What foods cause diabetes? from lingsha's blog

What foods cause diabetes?

These four foods increase the risk of type 2 diabetes:
Lots of processed carbohydrates
Sweetened beverages
Saturated and trans fats
Red and processed meat
November 28, 2021 day

Should my urine be clean?

Courtney Moore, a urologist and surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic. A pale straw color that's almost clear is less than ideal, says Moore. If your urine is crystal clear, you're probably drinking too much H20, This can disrupt your electrolyte balance in a potentially harmful way.

How Can Diabetics Relax?

Coping with stress while you have diabetes
Try to maintain a positive attitude
Be kind to yourself
Accept what you can’t change
Talk to someone about your stressors
Exercise to lower stress
Practice relaxation techniques
Other Stress Relief Ideas
February 7, 2021

Nausea, heartburn, or bloating can have many causes, but for people with diabetes, these common digestive issues shouldn't be ignored. This is because high blood sugar can lead to gastroparesis, a condition that affects your pipeline for digesting food. Diabetes is The most common cause of gastroparesis.

Why is my urine yellow in the morning?

The darker the urine, the more concentrated the urine. Because people tend to sleep for hours without alcohol, their urine will often be darker when they urinate first thing in the morning.

What causes diabetes to die?

Diabetes is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature death from non-cardiovascular non-cancer causes.


How do I know if I need insulin?

If the initial fasting blood glucose is greater than 250 or HbA1c is greater than 10%, insulin therapy is usually required.

Can Not Eating Enough Cause Diabetes?

Starvation diets and low-calorie diets may lead to insulin resistance and overt diabetes.

How long does it take to get rid of prediabetes?

Losing weight and reversing prediabetes can take weeks, months or even years, but the window of time to reverse prediabetes after diagnosis is between 2-6 years, so you have time!

What are the symptoms of diabetes in women?

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