Can shaving cream be used locall... from sdafasda's blog

Can shaving cream be used on private parts?


What type of doctor is best?

The happiest majors
Family Medicine. Family medicine can help you establish a good work-life balance because you can have a private practice and set your own (normal) working hours
Dermatology < br>Anesthesiology
Clinical Immunology
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Can I see a gynecologist during my period?

'Can I see a gynecologist during my period? ' Yes, it is still recommended that you keep your appointment, as heavy bleeding can be a symptom of a more serious health problem.

Can I see a gynecologist during my period?

There's no reason to sweat -- the fact that you're bleeding will bother your gynecologist for any of the common reasons. Includes: STI test. Pap smear, depending on how heavy your period is.

How many hours can I wear the pads?

No matter how light the flow is, or even if there is no flow, bacteria can build up. Changing tampons every 3 or 4 hours (more often if you have a heavy period) helps maintain hygiene and helps prevent odor. 同房出血

Is a two-week referral urgent?

What does urgent referral mean? A survey your GP has arranged has shown some unusual results. If you have symptoms that may indicate cancer, your GP will go through the two-week emergency referral route Refer you so that a specialist can see you as soon as possible.

How to Overcome Gynecologist Anxiety?

Ways to Cope with OB/GYN Anxiety
Find a doctor you feel comfortable with. ...
Ask friends or family members about your gynecological visits. ...
If you find pelvic exams challenging sex, please inform your gynecologist in advance. ...
Have a friend or family member accompany you. ...
During the exam, take a deep breath.
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Should you shave your pubic area before going to the doctor?

The truth is, your doctor and their staff don't care if you are clean shaven or not. They are medical professionals. They know that hair growth is natural and normal. It does not hinder their ability to do their job and it does not impair their ability to do their job. your health.

Which field of medicine is the best?

10 Best Career Options for Indian Doctors:
Gastroenterologist. 20 million
Nephrologist. 18 million
Oncologist. 1.6 million
Gynecologist. 15 million
Urologist. 15 million
Anesthesiologist. 15 million
Orthopedic surgeon. 12 million
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Can you see sperm on a Pap smear?

If they do a culture, they may be able to see some semen under the microscope. There's nothing wrong with that, but she recommends not having sex for 24 hours before the Pap smear so that the results are as accurate as possible.

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