doisPVnioB's blog

If you have a car, you must wash it. But most of the car owners put most of their energy into the car surface cleaning, and ignore the car interior cleaning. In fact, the interior cleaning is also very important.

As they say, a car is like a person. Comment on the maintenance of a car can not only look at the surface how shiny, more important is the "meaning". Secondly, the car interior is the location where our body is most in contact with, if the interior is not regularly cleaned, over time is likely to breed bacteria and odor. Especially in summer, plus the car temperature is high simply become a seedbed of bacteria, over time, it may affect the health of the body.

Speaking of which, understand the need to clean the interior, some owners will think that take water and towel wipe again is not done? Then you are very wrong. Car interiors are relatively complicated structure, material types are also diverse, just wipe with a rag is not clean. So how to clean the car interior in the end? Let's take a look at how to properly clean all parts of the car! Car upholstery cleaning

Car upholstery cleaning is the largest project, car seats, steering wheel, headliner and other long-term use is very easy to hide dirt, with the "package paddle", the same, conventional cleaning is difficult to remove. If not thoroughly cleaned for a long time, it will lead to dull and colorless interior, aging and cracking, spinning fabric interior is easy to breed bacteria, and after a long time, it is also easy to produce odor.

In cleaning these places, never use chemical cleaners directly to the spray, it is wholesale rechargeable vacuum cleaner alkaline cleaning agents, like soap solution such as, after washing with cotton paper towels dry. Usually usually commonly used professional cleaners to clean up maintenance, such as inadvertent drops of juice or coffee and other colored liquids, we recommend that you wash away in time to facilitate the maintenance of a tidy environment in the car. Clean up the dust in the car

The most easily dirty car is the footrest pad, it touches the bottom of the shoe, rainy weather inevitably absorb the precipitation on the shoe, plus a variety of food crumbs, etc., if left unattended, it is easy to grow mold. Take advantage of the current weather humidity reduction, we must take the time to clean it thoroughly.

First of all, take out the foot mat outside the car to prevent the dust on the top from falling in the car. Use a duster to dust it off the surface layer of dust, before flushing with a vacuum cleaner once to remove the dust deep into the crevices. If you can do it often, you can effectively suppress the odor. Then wet the entire foot pad with water, pour the detergent on the pad, remember not to pour too much, and then dry the pad on an angle. Vehicle air conditioning air vent cleaning

Summer, the car air conditioning and frequent use up, but you found out whether, when the air conditioning is newly opened, whether there is a smell of dirt and odor, that is the air conditioning should be cleaned up. But the vents and small, it is not easy to clean up and take care of.

Dec 30 '22 · 0 comments

沒必要在你的孩子小便後把他擦掉. 現代尿布具有很强的吸水性,可以快速吸收大部分水分,而尿液即使接觸到皮膚也很少刺激皮膚.




高吸水性聚合物(SAP)是一次性嬰兒尿布的主要成分. SAP的功能是吸收和保持一次性嬰兒尿布中的液體.








為了安全起見,請隨時把手放在孩子身上. 將孩子放在尿布表面,解開尿布. 用新鮮嬰兒濕巾清潔孩子的尿布區域. 記住要從前到後擦拭! 保持髒尿布/衣服遠離任何不易清潔的表面.


濕度指示器濕度指示器是尿布上的一條彩色線,從黃色變為藍色,讓你知道什麼時候該換尿布了. 適合新生兒的形狀尿布正面的切口環繞寶寶的臍帶區域.


在<印度時報>上發表的一項由專家進行的獨立研究中,鄰苯二甲酸鹽存在於大多數一次性尿布品牌中,甚至是最受歡迎的品牌. (1)這些化學物質會導致寶寶嬌嫩的皮膚出現過敏反應和皮疹.



1942年,保利斯特羅姆發明了第一個要扔掉的尿布, 它是用紙做的. 不久後,1947年,瓦萊麗·戈登發明了由尼龍,降落傘面料和羊毛製成的帕迪. 强生公司是第一家在1948.15年2022年7月大規模生產一次性尿布的公司


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2021 3月26日


Dec 3 '22 · 0 comments