Schienwor's blog

When I first learned about dog training, I focused mainly on the technical aspect. I get the dog to sit, I click the clicker, then reward with food. But it does not always work that way. Many dogs I worked with would perform the command I asked but would do it on their own time. They just didn’t care enough about me. I was not meaningful enough for them to pay attention. This was a valuable lesson for me later on. I noticed that many people are excited to teach their dog how to sit, down, stay and all other commands. Let me tell you: If your dog has the wrong attitude it can be the hardest process to teach. On the flipside, when a dog wants what you have and is engaged with you then you have a dog who is easy to teach. There is a process that I teach my clients to proof behavior to reliably get your dog to do it all the time. “If you love what you are doing you will never have to work a day in your life (something like that). This is true when it comes to training dogs. When I first start training a dog I spend a lot of time working on his motivation levels and creating a dog that wants to learn. Now this is sometimes difficult with clients who want a quicker fix. How do you know when your dog has the right attitude? He/she will be staring at you waiting for you to give them direction. When you ask them to sit, their rear end will hit the ground faster than you can get the treat out. So how do I accomplish this engagement. Clicking here to know more about  dog trainer queens

Training sessions go  like this:

Engagement sessions 1-2 minutes

Most people spend 10 -15 minute training sessions which are usually too long for many dogs. I spend 1-2 minutes of keeping the dog motivated. When she starts to show that she is extremely distracted or just not into the activity anymore then I crate them and bottle that energy up. 

Apr 25 '19 · 0 comments

Otimização de Site

 Que tal realizar a otimização de site perfeita para sua empresa com a ajuda de nossa Agência de Otimização de Sites de São Paulo? Esperamos por você na busca orgânica! Aprenda aqui como otimizar um site em poucos minutos. Já desenvolvemos mais de 200 sites desde 2010 e mais de 150 consultorias em otimização de sites ao longo de nossa trajetória e muitos e muitos sites no topo do Google. E agora temos o prazer de ministrar cursos para pequenas e grandes empresas, além de ter como mensalistas empresas que se destacam muito no mercado. O que é otimização de Sites A otimização de sites : Todas as técnicas usadas para posicionar um site nos mecanismos de busca, bem como melhorias no site em sua velocidade, desempenho e usabilidade, programação, desenvolvimento de conteúdo, compartilhamento e relevância. Por que fazer a Otimização de Sites Aparecer no Google entre os primeiros e vender mais na internet, assim como baratear o valor dos cliques gastos em Google ADS, também fazem parte da otimização de sites. Sendo assim, essa prática se tornou fundamental, e um cargo importantíssimo dentro de cada empresa (SEO). O analista de SEO cuida do conteúdo e análise do site na internet, junto com designer e programador.
Apr 10 '19 · 0 comments
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Jan 9 '19 · 0 comments · Tags: online, shopping, deals
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