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Once they decide how to correct your bite, a dentist or orthodontist at thedentist office near me will create a plan for tooth movement. They will fit you for various clear aligner options that progressively adjust your teeth throughout treatment if you opt for them. They make them from clear plastic or acrylic and are snugly fitted over the teeth.


For eating, cleaning, and flossing, you can remove them. You will get a new set of transparent aligners every few weeks to keep moving your teeth in the desired direction. You can see thedifference in your appearance throughINVISALIGN BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES.


How long does Invisalign take to align your teeth?


The amount of tooth movement or rotation it requires will determine how long treatment with invisible aligners will take. It will take longer if your bite is more irregular or if your teeth are more crooked. Typically, a course of treatment lasts 10 to 24 months. However, if you had braces as a child and are now an adult, and your teeth have moved somewhat over time, you may only need clear aligners for ten weeks. For best Invisalign results, you must wear the Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily.


Can anyone get Invisalign teeth aligners?


The greatest candidates for invisible aligners are adults or teens because they are made particularly for a tight fit. A child's teeth require more work to straighten. The clinician must remember that young patients' mouths are still growing and developing when planning treatment.


Patients with mild to moderately crowded teeth or slight spacing concerns often utilize clear orthodontic aligners. Patients with significant crowding issues, spacing issues, underbites, overbites, or crossbites may require more advanced care inInvisalign before and after treatment.


How does wearing Invisalign aligners work?


You visit the dental office for Invisalign near me to check the fit and make any required modifications after we get your first set of aligners. Every day, except when you eat, floss, or brush your teeth, you will wear your aligners. You may take your Invisalign braces out for a moment whenever you need to throughout the day because they are detachable.


It's simple and seamless to wear Invisalign during your typical day. Clear braces will cover your teeth after you receive your aligners. After wearing each set of aligners for two weeks, you will move on to the next set. Because they make them to move your teeth gently and precisely, your aligners will initially fit snugly, and your teeth will gradually shift to a new place after a few days.


After some time, you will feel that your aligners are a little loose. Only switch them out later, even if they begin to feel loose. Put them on for the entire two weeks. It allows your teeth and gums to adapt to the new position. Switching aligners too soon will hamper your treatment strategy.




The above-given information will help you learn some beneficial information regarding Invisalign aligners. To learn more about Invisalign clear aligners, please visit dentisthoustontx.com.

Article Source : https://www.articleentry.com/how-does-invisalign-work/


Nov 21 '22 · 0 comments

Cosmetic dentistry is a therapy of professional dental care mainly focusing on improving your smile. Moreover, cosmetic dentistry is an elective procedure, not compulsory; however, some cosmetic dentistry treatments provide restorative benefits. You should know about the main cosmetic dentistry treatments such as:

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and outlays treatment, also known as an indirect filling, is made by a dental laboratory. Adentist near me uses this treatment when you have a mild to moderate teeth cavity, and tooth cavities can support a filling. Also, your tooth cusps have no damage, and the inlays are directly put onto the tooth surface.

Inlays and outlays are fabricated in dental laboratories; initially, they are made of gold but later on, composite of porcelain or ceramic material are attached to the teeth with dental cement. They also strengthen your teeth and their structure and avoid further decay to your teeth.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding refers to the restoration of decayed, damaged, or stained teeth using teeth' enamel color material.

Thedentist office near me, trims the decayed part of your teeth, applies the compost material on the tooth's surface, and then shapes it into proper teeth by using UV rays to fasten the bonding procedure. This procedure covers damaged parts and gives like-a healthy teeth.

If you are suffering from cracked, knocked, or worn-down edges, you should consider having composite dental bonding; also, it is one of the least expensive cosmetic procedures. Contact Dental Clinic near me for composite bonding.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are custom-made thin shells that cover your naturally damaged teeth. They also look realistic and resolve problems like cracked or damaged teeth, enamel or noticeable gaps between teeth, or stained teeth. A dentist applies the veneer shells to the front of your every tooth with the help of dental cement.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most widespread cosmetics dentistry. It can be performed at home or by acelebrity dental implants before and after, which takes one visit. In this procedure, your dentist will remove plaque, tartar, and food particles from each tooth and restore its natural appearance.

Later they apply a bleaching agent to achieve a whiter teeth shade than its original color. Over time, consuming food, medication, drink, and personal habits like smoking or wine stains your teeth. Additional patients can use whitening toothpaste to achieve the objective in a few weeks.


Dental implants are used to replace damaged or missing teeth. In this procedure, your dentist inserts a titanium screw inside your jaw of missing teeth to support a dental crown. These crowns are the same teeth-like and permanent screw into a tooth. Once your teeth start fusing to the implants, they get permanently secured.


If you are a candidate for cosmetic dentistry treatment, you should consider visitinga celebrity dentist for proper treatment. Also, they will help you by providing more guidance on which treatment is best for you.

 Article Source : https://www.bloggingbeep.com/what-is-the-main-treatment-in-cosmetic-dentistry/

Nov 15 '22 · 0 comments

The roots of your teeth have small openings called root canals that contain blood vessels and nerve fibers that give nutrition and sensation to your teeth. These blood vessels and nerves play a significant role in the health of your teeth and gums. You’ll start experiencing pain and sensation if they get infected or decayed. A root canal is a restorative treatment in which your dentist removes the diseased pulp from your teeth and fills the canal to seal the space. This procedure helps to restore your teeth. Therefore, if you find any pain, sensation, or cavity around your teeth, visit the Best Dentist In Houstonfor proper treatment and diagnosis.

What Causes You to Need a Root Canal?

If you’re suffering from pain and any sensation or when a tooth is cracked, chipped, or knocked and have a significant cavity to enter bacteria which may cause tooth loss or further infection to your jaw or other teeth and gums, dentist office near me in houstonmay recommend a root canal.

What is the common cause of pulp or nerve damage?
  • Severe trauma to your tooth leads to nerve damage.
  • Physical irritation is caused by deep tooth decay or a cavity that reaches your pulp or through the deep filling.
  • A cracked, fractured, or chipped teeth that involve pulp.

What are the Signs & Symptoms of Pulp Damage?

The signs and symptoms may vary from person to person. However, here are some common cases:

  • Tooth pain while chewing and eating
  • Too much sensation to teeth with a cold and hot drink
  • Swelling on your face and gums
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness of nearby gums
  • Drainage or foul odor and taste from the tooth


Sometimes there is no specific way of finding pulp infection. Therefore you should visit the Dental Clinic near mefor regular checkups so that they can identify any potential treatment for your teeth and mouth.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a simple procedure that helps restore your teeth look and functionality.

Before the procedure starts,Dentist Houston Txdiagnoses your teeth with digital scanning and X-rays. Then they will analyze the situation and uses anesthetics to numb the area and prevent any pain.


Then they will remove the infected parts of your teeth then clean and prepare for a dental filling. The dentist places a seal on the restorative canal material to cover the opening of the top of your tooth. 


Lastly, your dentist recommends a dental crown to cover or protect your teeth from pressure exerted by your jaw; it also enhances the durability of your treatment. A tooth that has undergone root canal treatment results are long-lasting and even life without any problem. However, problems may arise, such as tooth pain or infection. You should contact a dentist for diagnosis and further treatment.


If you find any pain or sensitivity around your teeth, Book Dentist appointmentfor a thorough examination and treatment for the issue.

Article Source : https://www.ihealthytips.com/when-do-you-need-a-root-canal/

Nov 8 '22 · 0 comments

A crown dental near me is a tooth-like cap that your dentist places over a tooth to restore aesthetic look and functionality.


Your dentist trims a layer for the preparation of your teeth and then uses dental cement as an adhesive to set it over the line.

Why Is a Dental Crown Needed?

You may need a dental crown in the following situations:


  • To save a weak tooth from breaking or holding other parts of a cracked tooth
  • To restore broken and severely worn-down teeth
  • To provide a cover and support to large filling teeth
  • To hold a dental bridge in place
  • To cover misshapen or stained teeth
  • To cover a dental implant
  • For aesthetic reasons


For younger ones, a crown may be used because of:


  • Crown saves a tooth that has been damaged due to decay.
  • It also prevents your children's teeth from cavities when a child has difficulty maintaining oral hygiene. In such cases, you should consider visiting adentist office near me for more knowledge about the dental crown.
What Types of dental crowns near me in houston?

Permanent crowns are made of stainless steel, gold, alloys, porcelain, all resins, or ceramic material.


Stainless steel:These are prefabricated crowns that your dentist use as a temporary measure. The crown protects your tooth and filling material, while the permanent crown is made from different materials.


For children, a stainless steel crown is preferable to fit over primary teeth. The crown covers the entire tooth and protects a tooth from decay. And when your blood tooth break, the crown automatically comes out with it. 


Porcelain-fused-to-metal:These types of crowns are tooth-colored and blend with adjacent teeth, and this can cause more wear and tear to surrounding teeth than other crowns. The crown's porcelain portion can also chip or break off your teeth. These look like natural teeth but show a dark black line on the gums if your gums recede. These are best used for back teeth or when a long bridge needs support.


All-resin:These crowns are the least expensive compared to other dental crowns. However, they wear down over time and make your teeth more prone to fracture than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.


All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental:ceramic crowns are better natural color than your original teeth type. They are best suitable for front and back teeth or persons with an allergy to metal teeth.

Temporary versus permanent

Temporary crowns are fabricated in your dentist's office, whereas permanent crowns are made in the dental laboratory. Also, temporary crowns are made up of an acrylic-based material or stainless steel that your dentist uses as a temporary dental crown until a lab makes the permanent crown.


If you have chipped, crooked, or fractured teeth, you should consider having a dental crown. Book an appointment with a dentist near me in houston to know more pros and cons of this dental crown procedure.

Article Source : https://www.gohealthtips.com/what-is-a-dental-crown/

Nov 1 '22 · 0 comments