the role of teeth,the structure ... from vfgejeas's blog

In the body, teeth grow twice in sequence in one's life. The first one is called "deciduous tooth", and by the age of two, there are twenty teeth in total. Around the age of six, deciduous teeth slowly fall out, and "permanent teeth" grow, a total of thirty-two. According to the form can be divided into incisors, teeth and molars. The function of the incisors is to break the food, the bicuspids are used to mash the food, and the grinding teeth are used to grind the food.

Teeth can not only bite ingredients and assist in pronunciation of phonetic symbols, but also have great harm to the beauty of appearance. Because of the application of teeth and alveoli, the form of the dental arch and the impact of the bite are all normal, which will make the face and lips and cheeks look plump. And when we speak and smile, neat and white teeth can better reveal people's physical and mental health and beauty. Conversely, if the dental arch grows abnormally and the teeth are arranged chaotically and unevenly, the appearance will not look harmonious. If the teeth are missing too much, the lips and cheeks lose their use and dents will make people's appearance look old and thin. 

Therefore, everyone often regards teeth as one of the main symbols for considering fitness.Teeth are the strongest human organs in the body and are divided into three parts: braces, necks and gums. It is further divided into enamel (enamel), dentin (dentin), dental nerve (nervous system gland), braces, tooth neck, gums, health care,If you want to have healthy and beautiful teeth, you must pay attention to the health of your teeth, and you should eat more calcium-rich ingredients. dentist in hong kong stage should pay attention to the choice of diet. Parents should give their children more vegetables and fruits that can improve bite, such as lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, amaranth, seaweed, etc., which are beneficial to promote the development of the jaw and the neatness of the teeth. Eating vegetables often can also increase the molybdenum element in the teeth and improve the strength and firmness of the teeth. 

Experiments have confirmed that the relative density of bone hyperplasia in children with poor appetite of vegetables, fruits and meat is lower than that of children who eat vegetables and meat. Eating vegetables often can also prevent tooth decay, because vegetables and fruits contain 0% water and some chemical fiber chemicals. When biting vegetables and fruits, the water in the vegetables can dilute the sugar in the dental fluid, making it difficult for bacteria to grow and develop; the fiber can clean and clean the teeth. In addition, eating more hard ingredients is good for teeth health, such as corn, sorghum rice, beef and mutton, mutton and some dried fruits, such as acorns, sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.

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