buzhidaonisi's blog


針灸通氣,讓身體的自然活力不間斷地流動. 它還具有利尿作用,可以通過腎臟和尿道釋放毒素. 當你釋放毒素並體驗到氣的自由運動時,你將開始重新連接你身體的內部訊號.2021 9月20日


有兩個特別的禁忌症值得特別注意:AICD患者應避免任何可能用作針灸形式的電磁刺激. 此外,不建議患有或易患精神病或妄想症的患者也接受針灸治療.


這被稱為複雜的悲痛,有時被稱為持續的複雜喪親症. 在複雜的悲傷中,痛苦的情緒是如此持久和嚴重,以至於你很難從損失中恢復過來並恢復自己的生活. 不同的人在悲傷的經歷中走不同的路.




由於肝臟是人體的主要排毒器官,肝臟的一項重要工作是分解雌激素,囙此給它一些額外的支持,保持激素水准平衡可能是一個好主意. 一個月裏排毒的最佳時間是排卵期.


當一個人經歷創傷事件時,腎上腺素會通過身體,記憶會印入杏仁核,杏仁核是邊緣系統的一部分. 杏仁核掌握著事件的情緒意義,包括情緒的强度和衝動.


肝臟也與壓力和憤怒有很大關係. 身體上,不平衡的肝臟會導致肌腱,頸部和肩部緊繃,情緒上會導致精神緊繃. 肝臟的主要情緒是憤怒和沮喪.


它是如何工作的? 面部針灸被認為是一種抗衰老療法,通過刺激膠原蛋白的產生改善皮膚質地.


香蕉. 香蕉富含鉀,維他命和天然油脂
黃瓜. 黃瓜有助於保留彈性蛋白和透明質酸,這是保持皮膚緊致所必需的


治療後的預期:一般來說,人們在針灸治療後往往會感到放鬆. 接下來的幾天甚至可能意味著更好的睡眠,消化和整體幸福感. 但一些患者報告說,在治療後的幾天內,會產生更深,更强烈的影響.


Dec 26 '22 · 0 comments

1:吸烟比吸烟危害小,但仍然不安全. 電子烟加熱尼古丁(從烟草中選取),調味劑和其他化學物質,產生氣霧劑,讓你吸入. 普通烟草香烟含有7000種化學物質,其中許多是有毒的.


化療藥物被認為對使用或接觸化療藥物的人有害. 對患者來說,這意味著藥物的强度足以破壞或殺死癌細胞. 但這也意味著這些藥物可能會引起其他可能接觸到它們的人的擔憂.




致癌物可能在環境中自然產生(如陽光中的紫外線和某些病毒),也可能由人類產生(如汽車尾氣和香烟煙霧). 大多數致癌物通過與細胞DNA相互作用產生突變而起作用.


堅果上的果殼通常也不加鹽(開心果是一個例外). 儘量避免幹烤,加鹽,調味或蜜烤堅果,因為堅果中含有額外的鹽,有時還含有糖.


豆類. 罐裝豆類包括加班佐豆,平托豆,黑豆,紅芸豆和利馬豆
更多項目-•2021 7月21日


暴露於烟麯黴黴菌會導致一些人感染/反應,稱為麯黴病. 症狀包括喘息,咳嗽,胸痛和發燒.
麯黴病的症狀是什麼< 咳嗽,有時伴有粘液或血液.


癌症在沒有治療的情况下自行消失是罕見的, 在幾乎每一種情况下,都需要治療來摧毀癌細胞. 這是因為癌細胞不能像正常細胞那樣發揮作用.


癌變的腫塊通常很大,很硬,摸起來不痛,而且會自發出現. 在接下來的幾周和幾個月裏,質量將穩步增長. 可以從身體外部感覺到的癌性腫塊可以出現在乳房,睾丸或頸部,也可以出現在手臂和腿部. 2021 9月21日


膠質母細胞瘤(IV級),生長最快. 這些腫瘤占所有膠質瘤的一半以上,是成人最常見的惡性腦腫瘤.

Dec 20 '22 · 0 comments


What kind of majors are good majors? What are the dimensions to consider when choosing a major? What kind of majors are suitable for girls? What kind of majors are suitable for male students?

What is a good major?

First of all, we have to understand that there is no absolute good major, and that what a major is ultimately depends on your specific situation. A good major is not one level, but needs to be judged from several levels.

What level should I consider when choosing a major?

First, it should be clear that choosing a major is not choosing a career

At present, many colleges and universities are enrolled according to large categories, and emphasize thick basic and wide caliber in training. After graduation, students have a wide range of knowledge and adaptability, and can engage in many jobs in related industries.

In addition, the current curriculum of colleges and universities does not correspond to the social professions one by one. The basic and professional knowledge of a certain subject category studied in school includes several industries and occupations.

Some students use more and less of their college expertise in the jobs CHO Wing sing after graduation. If you want to work in a very specialized field of study, you need to have a master's or doctoral degree.

Therefore, the undergraduate stage is usually to lay the foundation, cultivate learning methods and train the way of thinking.

Second, the choice of major should focus on the interest of the ideal and personal potential, rather than catching the trend of running popular

When choosing a major, personal preference and personal aspiration are the first priority. Hot and cold is relative, no one is good for a thousand days and no flower is red for a hundred days. If you are interested in what is popular and not what you are interested in, you will not be able to learn it well and you will not be able to do much in the future.

In addition, the choice of profession should be beneficial to the development of personal potential. Our economy is developing fast, and the demand for professions is changing fast. When you realize that it is hot, maybe it is almost time to be cold. Therefore, when you fill in your major, focus on developing your ability and will to adapt to the fast-changing society by taking a static approach.

Even if you find a very demanding profession or a very popular profession in the future, if you are not happy doing it, or not good enough, or not suitable for this kind of career, you will be eliminated just as easily.

Third, pay attention to solve the relationship between interest and profession

The reality is that for most candidates, there will be a big contrast between their personal preferences and the profession they are admitted to. Love at first sight may not be the end of the line, and the beginning of chaos may not be the end of the line. Young people are very flexible, and their personal preferences are constantly changing and can be redeveloped. As young people extend and expand their life and work experience, they will show a wider range of personal preferences.

The key is to have a proper understanding of learning knowledge and the need to have the will and perseverance. In fact, in everyone's work, the phenomenon of inconsistency between the work practice engaged in and the profession they studied in college is common.

Fourth, pay attention to solving the relationship between the region and the profession

Each university has its own strong courses, and at the same time there are weak courses. If you can enroll in a major that you love and has a high faculty, it is worth it even if the location is a bit off.

What majors are suitable for girls?

Compared to boys, girls are widely endowed with strong language talents, imaginative thought patterns, meticulous and sensual psychology, and gentle and kind motherly character. It is only by examining themselves that they can perfect themselves and understand themselves that they can plan their future. These majors introduced below may not be your favorite majors, but they may be the most suitable ones for you.

Recommended majors: International economics and trade in economics, etc.

Reason: These majors offer a large amount of courses in college, more credits, more theoretical, boys do not sit still and do not like to have breakthroughs in theory, while girls' elegant personalities allow them to master this knowledge smoothly. Therefore, the ability and quality of girls studying finance and economics can meet the needs of employers for multi-faceted, professional talents.

Recommended majors: tourism management, marketing, finance and accounting, human resources, administration, customs management, work and social security, etc. in the management category

Recommended reason: Management must be smooth communication is management, girls have a gentle and considerate personality, which is in line with this requirement. In ordinary life, girls are also easier to get close to than the average male, this kind of natural advantages lead to them in tourism management, human resources and other positions with the advantages of boys can not reach.

Recommended majors: Law, social work, etc. in the law category

Reason: Many people have a bias against the employment situation of law majors in the past few years, however, girls studying law have the advantage of better employment than boys.

Law majors generally require students to have the first memory, followed by the ability to think and express the ability to express. These skills happen to be the strengths of girls. At the same time, the future employment of law students in the public prosecution and law system, the latter to take the civil service have great advantages. For example, the civil service examination, which involves a large number of test questions is current affairs and law.

Recommended majors: Nursing, pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine in medicine

Reason: Many professions in medicine are not suitable for female students to study and employment, however, we often see nurses, pharmacological inspection and other positions in hospitals are exclusively female. This is because their careful and patient nature gives them an irreplaceable position in these positions. The most important thing to learn about the medical profession is to be patient and careful, and the greater characteristics of medical work is relatively stable, relatively good pay, more respected and respectful, but of course also more difficult.

In addition, Chinese medicine is also particularly suitable for girls to study, Chinese medicine in theory and practice are very high regulations, the first to pass the theory, this, girls have the natural advantage, therefore, in practice, the girls of Chinese medicine study pass rate is higher than the boys.

Recommended majors: Special Education, Early Childhood Education, etc. in Education

Reason for recommendation: Most majors in education are suitable for girls to study, and having a patient personality is a unique condition for educators. In college, girls majoring in education have to study psychology and other courses systematically while concentrating on various subjects, and their unique maternal love leads them to have more careful and patient, and because of this, special education and early childhood education are basically female.

Recommended majors: language and literature majors and journalism and communication majors in the literature category

Reason: Girls are naturally eloquent, and they are much better at learning languages than boys. Students graduating in small languages are especially popular these years, especially in the current era of network economy, international trade is developing rapidly, and with the opening of the Belt and Road Initiative, small languages are unique in the job market.

Journalism contains radio and television, advertising, editing and publishing, etc. Nowadays, it can be called the media era, and the development of new media needs more diverse talents. A point that many people do not understand is that women are more observant than men in general and have certain advantages in journalism, and girls are more edifying and dynamic than men in interview writing and production.

What professions are suitable for men?

In today's society where everyone is equal, what a boy can learn to do, a girl can learn to do. However, "can learn" is not necessarily "suitable", candidates of different genders do have certain differences in the learning process and future employment level, and now we also take stock of college majors suitable for boys.

Recommended majors: magnetic field and wireless technology, information engineering, electronic science and technology, etc. in the electronic information category

Dec 12 '22 · 0 comments

正式答覆. 是的,肺炎可以自行消失,但只有在被認為是輕微的時候. 行走性肺炎是指一種非常輕微的肺炎病例,在整個病程中,您可以進行日常活動. 2021 10月6日


鹽水鼻噴霧劑. 鹽水鼻噴霧劑對每個人都是安全的,包括兒童
加濕器. 加濕器也能很好地治療由URI引起的鼻塞症狀


如果你感染了新冠肺炎,什麼時候才能停止傳染性? 這取決於. 如果你有一種輕微的疾病,並且症狀正在好轉,那麼10天后你可能不會傳染. 如果你患有嚴重疾病或免疫系統减弱,你可能會傳染長達3周.




建議的一線治療是10天的青黴素療程. 紅黴素可用於對青黴素過敏的患者. 阿莫西林,阿奇黴素(Zithromax)和第一代頭孢菌素是合適的替代品.


卡西亞裏博士補充說,肺炎咳嗽聽起來比普通咳嗽更[深沉". 至於你實際咳嗽出什麼樣的肺炎,這取決於你患的是什麼類型的肺炎以及它處於什麼階段. 對於早期的病毒性肺炎,你可能不會咳嗽. 2021 9月10日


喝茶或溫檸檬水加蜂蜜是緩解喉嚨痛的老方法. 但蜂蜜本身也可能是一種有效的止咳藥. 在一項研究中,1至5歲患有上呼吸道感染的兒童在睡前被給予2茶匙(10毫升)蜂蜜.


導致氣體的食物:避免導致氣體或腹脹的食物,這通常會使呼吸更加困難. 這可能會導致胸悶並引發哮喘發作. 應避免的食物包括:豆類,碳酸飲料,洋葱,大蒜和油炸食品.


所以,回答你的問題:痰液本身對吞咽沒有毒性或危害. 一旦吞食,它就會被消化吸收. 它不是原封不動地回收的, 你的身體在肺,鼻子和鼻竇中製造更多的東西. 它不會延長你的病情,也不會導致你身體其他部位的感染或併發症.


生薑蜂蜜檸檬茶. 生薑含有抗炎作用,可以减少咳嗽和充血
Masala chai< 甘草根茶.2021 11月5日

Dec 2 '22 · 0 comments