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Planning a hair transplant can be a tough task. This treatment involves selecting an expert with a rich history of dealing with patients with care. Also, patients should have realistic expectations about the post-operative process and know how they can heal better. The time to show your shiny and glowy hair will arrive, but to achieve that, it is also necessary to take care of your transplanted hair. If you become too careless, you can not dream of having your hair grow back. After the hair transplant journey, some healing and extra attention are needed. 


After hair transplant surgery, you should know how to care for your newly implanted hair, which is still fragile and needs more care to root carefully. If you have such questions in mind, don’t get anxious! We are here with this guide to help you. We have talked with Dr. Urvashi Chandra, the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi at Chandra Hair Transplant Clinic, so you can know what tips to follow to care for your transplanted hair. 

Best Tips To Take Care of Your Transplanted Hair  
  • Avoid Vigorous Exercise
 The most critical is the first 72 hours of recovery after the hair transplant procedure. In this time frame, most doctors recommend avoiding exercise and other strenuous activities for at least about two weeks after your surgery. It is done to avoid the increasing blood flow to the scalp too much during this period. Your doctor will ask you to stay abstain from certain activities, such as:  
  • Jogging or running 
  • Bending at the waist
  • Sit-ups or push-ups 
 Tip: Any activity that increases the blood pressure on the scalp or leads to sweating should be avoided. 
  • Say No to Smoking and Alcohol. 
 As alcohol thins the blood, it is best to avoid it during or after the procedure. The same goes for smoking; nicotine affects blood pressure and decreases blood flow.  
  • Skip the Headwear 
 It is natural to want to put a hat on after your hair transplant surgery, but you need to be extra careful, at least for the first seven days or so. After a week, if you want, you can wear a loose-fitting hat. However, try to avoid anything that fits tightly on your head.  
  • Know about Itching/ Scratching and Sunlight. 


It is natural for your scalp to itch during the healing process. However, it is recommended to abstain from it. The scab formation and the healing process should proceed naturally. For the same reason, protect your scalp from direct sunlight for at least two weeks.  
  • Gentle Hair Wash 


After 1-2 days of using the solution, wash your hair with your hands rather than directly under the shower. It is better to decrease the shower pressure and use your hands to clean your skin gently. You can use a gentle shampoo and gently rinse your hair with a cup of lukewarm water. Besides following the tips mentioned above, look at your diet and make the required changes doctors suggest.  Diet To Follow After Hair Transplant Surgery  Following a nutritious diet can help you grow your hair after a hair transplant surgery such as:  
  • Blueberries 
  • Spinach 
  • Fish like tuna, salmon, or trout 
  • Walnuts (rich in biotin, vitamin E, and fatty acids) protect your hair from damage 
  • Eggs carry oxygen to your follicles as they have sulfur, zinc, selenium, and iron.
 What Precautions Should Be Taken After Hair Transplant Surgery?  The precautions to take after your hair transplant surgery include:  
  • Don’t dye your hair after the procedure 
  • Avoid sun exposure 
 Now you know all the details on post-hair transplant surgery care, it is time to connect with the best hair transplant surgeon to plan your treatment today!  Get the Best Hair Transplant Treatment Today!  Getting a hair transplant surgery can be challenging if you need the right guidance, as this treatment requires thoughtful guidance and comprehensive care during your journey to get your new hair.  If you still have doubts, consult Dr. Urvashi Chandra at the Chandra hair transplant clinic in Delhi. The expert hair transplant surgeon can also be consulted for eyebrow reconstruction, body hair transplant, and other transformative hair transplant surgeries. To connect with her, pay a visit to Chandra Hair Transplant Clinic today! 

Hair fall in winter is very common nowadays. Winter hair loss is often caused due to dry air, which dehydrates the scalp by sucking out all the moisture. Dry hair and dry scalp can lead to breakage, thinning and hair loss. Dandruff can also cause the head to itch, ultimately increasing hair loss together with dry air.


This is a very challenging time for everyone, especially those with healthy and strong hair. Are there ways to control hair fall in winter? Read on to learn how to prevent your hair from falling or breaking out during winter. To enrich this post, Dr. Urvashi Chandra, a renowned hair specialist, shared her insights. She heads Chandra Clinic, an advanced hair transplant clinic where she offers the best Hair Fall Treatment in Delhi. Let's continue reading further. 

Here are Some Effective Tips That Can Help Battle Hair Loss in Winter 

1. Oil the Hair Twice a Week

In winter, make sure you oil your hair twice a week. Oil massages are very calming and an excellent technique to stop hair loss in winter. 

2. Avoid Heat Styling

It is advised to let the hair air dry. The hair loses moisture when a blow dry, which, as a result, increases the risk of breaking. Drying without heat keeps the hair healthy and lustrous. Accept the natural hair and let it air dry on its own to prevent hair from falling out. 

3. Keep the Hair Hydrated

To prevent hair fall in winter, moisture retention is the key. Use a good moisturizer once a week to restore moisture and the effects of hot styling tools. Using a conditioner will keep the hair moist and protect it from breaking. 

4. Do Not Overwash the Hair

The hair will lose natural oil if you overwash your hair. Prolong the interval between the washes. Do not wash the hair regularly; instead, wash it twice or thrice a week. If the hair is severely dry, try every three days. 

5. Follow a Healthy Diet

An inadequate diet lacking vitamins, minerals etc., vital for healthy hair often leads to hair loss. Vitamin A and Vitamin E promote healthy sebum production in the scalp, which increases blood flow to the hair follicles. Vitamin B also helps to preserve the health of hair. A poor diet and nutritional deficiencies restrict your body's capacity to create new hair follicles. Throughout the winter months, make sure you eat enough vegetables and protein.

6. Avoid Taking Hot Shower

Avoid taking hot showers and wash your hair with lukewarm water, as too much hair can damage the hair. Also, limit the use of curling irons or blow dryers. The less you deal with these tools, the better and healthier your hair will be. If you style your hair too much, use a hair protection spray before. 


Hope this blog has helped you understand tips that can keep your hair from breaking in winter. Make these tips a routine for your winter hair, and this winter bid adieu to all your hair woes and leave those bad hair days behind.

However, if one still experiences excessive hair fall, they can visit Chandra Clinic to consult Dr. Urvashi Chandra, the Best Hair Fall Doctor in Delhi. She will determine the root cause of the hair and will recommend treatment accordingly. The treatment options can include PRP, GFC therapy, medications, hair transplants, etc.

Visit the clinic for more details on hair fall treatment!

For many, a full, luscious beard is not just a fashion statement but a symbol of masculinity and confidence. However, not everyone is blessed with the genetics to grow a dense and well-defined beard. Luckily, advancements in medical science have opened doors to solutions that cater to this desire for a fuller facial mane through a procedure known as a beard hair transplant.

In this blog, we will learn about the procedure of a beard hair transplant, followed by the answers to a few frequently asked questions about the surgery. This post is drafted using the details shared by Dr. Urvashi Chandra, who is considered the top surgeon for beard hair transplant in Delhi at Chandra Clinic.

Understanding the Procedure

The beard hair transplant procedure involves two vital steps: extraction and implantation. During extraction, the patient, comfortably lying face down, receives local anesthesia while ultra-fine punches meticulously gather the required hair units from the scalp. Dr. Urvashi Chandra personally handles this crucial phase, ensuring quality and minimal scarring.

The extracted grafts are then sorted and counted for subsequent implantation. This phase, equally crucial, involves local anesthesia for the beard area and the delicate, artistic placement of grafts using cutting-edge implanters. The aim here is not merely to implant hair but to replicate the natural angle, direction, and distribution of beard hair for an absolutely natural look.

Post-Procedure and Expectations

The aftereffects of the procedure are surprisingly comfortable. Patients may experience minimal discomfort, with scabs in the beard area falling off within 7 to 10 days. The newly implanted hair begins to grow within a few days, but the full, lush beard appearance typically emerges between 6 and 9 months. 

The results? A confident, natural-looking beard that's indistinguishable from one achieved organically.

Is the procedure for a beard hair transplant painful?

Meticulous anesthesia techniques ensure the utmost comfort for the patients throughout the procedure. Approximately 95% of the patients report no discomfort or pain.

When can one return to work after a beard hair transplant?

One can comfortably resume work the very next day. While there might be minor scabbing in the beard area, these typically fall off within ten days, causing no significant discomfort.

When will one see the full results of the beard hair transplant?

The complete and natural-looking results of the transplant generally manifest between 8 and 10 months after the procedure.

Is the new hair permanent?  

Absolutely, the transplanted hair is permanent, providing a long-lasting solution for a fuller beard.

Will the area where the beard grows be marked or scarred?  

Utilizing advanced implanter pens, we ensure a procedure with minimal to zero possibility of marks or scars in the beard area.


At Chandra Clinic, a renowned hair transplant clinic in Delhi, under the expertise of Dr. Urvashi Chandra, individuals seeking a thicker, more robust beard can find their solution. 

Beard transplantation can help men to get a more masculine looking face and confidence back with thicker beards. For further details and personalized treatment, feel free to connect with Dr. Urvashi Chandra at Chandra Clinic.

If you are a patient who identifies themselves as transgender, you might consider a transgender hair transplant surgery. The procedure can be carried out to thicken existing hair or restore hair in areas which have been affected by male pattern hair loss. There are different situations where a transgender hair transplant would be needed. A hair transplant will help individuals after gender reassignment surgery. Other situations include MtF, i.e. male to female, and FtM, i.e. female to male. 

To provide readers with an in-depth understanding of transgender hair transplants, we have taken references from an expert Hair Transplant Surgeon in Delhi, i.e. Dr. Urvashi Chandra. Continue reading this comprehensive post to learn more about transgender hair transplants. 

What are the Procedures Involved in Transgender Hair Transplant? 

The following procedures are performed for transgender patients: 

  1. Male to Female (MTF) Transformation

One of the main procedures performed on MTF (male to female) patients is by creating a feminine hairline, which is lower and rounder than its male counterpart. If one looks closely, one must know that men and women of different age groups have different hairlines. Women have a rounded line where the hair does not recede at their temples. Men, on the other hand, have a different shape to their hairline. This is what establishes the male or female appearance. A hair transplant can feminize and create a hairline which enhances the feminine features of women. 

2. Female to Male (FTM) Transformation

Hair on the face is one of the common traits seen in men. This increases the appearance of adult masculinity. Female to male (FTM) transgender hair transplant involves beard or mustache hair restoration. This method can replace bald spots on the head and improve masculinity by giving the patient the perfect amount of facial hair. Depending on the timeline, one might have to look into hair restoration early in the transformation since it might take years to see the complete results. It is best to consult a renowned hair transplant surgeon to make sure transgender hair restoration is right for you. 

 Hair Transplant for Transgender Patients: Am I a Suitable Candidate? 
  • A suitable candidate for a transgender hair transplant is someone who has been on hormone replacement therapy for at least a year. 

  • The candidate must be healthy and should have realistic expectations about the results of their hair transplant. 

A transgender hair transplant is a specialized procedure which requires an experienced hair transplant surgeon who is familiar with the unique needs of transgender patients. 


The position of male and female hairlines are important gender traits. A transgender hair transplant can help individuals who are transitioning from one gender to another to achieve a cohesive appearance. If one is interested in getting a transgender hair transplant, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Urvashi Chandra, a renowned hair specialist, at Chandra Hair Transplant Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi. The expert hair surgeon specializes in performing advanced techniques such as FUE, FUT, and unshaven hair transplant. 

However, her signature treatment involves BIO-IPT hair transplant, which utilizes ultrafine punches imported directly from the USA. They have a high graft survival rate and provide 100% natural-looking results. For more details on transgender hair transplants, visit Chandra Clinic today. The expert hair transplant surgeon will discuss the effective procedure and will offer an individualized treatment plan. 

Chandra Clinic is a renowned clinic that is widely recognized for offering the best Hair Transplant In Delhii. The clinic is led by Dr. Urvashi Chandra, a top hair transplant surgeon who performs several procedures such as FUT, FUE, and Bio-IPT to help individuals restore their baldness. With a hair transplant, one can restore hair loss on scalp, beards, brows, chest hair, eyelashes, etc. The expert hair transplant surgeon at the clinic also uses new and innovative techniques which are not only cost-effective but also offer effective outcomes. For more information on hair transplants, visit Chandra Clinic right away.
Dec 1 '23 · 0 comments · Tags: hair transplant in delhi
Are you looking for the finest Hair Fall Treatment In Delhi?  Then you should consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Urvashi Chandra, a renowned hair transplant surgeon in Delhi. Dr. Chandra practices at Chandra Clinic and offers a range of options, including FUT, FUE, and minimally invasive BIO IPT hair loss treatments. She also offers growth factor and microneedling to manage hair loss and promote new hair growth. To determine the best hair transplant technique tailored to your specific needs, whether it's for your scalp, beard, or eyebrows, visit Chandra Clinic and book an appointment with Dr. Urvashi Chandra today.
Nov 28 '23 · 0 comments · Tags: hair fall treatment in delhi
Hair loss, including baldness and receding hairlines, can have a significant impact on an individual's mental health and emotional well-being. If you are experiencing the same, it's essential to seek help. Chandra Clinic, recognized as the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi, is the place to go for a consultation with Dr. Urvashi Chandra. She is a skilled surgeon who can harness the benefits of successful hair transplants to restore lost hair and overcome baldness. After a comprehensive evaluation of the issue, this expert doctor employs cutting-edge medical treatments to stimulate hair growth. The most effective techniques used include FUT, FUE, and BIO-IPT for managing hair loss and baldness. To gain further insights, schedule an appointment at Chandra Clinic today.