候把新的自製餅乾從廚房的架子上搬到冰柜上?


火腿可以保存3周< 薑餅愛好者:這些可以保存幾個月


365由Whole Foods有機巧克力餅乾製作
Keebler Chips豪華巧克力餅乾



正如我之前所說,一定要用蠟紙/羊皮紙或塑膠布包裹你的油膩食物,如布朗尼和巧克力棒,這樣你的包裹就不會變得油膩. 一定要在你的可食用禮物上附上一張寫有個人資訊的便條/卡片.

Mar 18 · 0 comments
What herbs can't be eaten together?

Examples of herbs that don't grow well together include chamomile and dill, dill and fennel, and basil and roux. If you plan on growing them, it's best to research specific herbs and their compatibility before planting them together.

Which tea can I mix?

White and green go well together, and so do black and oolong tea. Herbal tea + black tea/green tea/white tea = good. Herbs + herbs = be careful - only one strong flavor per cup - don't mix ginger and mint, for example.

Which tea flavor goes well with you?

Iced green tea flavor combination
Ginger, lemongrass, mint
Honey, raspberry, lemon
Berry medley (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry) and sugar

What kind of scents go well with each other?

For example, floral scents are often combined with citrus and fruity notes to create a fresh, invigorating scent. Woody scents are often combined with floral and spicy notes to create a warm and comforting scent. Oriental scents are often combined with vanilla and woody notes to create exotic and sensual scents.花茶搭配與功效

What is the most fragrant tea?

Jasmine Tea Jasmine tea has a very floral aroma and a refreshing, bright flavor. If you want a more delicate jasmine essence, you can brew this type of tea for a shorter time than recommended on the package.

Can I drink peppermint and chamomile tea together?

Chamomile and peppermint work together to create a sense of peace and calm before bed or any time of the day. Relax, rejuvenate and reintegrate with this calming tea.

What scent goes well with vanilla?

Vanilla has a soft, delicate scent that pairs well with florals. For a rich, warm scent, vanilla pairs best with spicy or woody notes.週末好去處室內

Which scent is better, lavender or jasmine?

Both lavender and jasmine are equally good, but you have to choose one or the other, because lavender gives freshness and is suitable for daytime, while jasmine is suitable for day and night as well. Therefore, you can choose jasmine.

What does hibiscus go well with?

Hibiscus Flavor Combinations

Its fruit-forward profile pairs perfectly with dark red fruits such as sweet cherries and cranberries, or refreshing citrus fruits such as tangerines, lemons, and orange peels ( Food Pairing™).

What to combine with the scent of chamomile?

Chamomile oil pairs well with citrus scents such as grapefruit, bergamot, lemon, and lime, as well as floral scents such as lavender, geranium, jasmine, and ylang-ylang.掌上壓训练好處

Mar 12 · 0 comments
Why doesn't Samsung make OLED TVs?

OLED panels are radioactive in that they emit light themselves. This also means that QLED doesn't suffer from burn-in issues like OLED, which was one of the reasons Samsung avoided OLED. They also claimed that QLED can scale more cost-effectively to larger screens.

Which OLED does not burn in?


Firstly, LG OLED has the ability to detect the logo on a static screen and adjust the brightness to prevent image retention. It also offers something called Pixel Refresher, which automatically runs when you turn off the TV after four cumulative hours of use.

Who supplies OLED to Apple?

Samsung DisplayAs a major supplier of OLED panels to Apple, Samsung Display will be responsible for manufacturing the displays for all four models: iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max.oled factory

Which company made the first OLED TV?

The first TVs with OLED displays from Sony appeared on the market in 2008. Currently, Samsung uses his OLED in all smartphones, and LG makes large OLED screens for premium TVs.

Where are LG OLED screens manufactured?

By fully utilizing the production capacity of its Paju and Guangzhou factories, LG Display will be able to produce over 10 million OLED TV panels per year based on 55-inch panels. <FC-91ff520c2eff0bc4c57b5977ecdf7af9>

Why is Neo QLED better than QLED?

Standard LED TVs and older Samsung QLED TVs use LED backlighting, but the backlight stays on even during dark sequences, making it impossible to achieve true blacks. Samsung has addressed this limitation with the release of the Neo QLED TV. Samsung Neo QLED TVs come with direct full-array backlighting.small lcd screen supplier

Where are OLED smartphones manufactured?

The best smartphone OLED displays are the Super AMOLED displays made by Samsung Display, but other OLED manufacturers (such as LG and BOE Display) also make high-quality OLEDs.

Why didn't Sony produce enough PS5s?

Production of Sony's new PS5 game console has been restricted due to a shortage of semiconductor chips. Other supply chain issues caused by the global coronavirus pandemic didn't help either. For the most part, getting your hands on a PS5 required either getting extremely lucky with the on-the-fly release of new supplies, or being willing to pay significantly more than the console's MSRP. multi touch screen manufacturer

Where are the largest OLEDs manufactured?

LG97 inch G2 OLED evo Gallery Edition TV - OLED97G2PUA | LG USA.

Does Samsung use LG panels?

After years of despising LG's OLED TVs, Samsung is now 100% behind Team OLED. Not only has the company developed its own OLED technology called QD-OLED, but it has also signed an agreement with LG Display to buy the same WOLED panels that Sony and LG use to make some OLED TVs. did. This is an unusual turnaround. Will your hair split?

Feb 6 · 0 comments
Why is my eyesight so bad at 25?

Age-Related Eye Changes at 20–30

The lens of your eye also hardens with age, which can lead to age-related farsightedness, called presbyopia. As the lens becomes more rigid, focusing on the retina directly is more difficult. This leads to blurred vision and trouble seeing things clearly close up.近視眼藥水

Can lack of vitamin D cause eye problems?

Being deficient in Vitamin D can also have a negative impact on eye health. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, dry eye syndrome and impaired tear function.

Does wearing glasses prevent myopia from getting worse?

Single vision glasses offer a simple way to correct the blurred far vision for people with myopia. Research has revealed, though, that single vision lenses do not protect against myopia progression,1 which has led to development of special types of spectacle lenses (glasses) to slow and control progression of myopia.

Is minus 5.50 eyesight bad?

-0.50 to -3.00 is considered mild myopia. -3.25 to -6.00 is considered moderate myopia.

Which medicine is best for myopia?

Atropine. Atropine drops are commonly used to dilate the pupil of the eye, often as part of eye exams or before and after eye surgery. Low doses of atropine eye drops may also help slow the progression of nearsightedness.Sep 16, 2022

Nearsightedness - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
https://www.mayoclinic.org › drc-20375561

What should I avoid with high myopia?

Exercises to be avoided for highly myopic individuals would be those involving direct head or eye trauma such as would be inevitable in boxing. Kickboxing using the bag (as you described) without direct head trauma would be an acceptable form of exercise for a highly myopic individual.

Can myopia get worse after 25?

In most cases, though, myopia progression tends to slow down or stop by the age of 20, but some studies have shown that it can progress for much longer (sometimes until the age of 35 or 40). It's possible to be diagnosed with myopia during adulthood, but it may be related to other conditions or issues like: Diabetes.

What can I drink before bed to improve my eyesight?

Carrot, Beet, and Apple Juice

The vitamin A content of carrots are responsible for maintaining your low-light vision and good overall eye health.

How can I make my retina stronger?

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help support your retinal health:
Regular dilated eye exams. ...
Eat plenty of vitamin and nutrient-rich foods. ...
Quit smoking. ...
Control blood sugar, pressure and cholesterol. ...
Know your family history. ...
Protect your eyes from UV rays.

Are phones bad for myopia?

Kids are focusing too close for too long and their eyes are actually growing to focus the light for things that are near. But it's blurring their vision for distance. Increased exposure to screens, like smartphones and tablets, is causing myopia, or nearsightedness, to become more common among children at younger ages.

Jan 30 · 0 comments
Can sauna use cause miscarriage?

Exposure to extreme heat can also cause miscarriages and birth defects such as ventricular septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus, and research is ongoing. The high temperatures of saunas during pregnancy can also worsen some pre-existing medical conditions.

What happens if I have a miscarriage and don't go to the doctor?

Unless you have significant blood loss, fever, weakness, or other signs of infection, you can leave it until the miscarriage occurs naturally. This may take several days. If you don't want to wait, you can also miscarry. Take medications to help the pregnancy tissue pass.

Why shouldn't you cross your legs during pregnancy?

Avoid sitting cross-legged, especially during pregnancy. Sitting cross-legged can cause imbalances in the joints and ligaments that grow as your uterus grows. As your baby grows, you will need as much even space as possible to maintain an optimal birthing position.

Does pineapple affect pregnancy?

Although pineapple can't actually stimulate labor, it's a great source of nutrients that can help keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy, and it's rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, which reduces inflammation during pregnancy. It is.陰道鬆弛

Why is it called a rainbow baby?

A rainbow baby is a baby born after a parent has a miscarriage. Its name was taken from the symbol of the rainbow, which represents beauty after dark times. Almost one in four of her pregnancies end in miscarriage. This may result in miscarriage or stillbirth. , ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy.

What to do if you have abdominal pain during early pregnancy?

The uterine wall is strong and muscular and, together with amniotic fluid, provides sufficient cushioning for the baby. However, you may experience bruising or internal bleeding on your stomach. In the first trimester of pregnancy, your stomach is throbbing. abortion. <FC-81c7699808a267fb655767121c88903e>子宮纖維瘤

What is a silent abortion?

An audit miscarriage, also called an audit miscarriage or a silent miscarriage, is when the fetus dies but the body is unable to recognize the pregnancy loss or expel the pregnancy tissue. Therefore, the placenta may continue to release hormones. Experiencing symptoms of pregnancy loss.

How long will my stomach hurt after a miscarriage?

Some women experience the following physical effects:

Pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramps, may last for up to two days after miscarriage.終止懷孕醫院

Should I look at the cyst at 7 weeks?

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, as well as at 6 weeks of pregnancy, a pregnancy test will give a positive result and a transvaginal ultrasound will show a gestational sac containing fluid and small fetal rods within the endometrium (uterus).

Can miscarriage be avoided at 7 weeks pregnant?

The risk of miscarriage decreases significantly as the pregnancy progresses. In one study, researchers found that the miscarriage rate was 9.4% at 6 weeks of pregnancy, 4.2% at 7 weeks, 1.5% at 8 weeks, and 1.5% at 9 weeks. 0.7% for 10 weeks.

Jan 29 · 0 comments
How long is the loan repayment period?

Loan term refers to the period during which you have to repay the loan. The longer the loan term, the lower your monthly payments will be. However, the longer the repayment period, the more interest you pay overall.

Are you behind on your balance?

An unpaid balance is the amount shown on a previous statement that is owed but has not yet been paid. It usually appears as the amount of an outstanding debt on an account or the unpaid principal amount on a promissory note. Does not include accrued interest.

Is recycling a budget tool?

Payback is a technique related to capital budgeting. In capital budgeting, the payback period refers to the return on investment (ROI) [payback], or the time required to repay the original total investment.

How can I repay?

14 Easy Ways to Pay Off Debt
Create a Budget
Pay off your most expensive debt first
Pay off your smallest debt first
Pay more than your minimum balance
Use a balance transfer
Stop spending on credit cards
Use a debt repayment app
Remove credit card information from your online store
More items...

What are the three types of budgets?

Budgets can be divided into three categories: Balanced budget. A budget is considered balanced if the expected government spending for a particular fiscal year is equal to the estimated government revenue. Surplus budget. Out of the three budgets. The second is surplus. Budget
Deficit budget

How can I give you this meaning?

Reward people who help you or are kind to you. How can I repay you?

What is the past tense of cost?

The past tense of cost is cost or costly, depending on the meaning you want to convey. Cost and costs are both correct past tenses of the verb cost, but they are often used with different meanings. Cost: Buying, doing something, or paying for the amount of something needed. <FC-d10f2204e6964f7dd48db8966f3afea9>公司貸款

How did you pay?

The correct past tense of the verb pay is pay, as long as the word is used in a financial or transactional sense. When the verb pay is used in a nautical sense, the correct form is pay. What can you do with the verb pay? You can pay for college, vacation, or utilities. 還錢

What is capital repayment?

The general meaning of capital repayment is the return of all or part of the capital investment amount to the capital holder (in the form of stocks or other investments).

Which repayment method is best?

Best repayment option: Standard repayment. A standard student loan repayment plan makes equal monthly payments over 10 years. If you can afford the standard plan, you'll pay less than other federal repayment plans. Reduce interest and pay off your loan. Faster.

Jan 26 · 0 comments
What is the fastest growing airline in the world?

Top 10:
Rank Airline YoY Growth Rate
1 Lucky Air 35.3%
2 Sriwijaya Air 32.6%
3 Batik Air 25.1%
4 Eurowings (including Germanwings) ) 24.1%
6 lines left•

Why are cars better than airplanes?

Traveling by car instead of by plane allows for more flexibility in your schedule. Take your time and make sure you have everything you need before your trip. If you rush through the process, you're bound to forget something. If you travel by car, he can even stay for a day. 船運

How do airplanes affect us?

Aircraft engines produce gases, noise, and particulates through the combustion of fossil fuels, raising environmental concerns about their global impact and their impact on local air quality. <FC-6f8d371c22b0bca2c34cc4c935616143>

How much is a balikbayan box to the Philippines?

*Metro Manila/Luzon: 4 | 1/lb by size *Visayas/Mindanao: 0 | 2/lb by size Note: These are standard box sizes for air cargo.

Can I bring food in a bag on a plane?

Yes, you can pack food in your carry-on or checked baggage, but please note that all food must be X-rayed. Foods that are liquids, gels, or aerosols must comply with the 3-1-1 liquid rule. TSA officers make the final decision on whether a particular item is allowed into the airport's secure area.

What is a 5 star airline?

Five-star airlines are those that offer the highest level of service and the best in-flight experience. One of the companies that rates airlines, the British research firm Skytrax, gives individual airlines ratings from one to five stars. 航空輸送

Which country do the most people fly to?

List of Countries by Air Passengers
Country Air Passengers Year
United States 666,153,000 2021
China 440,301,216 2021
Russia 96,851,770 2021
India 83,964,797 2021

What are two disadvantages of traveling by plane?

Although this ease of moving goods by air has many possibilities, it also has some drawbacks.
More expensive than other types of transportation because fuel is expensive. ...
Capacity restrictions apply. ...
It's more polluting than other more sustainable forms of transportation, such as electric cars.

Why has air travel worsened?

Climate change is putting strain on fragile industries

Inclement weather is causing large numbers of flight delays and cancellations. Thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and even extreme heat are nothing new, but record temperatures and more frequent weather disasters over the past year have increased stress on the air travel industry.

Why is it the safest?

Although bad weather and other uncontrollable factors often occur in the skies, air travel remains safe. How can this be done? One answer is that systems essential to the flight of commercial aircraft, such as electronic engines and flight controls, are protected from lightning strikes and extreme stress.

Jan 13 · 0 comments
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