Is Carnage Venom his son? from tianmeihao's blog

Is Carnage Venom his son?

Originating as a descendant of Venom, Carnage is far more powerful than its parent symbiote due to the symbiote's biology, and in many ways is the darker version of Venom.

What is the second animal on earth?

Ocean sponges have been around for a long time, but they are at least old enough to be the longest living organisms on Earth. The second living animal on Earth would be the jellyfish, which even existed 505 million years ago. New fossil of jellyfish Evidence dates back 500 million years.

Do you feel cremated?

When someone dies, they don't feel anything anymore, so they don't feel any pain at all." If they ask what cremation means, you can explain that they were put in a very warm room, where their body being reduced to soft ashes, and then reemphasized that this was a peaceful, painless process.

Why do comatose patients cry?

A comatose patient may open his eyes, move, and even cry, but remain comatose. His brainstem reflexes are connected to a non-functioning cortex. No reflexes. Many professionals refer to this condition as [persistent vegetative state]. < FC-ae8f3a456ce2f467b999c8aed223739e>

How do you know someone is the love of your life?

The person you love most in your life is the person you are most comfortable with and you naturally feel like you can be yourself. This is someone who makes you feel loved. When you are loved on this level, you become you Be the best you can be.

Will true love disappear?

"It's important to remember that only passionate love fades," Dr. Lieberman said. [Companionship love, which is the kind of love felt by an established couple, usually grows over time. But Some people believe that once the dopamine rush of a passionate love wears off, the relationship is over.熱話分享

Do brain dead people cry?

他們可以微笑,抓住別人的手,哭泣,呻吟或咕噥. 但他們對鼓掌無動於衷,看不見或聽不懂講話.


The winner of the most popular keyword is Facebook, with over 1102.8 million monthly searches. It is followed by YouTube, Amazon and weather, simply [weather]. Surprisingly, many people prefer to search for popular brands, Instead of typing directly. November 29, 2021

What caused the disaster in "How it Ended"?

While Tom is still annoyed that Will sank his ship years ago and is poor in general, there's an apocalyptic event in Seattle - an earthquake and a volcano erupting.

Who is the baby in life as we know it?

Alexis, Brooke and Brynn Clagett have been selected from a national casting call to play baby Sophie in the upcoming film All We Know 生活. Mother Erin Clagett recounts the experience.

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