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Tasting a well-crafted and perfectly chilled lager from your homemade tap is among life's simplest joys. Every cleaning is necessary to keep the beer from being stale, and you must keep cleaning your Draft Beer Tower and lines daily. This is where the Beer Line Cleaning Kit is a savior for us. It not only matters that your beer tastes fresh but also that the equipment you use for brewing is in good condition and safe for a long time. The aim of this guide is to take you through the 5 basic steps, which are essential to understanding how to use the beer line cleaning kit properly. Through these procedures, you can be sure your draft system will be in top form and serve tasty beer every time.    

Step 1: Make your Cleaning Solution                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Start by mixing your cleaning solution as instructed in your Beer Line Cleaning Kit instructions. It is important to use a proper proportion of this remedy to make it work without spoiling your system. Afterward, put the mixture in the cleaning tank. First, make sure all taps from your draft systems are closed off.                                                                       

Step 2: Remove the Kegs and attach the Cleaning Kit.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Considering this, disconnect the Beer Keg Tap from the keg. After that, connect your cleaning kit to the 'keg location'. This will most likely have a corresponding variation in your particular kit and system design, but it is a simple operation in any case. Ensure that everything is fastened tightly to prevent leaks.




Step 3: Apply Cleaning Solution to the System.

Unleash the flow of the Draft Beer Towers by opening the tap of the cleaning solution to wash the lines thoroughly. This funneling removes the dirty beer residue and the bacteria growth from the beer lines' system, making it taste like it should. Wait a bit to allow the solution to seep through and correctly break any buildup.





Step 4: Rinse Thoroughly

After the cleaning solution has had a chance to operate, it is vitally important to wash every part with fresh water. In this step, ensure no cleaning agent is present in the lines. If that happens, it will influence the flavor of your beer. Run a clean water flush through the system, and repeat the process as many times as necessary when it is clear and clean.

Step 5: Contacts and Dial to verify.

First, after flushing the system, reattach the Beer Keg Tap. Turn on the tap and let the beer flow through the lines to flush out for a few minutes. Use our AI to write for you about any topic! It will give off the remaining water and make your system ready for serving. Make a cleaning job easy by using a Stainless Steel Drip Pan or beer drip tray, which are both easy to clean and maintain.


Nowadays, cleaning beer lines may seem intimidating, but with the right tools and some basic knowledge, it can be a simple and main constituent of a quality draft beer system. One can follow these five simple steps, and with an excellent beer line cleaning kit from a reliable supplier like Draft Warehouse, you can keep your beer tasting great and customers coming back for more. Then, forget the draft system. It’s really worth getting a beer line cleaning kit right now and enjoying your beers to the fullest.

Apr 22 · 0 comments

Nothing else can beat the tasty enjoyment a cold draught beer offers. Whether it is a backyard barbecue party, you must set up your home bar, or you need to understand the various Beer Keg Tap systems and their uses, it is imperative. This tutorial is supposed to help you navigate the world of beer taps, and in the end, you will be able to make a proper decision. Join me under the pump, and let’s tap our hearts to the same rhythm!

Understanding Beer Keg Taps

Beer Keg Taps are the best answer for every beer dispensing system. These tools will be your direct ticket to amazing beer, but not all taps are perfect. Not only do the taps work, but they also come in different forms, from the traditional hand pump to sophisticated Commercial Beer Tap Systems.

The Classic Hand Pump

A hand pump, or a party pump, is the most basic of beer taps. It utilizes air to push the beer out of the barrel and is used at casual, one-day events. However, this is because it causes the oxygen to enter the keg and leads to the fast spoiling of it. Here’s why it’s popular:

  • First, it is easy to use and is portable.
  • This is the best choice if you are organizing an outdoor event or picnic.
  • Beer must be drunk within 18-24 hours after brewing because it has a short shelf life.
Gas Regulator and Manifold Systems

A more advanced and long-term setup must use a Gas Regulator and Manifold. This system lets drink CO2 or nitrogen to serve beer, thus making it last for a long time. It’s a favorite among home brewers and bar owners for several reasons:

  • Holds the beer’s freshness intact for a while.
  • Backgrounds allow other kegs to be connected and dispensed.
  • Adjustable nuts of air pressure for a perfect blast of carbonation.
Co2 Regulator for Beer

A CO2 Regulator for Beer is indispensable to your keg’s proper functioning. The addition of CO2 in excess will make your beer all foam; if the amount of CO2 is below the requirement, it will be flat. A good regulator means that every draught is just perfectly right for you. Key points include:

  • Precision in carbonation levels
  • The main requirement for long-term storage of the keg.
  • Provides the beer with a unique taste and a high level of quality.
Wall Mounted Beer Tap

The Wall Mounted Beer Tap Systems provide the double benefit of saving space and adding a professional color to your home bar or commercial establishment. They have a direct installation on the wall and thereby occupy the required counter space. Benefits include:

  • Sleek and professional appearance
  • This could be a fantastic solution for a bar with a small area.
  • Cleans easily and can be maintained easily.

Selecting the appropriate beer keg tap in your beer setup is very important as it will determine the quality and continuity of your pours. At Draft Warehouse, you can find a wide variety of premium-quality beer keg taps and other necessary beer draft equipment to construct the perfect arrangement to your liking. Check us out today and take your tap beer night to the next level.

Apr 4 · 0 comments

Nothing else can beat the tasty enjoyment a cold draught beer offers. Whether it is a backyard barbecue party, you must set up your home bar, or you need to understand the various Beer Keg Tap systems and their uses, it is imperative. This tutorial is supposed to help you navigate the world of beer taps, and in the end, you will be able to make a proper decision. Join me under the pump, and let's tap our hearts to the same rhythm!

Understanding Beer Keg Taps

Beer Keg Taps are the best answer for every beer dispensing system. These tools will be your direct ticket to amazing beer, but not all taps are perfect. Not only do the taps work, but they also come in different forms, from the traditional hand pump to sophisticated Commercial Beer Tap System.

The Classic Hand Pump

A hand pump, or a party pump, is the most basic of beer taps. It utilizes air to push the beer out of the barrel and is used at casual, one-day events. However, this is because it causes the oxygen to enter the keg and leads to the fast spoiling of it. Here's why it's popular:

  • First, it is easy to use and is portable.
  • This is the best choice if you are organizing an outdoor event or picnic.
  • Beer must be drunk within 18-24 hours after brewing because it has a short shelf life.
Gas Regulator and Manifold Systems

A more advanced and long-term setup must use a Gas Regulator and Manifold. This system lets drink CO2 or nitrogen to serve beer, thus making it last for a long time. It's a favorite among home brewers and bar owners for several reasons:

  • Holds the beer's freshness intact for a while.
  • Backgrounds allow other kegs to be connected and dispensed.
  • Adjustable nuts of air pressure for a perfect blast of carbonation.
Co2 Regulator for Beer

CO2 Regulator for Beer is indispensable to your keg's proper functioning. The addition of CO2 in excess will make your beer all foam; if the amount of CO2 is below the requirement, it will be flat. A good regulator means that every draught is just perfectly right for you. Key points include:

  • Precision in carbonation levels
  • The main requirement for long-term storage of the keg.
  • Provides the beer with a unique taste and a high level of quality.
Wall Mounted Beer Tap

The Wall Mounted Beer Tap Systems provide the double benefit of saving space and adding a professional color to your home bar or commercial establishment. They have a direct installation on the wall and thereby occupy the required counter space. Benefits include:

  • Sleek and professional appearance
  • This could be a fantastic solution for a bar with a small area.
  • Cleans easily and can be maintained easily.

Selecting the appropriate beer keg tap in your beer setup is very important as it will determine the quality and continuity of your pours. At Draft Warehouse, you can find a wide variety of premium-quality beer keg taps and other necessary beer draft equipment to construct the perfect arrangement to your liking. Check us out today and take your tap beer night to the next level.

Apr 4 · 0 comments