Herbal tea "a cup of efficacy" b... from sdafasda's blog

cause spleen and stomach dysfunction

Herbal teas are good, but not for everyone

Herbal tea, according to the herbs we choose to carry out different, efficacy is also different,涼茶ost of them have can clear heat as well as detoxification, dispel fire and remove dampness, produce thirst, and other effects, for example, with silver flower, dandelion, honeysuckle, thatch root and other concoctions of herbal tea, with the ability to clear heat drug detoxification, internal heat, fire heavy people think that drink can lower the fire; and for example, with silver flower, chrysanthemum, cotton Yin Chen, Tu Fu Ling, etc. boiled herbal tea can clear heat and dispel dampness, suitable for people with heavy dampness and heat and big breath.

However, Professor Liang Donghui, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at nespresso咖啡機比較spital of Southern Medical University, said: although herbal tea is good, it is not suitable for everyone, especially for the following four groups of people.

Cold spleen and stomach

People with cold spleen and stomach deficiency are prone to catch fire, and if they choose to drink herbal tea to reduce fire, it will easily cause spleen and stomach dysfunction, which will lead to a series of gastrointestinal problems.

Menstruating women

During menstruation, a woman's resistance will be lowered. Drinking herbal tea at this time can easily lead to cold blood, resulting in poor discharge of menstrual blood, which is likely to cause dysmenorrhea and even menstrual disorders.

Cold and wind

Cold and flu caused by the low temperature of the air conditioning system or the rain will often aggravate the condition of the patient when drinking cold herbal tea.

The elderly and children

The spleen and stomach of the elderly are weak, and the spleen and stomach of children are not well regulated. Drinking cold tea that is too bitter and too cold can easily cause damage to the spleen and stomach, resulting in anorexia, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

About herbal tea, do not make these mistakes again

Myth 1: The role of herbal tea to lower fire can be carried out casually drink?

Often we will say that herbal tea to lower the fire, fire on more herbal tea. But in fact, from the perspective of the development of Chinese medicine in China, "fire" has a real fire and false fire, and herbal tea is to go to the real fire. If a person with a deficiency fire then drinks herbal tea, not only will it not achieve the effect of lowering the fire, but it may also be because of the cold nature of traditional herbal tea that can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain in patients.

Myth 2: Herbal tea as a beverage has no side effects?

Although herbal teas are used in traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine has three toxins, and although the liver and kidney toxicity of traditional Chinese medicine is much lower than that of western medicine, it does not mean that it does not exist, and improperly formulated traditional Chinese medicine may cause some side effects.

In addition, although herbal tea is good, but also pay attention to a degree. Taking herbal tea as a drink for a long time can damage the spleen and stomach and lead to a decrease in immunity.

Message from Family Medicine

Although herbal tea has the function of dispelling fire and eliminating summer heat, clearing heat and detoxifying the body, not all of us are suitable for drinking herbal tea, and it is better to drink it under the guidance of a professional doctor in order to be safer and more effective.


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