How to correctly choose an easy-to-use sweeping robot from opop's blog

There are more and more sweeping robot products on the market, and many consumers who don't know much about Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner will inevitably have difficulties when purchasing. In order to avoid this situation, the following will teach you how to correctly choose an easy-to-use sweeping robot to make your life happier.

The first step: look at the path

High-quality sweeping robots will not leave dead corners when cleaning the ground. At present, most sweeping robots with intelligent planning have relatively good cleaning capabilities. In order to allow every corner of the home to be scanned, it is recommended to choose planning robots as much as possible.

Step Two: Look at the Suction

The path determines how much area can be swept, but the suction determines how clean it can be swept. The most important point that the double-sided brush is superior to the single-sided brush is that it can operate on both sides at the same time to eliminate static electricity on the floor dust, making it easier for the roller brush/suction port to absorb dust and impurities, no need to clean back and forth, and the efficiency is higher.

Step 3: Look at the anti-obstacle, anti-winding, anti-drop force

The intelligent sweeping robot will lightly touch when encountering obstacles, and re-plan the route to continue working. Whether it is smart or not, it depends on whether the sweeping robot can better recognize external obstacles

Step 4: Check battery life

Choosing a sweeping robot also depends on its battery capacity, battery = battery life, choosing a lithium battery is safer and more reliable! Lithium batteries are small in size and light in weight, can be recharged whenever they are used, and have a low self-discharge rate.


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Several suitable methods for purchasing intelligent sweeping robots

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