What are the organic reasons for... from shake's blog

What are the organic reasons for prostate cancer?

Genetic components: Heritable traits, such as modifications to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, may raise the risk. Breast cancer risk is also increased by certain gene mutations. The risk of prostate and other cancers is increased in men who were born with Lynch syndrome.

Who is most at risk for developing prostate cancer?

Age. Prostate cancer risk rises with age, particularly beyond the age of 50. Men 65 and older account for about 60% of diagnoses of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer diagnoses in older persons might present special difficulties, particularly when it comes to cancer treatment.app-controlled vibrator

After having his prostate removed, can a man climax?

Men who undergo prostatectomy also stop ejaculating because the majority of semen fluid is produced by the seminal vesicles and prostate gland. Even without ejaculate fluid, they can still experience the delightful sensation of orgasm.

Is keeping sperm for a long time beneficial?

There is no proof that sperm blockage might be harmful or have unfavorable side effects. Sperm that hasn't been jaculated is safe for the body and doesn't accumulate. Sperm that is not expelled by ejaculation is reabsorbed by the body. Infertility or sex drive are unaffected by this.

What medication is used to prevent prostate cancer?

Drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are used to reduce the body's production of male sex hormones. The enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is blocked by these medications. Prostate cancer development may be influenced by DHT levels that are higher than usual.

Is using a vibrating massager safe?

If the vibrations are too intense, vibration therapy could be harmful. Serious back pain and lumbar damage could result from this. Prior to beginning vibration therapy, see your doctor.app controlled prostate massager

What might decrease an enlarged prostate the quickest?

Drink less at night and try to make good dietary and activity improvements. Drink nothing for a couple of hours before going to bed.
alcohol and caffeine in moderation. They can aggravate the symptoms, increase urine production, and irritate the bladder.
Observe what you consume.Get moving more often.
Maintain a healthy weight.hands free vibrators

What negative effects might prostate massage cause?

The surgery poses a variety of dangers, including the possibility to spread infection and worsen acute prostatitis, which could result in blood poisoning.blood loss near the prostate.Cellulitis is an extremely dangerous skin illness.hemorrhoids that flare up.if prostate cancer is already present, its spread.
More things...

Can your prostate shrink without medication?

Another alternative for treatment is aquablation therapy, which uses water to eliminate prostate tissue and concomitantly shrink the prostate. Exercise and diet may assist with BPH symptoms and keep them from getting worse, according to study.

How frequently ought a man to ovulate?

When it comes to how frequently a male should discharge sperm, there is no magic number. Sexual activity every day or every other day can increase fertility if you're attempting to conceive. Otherwise, ejaculate as often as you like-doing so may lower your risk of developing prostate cancer and enhance your cardiovascular health.

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