data science vs computer science from kumarfield's blog

If you love all things tech and computer related, a Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree may be right for you. But what’s the difference between the two subjects? It may seem like a daunting decision to make so to make it easier for you to decide between the two, we’ve created a list of the core curriculum and potential career paths you could take!

Computer Engineering Curriculum

Computer Engineering takes a different approach in its curriculum, blending the latter with electrical engineering. A more practical subject in some ways, it focuses on the development of hardware and software through designing and architecture.

Computer Engineering students will also learn about robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence), the principles of modern physics, how to design microprocessing software, integrated circuits, speech processing and more.

What about further education?

Pursuing higher education after completing your degree might not at first seem that appealing. You’ve worked for four solid years on Computer Science or a degree in Computer Engineering programs after all. But by choosing to take on a master’s degree in the field, you have a higher chance of advancing in your career (and therefore your potential salary) in the long term.

data science vs computer science

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