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Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory gum disease caused by a bacterial infection surrounding the gum tissues. The disease can affect anyone and is very common in people over the age of thirty-five. The disease is caused by the inflammation and infection of the gums. And if it is left untreated for a longer period, you may have bone loss surrounding the teeth.  You can notice the signs in the early stage of adolescence but its progressive nature is often diagnosed in the fourth to fifth decade of life. You can know more about it through Delta Dental Ppo Dentists.


With passing time, without the Gum Disease Treatment, the infection starts to spoil the jawbone that holds the teeth. The damage weakens the connected tissues and loosens the teeth that may fall eventually.


When the deep sacs of teeth are filled with plaque and pus, starts feeling foul taste in the mouth resulting in difficulty in teeth cleaning at home. With the progression of the disease, the root surfaces which become exposed are very sensitive to hot and cold things. Since the exposed root surface does not have a protective root enamel, are more likely to develop cavities.  You can get the treatment at the dental office.


Types of Periodontitis:


There are five  types of periodontitis:


1) Chronic Periodontitis -


This stage of gum disease includes periodontal pockets that slowly and gradually develop. It can be additionally classified into localized or generalized versions like mild, moderate, or severe.  


2) Aggressive Periodontitis -


The stage involves failure of periodontal attachment at a brisk pace related to the patients’ age. In addition, it can be divided into localized or generalized forms, as well as the mild, moderate, or severe amount of injury. Often, it can be noticed in adulthood and may transfer in families. People who are suffering from the following issues may experience defects in their immune systems.


3) Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease:


Patients suffering from leukemia (a blood disease) or Down syndrome (genetic diseases) are more likely to have periodontitis. Mainly, it is due to the inability to fight infection.


4) Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis (NUP):


This stage is connected with the severity of pain and bone loss. The patient may also experience gum ulcers and bad breath. The main contributing factors involve Malnutrition, psychological stress, smoking, lack of sleep, and incapacity to fight infections. NUP was also referred to as trench mouth after the detection of its symptoms in soldiers returning from the trenches of World War I.


5) Periodontitis Associated with Endodontic Lesions:


This form of the disease can affect the patient who has an infected tooth requiring a root canal or endodontic therapy,  in this case, there may be a bone loss at the tip of the root.


Periodontitis Treatment:


Unlike gingivitis treatment, which usually can be eliminated by good oral hygiene and professional cleaning, periodontitis may require repeat visits to the dentist. The regular hygiene practice i.e Brushing and flossing only clean 1-3 millimeters below the gum line and periodontal pockets of up to 4-10 millimeters. Therefore, when deep pockets are present, deeper cleaning is necessary. Such a type of treatment is called scaling and root planning that helps to remove complete plaque and calculus below the gumline and primes the root for reattachment of the gums. It is similar to regular cleaning, but is more meticulous and goes further below the gumline. For this reason, a Good Dentist Near Me may administer a local anesthetic to numb the gums.

Article Source:  https://bestdentalclinicinhouston.wordpress.com/2021/04/13/periodontitis-what-are-the-different-stages/

Apr 29 '21 · 0 comments

When you have a damaged tooth due to either having a cracked or chipped tooth leading to risks of losing such teeth. Our modern dentistry has designed the procedure to bring back the tooth size shape and strengthen along with a radiant smile.


What are Dental Crowns?


A dental crown(s) are artificially designed caps similar to the tooth shape to be cemented on the damaged tooth surface which is the visible part of it. Additionally, the tooth crown helps the encasing of the damaged tooth inside. By doing this, the broken tooth can be protected from further damages, making it stranger and maintaining its natural shape.  


Types Of Dental Crowns:


The types of a tooth crown(s) depend on the material used to manufacture them.


Commonly used tooth crowns are:


  • A Temporary Crown: such forms of crown include resin material to make them. However, they won’t be permanent, they are available at a reasonable cost of installation.  


  • Gold and Silver alloy Crowns: such types of crowns are made of metal alloys to enhance their strength making them a very hard-wearing restoration. These crowns are generally silver or gold in color.
  • Porcelain and Ceramic Crowns: These are designed to fit the natural color of the teeth and are the preferred choice for persons who are allergic to several types of metals used in making dental crowns.
  • Fusion of ceramic and porcelain: The blend of ceramic and porcelain make an amazing combination along with the unique appearance.


  • 3M™ Lava™ Premium Zirconia Crown:  It is advanced shading technology as it involves Premium Dyeing Liquids that help to preserve after application without losing its strength.


Dental Crown Procedure:


The procedure involves a minimum of two dentist visits. During the first visit,  your dentist observes how many teeth require dental crowning. They are made by measuring the teeth’ size so that they can be fitted correctly.


In the second visit, the dentist will attach the crown to the teeth and will check the occlusal.


During the procedure, professionals will inject a local anesthetic to numb your mouth to avoid severe pain. You may expect pain during the root canal process that has to be done after administering the anesthesia.  You may be recommended painkillers to manage pain if it is still there.  


Benefits of Dental Crowns:


Dental crowns offer a perfect solution to a variety of dental problems. Such as:


  • Hold a  significantly damaged tooth by decay.
  • Provides protection to a tooth that has taken away to avoid further damage.
  • Guard a tooth after a root canal.
  • Support an extensively cracked or broken tooth altogether.
  • Hide a dental implant.
  • Enhance the appearance of a tooth by changing its shape or color.


Cost Of Dental Crown:


The price of a dental crown may vary depending on the Types Of Dental Crowns And the Cost of material used, your dentist’s fee, the number of teeth to be crowned, and whether you have dental insurance coverage or not. Usually, a tooth crown may cost between $895 and $1,145. If it is a cosmetic front tooth crown, it will cost between $995 to $1,345.

Article Source : https://dentistoffices.mystrikingly.com/blog/what-can-you-expect-during-dental-crown-procedure

Apr 13 '21 · 0 comments

Who wants their yellow, stained, and dirt teeth. Everybody wants their teeth to look bright and whiten. But due to various reasons, the white teeth become yellow and this will decrease your confidence when smiling. Insignificant, it is needed to know about how to whiten teeth. This can give you fewer results if you take care of your best teeth whitening with only home remedies. However, it is needed to make a consultation with Professional Teeth Whitening Near Me. Here are some tips to get the best Teeth Whitening Houston. Read the following article carefully:


  1. Brush teeth regularly: First of all brush your teeth regularly. If you don't brush your teeth then a yellow plaque starts developing in your teeth and your teeth will damage and its white color will go. Find the teeth whitening dentist,


  1. Regular dental appointments can keep your teeth white and keep your dental health safe and hygiene. Visits at least twice a year to the dentist are needed to examine your dental health and during this visit, your dentist provides In-Office Teeth Whitening


  1. Your Teeth Whitening Houston Tx will take care of your gums and prevent any gum disease. This gives you more comfort when you brush or floss. A red, bleeding, receding, or puffy gums can create dental issues in trouble. and this time you avoid cleaning your teeth, this leads to making your teeth yellow.


  1. Find the Teeth Whitening Dentist Near Me, and ask about which whitening toothpaste is good for you? and which tooth whitening toothpaste works to whiten teeth? What is the method of using toothpaste?


  1. Asking about applying whitening strips is an effective solution. Are there any side effects of whitening strips applying on the teeth? Find the best In-Office Teeth Whitening Near Me and know more procedures to get whiter teeth like bleaching and other procedures.


  1. You can also use whitening gels. You can apply the gels either directly to the teeth or in excess to the tray, and that means that you get the best-whitened teeth. Whitening gels are easy to use and give an effective result and this process takes less time and gives the best results especially for whitening your teeth.  


Take Away


Finding home remedies for whitening teeth is not a good option for every time. But to get the best and effective results you need near me. It's always a good idea to have a dentist for teeth whitening because they provide professional deep cleaning and this will give you a bright and sparkle smile. It is needed to brush or floss your teeth twice a day for two minutes each day, and visit your dentist at least twice a year. Find the teeth whitening near me to determine if you have tooth decay that needs to be addressed or if your oral hygiene routine could be improved. Contact us if you want more information about professional Teeth Whitening Services Near Me.

Article Source : https://dentist-offices-in-houston.blogspot.com/2021/02/how-can-you-keep-your-teeth-white-and.html

Apr 7 '21 · 0 comments