What is the best medicine to tre... from sagvdsb's blog

What is the best medicine to treat tonsils?

Antibiotics. If tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. The most common antibiotic used to treat tonsillitis caused by group A streptococcus is penicillin given orally for 10 days.

Is streptococcus effective in treating tonsillitis?

Treatment for Sore Throat

Strepsils Extra Lozenges: Antibacterial and anesthetic properties provide quick relief for painful and irritated sore throats. . 降血壓飲食法

What salt water cures a sore throat quickly?

To make saline, you only need two things: salt and warm water. It is important that the water is warm as this will help the salt to dissolve. The Mayo Clinic recommends adding 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to 8 ounces of warm water. Table Salt Gargling with salt water is a simple home remedy.

Is it normal for tonsillitis to last two weeks?

There are three types: Acute tonsillitis These symptoms usually last three to four days, but can last up to two weeks. 提升睪固酮的中藥

What is the fastest way to treat tonsillitis?

The most successful treatments are:
Drinking warm liquids. Soups, soups, and teas can help relieve swelling and inflammation associated with infections
Eat cold foods
Avoid hard foods
Rinse your mouth with warm salt water
Use a humidifier Do
Prevent strain on your voice
Rest -
Use over-the-counter painkillers
Add more items -•

How to cure tonsillitis in 4 hours?

Tonsillectomy is required to cure tonsillitis within 4 hours. Surgery to remove the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomy is the most effective and fastest way to treat tonsillitis. The reason is that this can eliminate tonsillitis. Relapses are reduced to almost zero.

Can ice cream cause tonsillitis?

It is widely believed that dairy products such as ice cream and milk can worsen cold symptoms by producing phlegm, although milk can thicken mucus (sorry, image). ), it does not increase new mucus production. 扁桃腺發炎多久會好

Can ibuprofen treat tonsillitis?


Painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help reduce the pain caused by tonsillitis.

How long does it take for my tonsils to fall off?

Symptoms of acute tonsillitis, such as sore throat and fever, usually disappear within 1 to 2 weeks. Fever tends to subside a little before the sore throat, but the swelling in the tonsils may take some time to subside.

Do tonsillitis require antibiotics?

Antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections, such as bacterial tonsillitis. Most sore throats resolve on their own within a week without any special treatment. Certain symptoms indicate that your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection.

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