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従来の鉱業および自動車市場の縮小に伴い、オーストラリアのレーザーポインター製造会社は医療技術の分野で利点を見出しています。南オーストラリア、トーランスビル–伝統的な鉱業および自動車市場が縮小するにつれて、オーストラリアの製造会社は医療技術に利点を見出しています。オーストラリアの鉱業および自動車部品メーカーの撤退には、生産コストの削減とオフショアの大量生産能力の強化が重要な役割を果たしてきました。しかし、業界と政府の支援により、一部の企業は高度な緑いレーザーポインター製造スキルを開発し、医療機器市場に参入することができました。 IBISWorldのデータによると、2012年以降、オーストラリアの医療機器の生産量は年間1.3%増加しており、現在の年間価値は30億豪ドルです。南オーストラリアは医療機器産業のハブになりつつあり、トンズリーイノベーションハブとアデレードバイオメディカルシティエリアがあります。これは、主要な病院、研究センター、教育機関で構成される30億オーストラリアドルの三者医療ハブです。 Tonsleyハブは、旧三菱自動車製造工場の敷地内にあり、主なテナントには、医療機器メーカーのMicro-X、Siemens、ZENEnergyが含まれます。国際的な光学およびオプトエレクトロニクス企業であるZeissも、600万ドルの費用でセンターの新しい建物に移転しようとしています。世界の商品価格の下落により、南オーストラリアの企業であるPlastico&Hackett Engineeringは、鉱物レーザー分析装置の開発から整形外科用インプラントのコンポーネントに焦点を移すことを余儀なくされました。同社は家庭 用 レーザー 彫刻 機レーザー彫刻サービスを提供し、移行を支援するために先月南オーストラリア州政府から47,500ドルの助成金を受け取りました。 2014年に最初に医療機器に参入しましたが、Austofix(同じくアデレードにあります)と協力した後、現在はそれを主な焦点にすることを決定しました。レーザー会社は、25年以上にわたって革新的な整形外科外傷機器を開発してきました。外科医がレーザー手術を行えるようにする装置。インプラントは、X線を使用せずに骨に正確に挿入できます。彼らのEzy-Aim電子デジタル照準システムと関連する釘は、大腿骨、脛骨、上腕骨の骨折を修復するために使用されます。 Plastico&HackettのマネージングディレクターであるDavid Schillerは、マイニングパーツの製造における20年の経験が、医療分野で成功を収めていると述べました。 「オーストラリアの鉱業の衰退により、他のことも考えざるを得なくなった」「中国は鉱部品製造のシェアが大きいようで、最近赤いレーザーポインター事業がそこに移るのは難しい。南アフリカオーストラリアは、医療機器センターへの変革を積極的に推進しており、ここで成功する機会があります。」オーストラリア市場の規模が小さく、製造コストが高いため、オーストラリアの主要な自動車用レーザーポインターメーカー(トヨタ、三菱、フォードを含む)組立ラインを海外に移転しています。南オーストラリア(南オーストラリアのロンズデールにある)に本社を置くSMR Technologiesは、SMR Automotive Australiaの独立部門であり、さまざまな業界向けの高品質レーザーポインター最強の設計、製造、および配布を専門としています。この自動車用センサーメーカーは、世界初のプラスチック製自動車用リアビューミラーを開発し、1億6000万ドル以上を輸出しました。しかし、自動車産業がオーストラリアから撤退した後、医療機器にも注意を向けました。同社は、バイオセンサーを使用して尿を検査する膀胱癌患者の在宅検査を含む、さまざまな非侵襲的装置を調査しています。目標は、人々がカテーテルを尿道に挿入して膀胱に入る不快感を回避できるようにすることです。多くの人がレーザーポインターを使用して、害虫や鳥を撃退し、特にカラス撃退します。この方法は、非常に環境に優しい方法です。アデレードの工科大学と協力して、南オーストラリア大学とフリンダースメディカルセンターの研究者は、1,000人の患者の病院での試験のために装置を準備しています。 SMR Technologiesのスポークスパーソンは、レーザーポインター会社は癌研究のより多くの機会を探求することに非常に興味を持っていると述べました。 「癌は世界的な問題であり、これらのレーザーポインターセンサーが致命的な病気との闘いにおいて重要な役割を果たすことを願っています。」スポークスパーソンは、予備的な結果は、それが通常の癌検出方法(細胞診および内視鏡検査)法。


MOPAファイバーレーザーポインターレーザー光源は、SpeedMarkerガルバノメーターレーザーマーキングシステムのオプションです。 Trotec(Plymouth、Michigan)のMOPAファイバーレーザー光源は、同社のSpeedMarkerガルボレーザーマーキングシステムのオプションとして利用できます。そのマスターオシレーターパワーアンプ(MOPA)テクノロジーは、4〜200nsのパルス持続時間を可能にし、幅広い紫レーザーポインターレーザーパラメーターを提供し、高コントラストで均一なマークを作成するためのより多くのオプションを提供し、特定の金属で使用できますその上に色をマークします。


laserpointerjp Oct 22 '20 · Tags: fun, laser, travel, outdoors



第二の利点,自分の手の届かないところを指してもいいです。特に教室や会议でよく使われます。先生は歩かなくてもいいです。レーザーで黒板の内容を指摘すれば,学生に注意する效果があります。会议の时,绿色のレーザーがーが特に目立つので,いつも关注を集中させます。工场で指挥していますが,危険地帯がありますので入れません。レーザーを使って远距离マーキング夜には,天上の星座や星を绍介する时,いつも正しくないことを指すので,どの星なのか分からない人が多いですにはきます。また天文爱好家もレーザーをーを利用することができます。 。レーザーは违っています。レーザーは超远距离の射程を使っています。レーザーを使って,星と星座を正确に表记できます。





福山緑 Jun 23 '20 · Tags: laser

Les pointeur laser acheter avec des puissances de sortie et des longueurs d'onde différentes produisent des coûts de production et des exigences techniques différents. Par exemple, les lasers verts et les lasers rouges ont la même gamme de prix. Les lasers de plus de 300 MW sont plus chers. Les lasers bleus, en particulier la puissance de sortie élevée, ont des exigences moins élevées en matière de coût des matières premières et d’exigences techniques. Il est toujours disponible à un prix inférieur.

Les ingénieurs en technologie laser ont également mis au point un pointeur laser bleu composé d’une diode laser bleue de 450 nm. Sa puissance de sortie est de 1 mW et 5 mW. Le faisceau laser bleu projeté est très pur, légèrement plus proche du bleu-violet.

Le point d’éclairage du pointeur laser dépend non seulement de la puissance de sortie et de la luminosité apparente du laser réfléchi par la surface, mais également de la version couleur de l’œil humain. Par exemple, l’œil humain est le plus sensible aux longueurs d’onde du spectre visible de 520 nm à 570 nm et insensible aux longueurs d’onde laser rouge et bleue. En conséquence, le laser vert à 532 nm est plus lumineux que les autres lasers couleur ayant la même puissance de sortie.

Si vous choisissez une puissance de sortie très faible, vous ne pourrez pas voir le faisceau laser la nuit et le jour. Le pointeur laser vert 500mW de 532 nm a un faisceau pouvant atteindre 30 mW et est clairement visible. Au cours de la journée, vous pouvez même voir un faisceau laser vert à l'intérieur. Un pointeur laser de puissance de sortie plus élevée produit un faisceau de pointeur laser vert plus intense et plus intense.

En recherche laser astronomie, les amateurs de laser ou les astronomes peuvent utiliser le pointeur laser vert IIIa 532nm 5mw pour l'observation des étoiles. Ce type de pointeur laser est largement utilisé par les grands passionnés d’astronomie pour désigner les étoiles, les constellations et d’autres corps célestes. Le faisceau laser vert n'est visible que dans des environnements très sombres. Les observateurs astronomiques n'ont pas besoin de choisir un laser haute puissance.

La longueur d'onde du laser rouge est de 635 nm et 650 nm et la longueur d'onde du laser vert est de 515 nm, 520 nm et 532 nm. Les lasers de différentes longueurs d'onde produisent des faisceaux laser et des spots de couleurs différentes pendant le fonctionnement. Un laser rouge avec une certaine puissance de sortie a un meilleur pouvoir de combustion qu'un laser vert.

Pointeur laser vert 230mW

Différentes caractéristiques du laser rendent le faisceau laser rouge beaucoup moins visible qu'un laser vert de même puissance. Les lasers verts permettent un rayonnement de faisceau laser vert plus intense et plus prononcé.

Les stylo laser de puissance supérieure ont toujours une capacité de combustion supérieure. Le pointeur laser s'élève à 100 mw pour faciliter l’allumage de la combustion. Le pointeur laser de 200 mw peut être utilisé pour graver des cigares, des bandes de papier découpé et des ballons populaires.

Le stylo laser bleu a été fabriqué à l'origine par le laser bleu DPSS à 473 nm. Il est très coûteux et instable. Avec le développement de CASIO, y compris des sources hybrides à projection de luminosité élevée constituées de diodes laser bleues de 445 nm, des lasers portables à très haute puissance de 445 nm sont en cours de développement et sont largement utilisés.

Le pointeur laser bleu-violet est constitué d'une diode laser bleu-violet de 405 nm et est un laser à semi-conducteur proche de la lumière ultraviolette. La visibilité est faible, mais elle peut stimuler la fluorescence. Convient aux tests de billets de banque et aux tests chimiques.

L'utilisateur peut uniquement déterminer la qualité du pointeur laser en fonction d'exigences exactes et de préférences personnelles. J'espère que vous pourrez trouver le meilleur laser que vous voulez.

jack Jan 10 '19 · Tags: laser

Laser cladding, also known as laser cladding or laser cladding, laser irradiation and laser remelting, are directly treated with matrix material without the addition of other materials, but laser cladding is achieved by adding a clad material to the substrate surface and using high Energy density of the blue laser pointer beam, so that with the substrate surface layer of the method of melting together, in the formation of the base layer with its metallurgical combination of filler cladding.

Laser cladding surface nano-technology can be divided into three main aspects, the first aspect is the use of similar laser remelting surface nano-method, take appropriate measures directly in the laser cladding process to make the deposited layer of nanocrystalline structure. There are two types of this method, one is the melting material and the substrate composition is basically unchanged, the formation of laser cladding pool and the formation of cooling to the main physical process, this method is currently relatively rare literature. The other is in the laser cladding process between the melt and the substrate, or between the welding material and the deposition of chemical reaction between the formation of nano-particles or nano-size organization.

Laser shock peening (LSP) is a kind of high and new technology to improve the fatigue, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of metal materials by using plasma shock wave produced by most powerful laser beams. The impact of laser surface nanocrystallization technology as shown in Figure 6, when the short pulse (NS) high power density (GW/cm2) of the laser irradiation to the metal surface absorption layer, absorbing layer to absorb laser energy explosive vaporization, high pressure (GPa) plasma, the plasma is constrained layer constraint, produce high impact wave effect on the metal surface and to the internal communication, the formation of dislocation structure dense and stable on the surface of the material, plastic deformation by dislocation slip, and the shock wave at the grain boundary reflection and refraction, the shock wave in multi direction effect on grain, thus the complexity of the dislocation slip, agglomeration and annihilation after the formation of new grain boundary, sub grain formation and smaller nanocrystals.

red laser pointer

Researchers at the University of Rochester in New York have developed an extraordinary new surface material by bombarding ordinary metals with femtosecond 300mw laser pointer pulses, which can effectively absorb light, water and self-purification. Through the super-laser pulse in the metal surface etching a large number of naked eye, such as pits, beads and fine lines and other "traces", these traces of the formation of dense distribution and uneven nano-microstructure. This nanostructure fundamentally changes the optical properties and wetting properties of the metal surface.

The application of surface treatment technology has a long history, but the surface engineering technology from concept to become a complete system of time subject to, but now only a few decades, laser surface nanocrystallization technology of laser technology and nanotechnology and surface engineering technology combined or can also be called laser nano surface engineering technology.

Although the use of a variety of laser surface treatment technology, such as laser irradiation, laser remelting, laser cladding and 100mw laser pointer shock, has a lot of research materials and achieved fruitful results, but specifically targeted for the use of these technologies, The research on surface nanocrystallization is still relatively small and not systematic, and the development of nano-patterning of laser surface is still in the early stage, so there is still a lot of research work in this field.

White light laser light source, short-wave laser light source and super-continuous laser light source compared to ordinary white light source (such as sunlight, incandescent, white LED lights, etc.), with high brightness, peak power, frequency coverage and other advantages, Research, defense, military, lighting, communication technology, information technology, industrial production, biomedical, environmental testing and other fields have a wide range of practical application value, received a strong concern.

White laser pointer as a new laser light source, with good direction, high energy density, super continuous spectrum, great bandwidth, flexible and diverse center wavelength, a high degree of time and space coherence and other advantages, Greatly expand the function and application of laser technology. White light laser or solar laser is completely coherent light of time and space, not only the laser beam is highly collimated, does not diverge, but also can focus on the very small area; between different colors and phase completely locked, by regulating these amplitudes and phases, can be arbitrary To change the time of the laser pulse shape, resulting in a very short pulse width (femtosecond and sub-femtosecond) laser pulse. Such a solar laser would have the potential to achieve the dual effects of focusing and convergence of light energy on time and space, releasing energy in tiny regions and extremely short periods of time, resulting in extremely high instantaneous power densities.

Laser has been widely used in basic scientific research, including physics, chemistry and materials science in many areas, need to laser and material interaction, to obtain the microscopic world of material information to understand the atomic, molecular and solid, liquid and other materials Material state and attributes, so as to achieve the goal of understanding and applying the microscopic world. Unlike conventional conventional lasers, white lasers have supercontinuum, ultra-wideband, completely coherent properties that make them play an important and irreplaceable role in many areas where ordinary blue laser pointer power can not be achieved. This application focuses on many domestic and foreign research universities and research institutions, economic and social benefits is very impressive.

Like ordinary lasers, white lasers can also be used in life science research and biomedical diagnosis and treatment. For example, as precision spectroscopy, ultrafast dynamic detection, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and other technologies used in protein macromolecules physiological function of the study, the use of optical coherence tomography, Raman spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy As a biomedical disease diagnostic tool; also as an increasingly popular tool for laser beauty, laser medicine, light and heat treatment. As a supercontinuum, ultra-wideband, the center wavelength adjustable white laser pen in many areas have a unique advantage.

purple laser pointer

Laser is both a carrier of information and a carrier of energy. Both features can be found in the defense and military areas of many applications. As a carrier of energy, lasers can be used in the manufacture of active infrared imaging and night vision, and can also be used as laser weapons with high directional energy for laser confrontation. In addition, you can use the principle of photoelectric effect, the use of small and medium energy laser on the enemy's satellites, missiles, aircraft and other flying objects sensitive components of green laser pointer damage and damage, in order to achieve the purpose of destroying enemy military targets. In this respect, ultra-continuous, ultra-wideband, high-power white laser has a unique advantage, because its photoelectric effect frequency window is huge, it is easy to a variety of optical sensitive devices (usually a kind of optical device has a sensitive wavelength) And chemical reactions. In addition, the white laser peak power is huge, and when the interaction with the optical sensitive devices resonate, will have a huge damage effect. This technique is particularly suitable for interference and destruction of enemy satellites.

Laser holography is a technique that uses a wide range of information to record and reproduce the shape of an object. The principle is to use the laser interference effect, in principle, to record all the information of the object (visual and dark information (ie, reflected amplitude information) and phase information ). The typical application is laser anti-fake and laser scanner (ultrasonic bar code used), ordinary holographic film using monochromatic laser to produce holographic stripes, if you can use color red laser pointer or white laser to produce holographic interference fringes, in principle, not only can reflect the object Contour information, and can reflect the color information. This is a true object of all-round information recording and reproduction technology. The technology not only greatly improved the amount of information contained in the holographic film, improve the reliability of laser anti-counterfeiting, increase the difficulty of information is cracked, and can truly reproduce the three-dimensional information and color information.

htpow laser Aug 7 '17 · Tags: laser

At present the world's industry recognized the fastest growing, more widely used the most important high-tech technology is optoelectronic technology, he will become the pillar industry of the 21st century. In the optoelectronic technology, one of its basic technology is laser technology. The development of red laser pointer technology and industry in the 21st century will support and promote high-speed, broadband, massive optical communication and network communication, and will lead to a lighting technology revolution, compact, reliable, long life, energy-saving semiconductor (LED) will dominate the market, In addition, it will launch a wide variety of optoelectronic consumer products and new information display technology products and into people's daily lives.

Laser energy measurement is one of the most basic elements in laser parameter measurement. It is very important to accurately determine the energy of the target laser to analyze and analyze the experimental data. The research of laser energy measurement is divided into four parts: the development of high sensitivity and high performance body absorption laser energy meter; the development of high precision and high stability display data acquisition instrument; the selection of green laser pointer energy measurement sampling method and the measures to improve the measurement accuracy; Data analysis and processing of laser energy measurement results. In the study of laser energy measurement, the development of laser energy meter is the key. The principle of laser energy meter is to be measured laser beam irradiation to a highly sensitive absorber into heat, and then through the circuit design to be truly measured out.

The new CF series lasers already incorporate advanced back-to-back reflection technology and a well-dispersed, retroreflective laser, stripping off the back-reflecting laser beam and providing safe consumption at the critical point of the laser by proprietary pattern stripping Scattered interference light. This sophisticated retro-reflective technology has been tested and its robustness has been proven to be more sensitive to back-reflecting laser pointer in kilowatt-class fiber amplifiers. The combination of these retroreflective protection schemes in the new CF series fiber lasers verifies its unparalleled performance in cutting and welding a wide variety of highly reflective metal materials with a thickness ranging from <0.5mm to thickness to 25mm.

The traditional chemical process, usually the reactants are mixed together, and then often need to heat (or also pressure). The disadvantage of heating is that the molecules produce irregular movements due to increased energy, which destroys the original chemical bonds and combines them into new bonds, and these irregularities destroy or create bonds that can impede the progress of the desired chemical reaction. However, if the laser to direct the chemical reaction, not only to overcome the above-mentioned irregular movement, but also to obtain greater benefits. This is because the laser carrying a highly concentrated and uniform energy, can be accurately hit the molecular key, such as the use of different wavelengths of ultraviolet laser, playing hydrogen sulfide and other molecules, change the phase difference between the two violet laser pointer beam, then control The molecular fracture process.

In contrast to the usual performance of third parties, and depending on the material and settings, the fiber laser has a retroreflective capability of up to 3 to 30 times the resistance due to its special optical configuration. In particular, the CF laser system incorporates these protection schemes that have demonstrated the offset error of the focal position in the millimeter scale that allows large amounts of brass and brass to be tested. Compared to other fiber laser manufacturers, it shows a smaller focus position offset error; when operating a CF laser with a unique proprietary protection scheme, the reliability of the laser and the performance of almost no failure have been demonstrated.

The application of blue laser pointer chemistry, not only to accelerate the synthesis of drugs, but also can not need to tick the side of the product, making some drugs become more secure and reliable, the price can be reduced. Another example, the use of laser control of the semiconductor, you can improve the new optical switch, thereby improving the computer and communication systems. Although the laser chemistry is still in its infancy, its prospects are bright.

huangxiangfeng Jul 11 '17 · Tags: laser

Since the 1970s, laser cooling technology has been used by physicists to cool a variety of individual atoms, but with its cooling molecules has been difficult. When cooling with a laser, the energy level of the system needs to match the energy level of the cooled 1000mw laser pointer. The more atoms are contained in the molecule, the more complex the vibration and rotation of the atom, the more difficult the matching and the greater the cooling difficulty. This ultra-cold molecules are expected to be the basis of molecular quantum computers, in fact, the laser can not only be used to cool molecules, but also used to accurately let it back to the original state. If the physicists can control which part of the molecule vibrates, you can use this technique to store information.

red laser pointer

The latest research is impressive because it is very necessary to cool the molecules to such a low temperature, but there is still a long distance from the molecular quantum computer, because the progress in this area is too slow. In addition, molecules that are cooled to near absolute zero may react more slowly, allowing for more detailed observation of their reactions, so the technique may become the gospel of chemists.

Based on the coherent polarization synthesis technique of fiber optic devices, the phase coherent polarization synthesis of fiber is realized by phase control and polarization control respectively. The technology is based on the full polarization maintaining fiber best burning laser pointer device, without considering the impact of spatial error, the system is stable, reliable, easy to combine with other fiber optic devices, in the phased array based spatial coherent optical communication system has great potential value.

In order to alleviate the influence of atmospheric turbulence on coherent optical communication, two kinds of technical means are used, namely "large diameter telescope + single aperture adaptive optics" and "phased array technology". Compared with the first technology, phased array technology has the advantages of small telescope size, low cost and high reliability. In the space coherent optical communication system based on the phased array, the received light beam is divided into multiple beams by the receiving array. Therefore, it is important to synthesize a plurality of sub-beams carrying a communication signal efficiently into a brightest laser pointer beam. Aiming at this problem, the research group proposed a coherent polarization synthesis technology based on fiber optic devices.

Two linearly polarized light beams can be combined into a beam of light using a fiber polarization beam splitter, and the synthesized beam is an arbitrary polarization state due to the change in the phase difference of the input beam. In order to control the synthetic beam as linearly polarized blue laser pointer light for the next level of synthesis or for the demodulation of the communication signal, the task group proposed two methods of phase control and polarization control, and carried out theoretical analysis and experimental verification. The results show that both methods can achieve efficient coherent polarization synthesis, synthesize multiple linearly polarized light efficiently into a polarization maintaining fiber and output linearly polarized light.

huangxiangfeng Apr 28 '17 · Tags: laser

Fiber laser is regarded as the third generation of the most advanced industrial processing lasers, but also the world's efforts to develop high-end red laser pointer. As an emerging laser technology, more and more accepted by people, fully demonstrated the competitiveness of fiber lasers. The next period of time will become the field of fiber laser lasers in the mainstream of the voice, as the major laser companies must fight to.

International fiber lasers and domestic fiber lasers in the market after the test, is now facing a clear market prospects. The good development of fiber lasers is inseparable from its unique advantages, because the laser medium of fiber lasers is itself a guided wave medium, the coupling efficiency is high; fiber lasers can be easily connected with the current optical fiber transmission system efficiently; Fiber laser has a high conversion efficiency and a very low threshold; fiber strongest laser pointer output wavelength covers a wide range, from 400 to 3400nm, to meet the needs of all aspects of the application of fiber laser can achieve high power density; fiber optic heat dissipation performance , In the industrial and commercial, communications, military, medical and other areas have a good application prospects, so the fiber laser market is also a huge potential space.

International fiber laser main manufacturers are IPG, SPI, GSI, JDSU, TRUMPF and other companies. Among them, represented by IPG, its fiber lasers occupy a larger market share in the international market, maintaining a strong growth momentum, TRUMPF also received substantial growth.

Laser Pointer

Domestic fiber laser research began in the late 90s of last century, Nankai University in China took the lead in the development of fiber laser research, followed by the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Gynecology, China Soldier clothing, 11, Many studies have been carried out, but these studies have yet to be further improved. In the context of high technical barriers to fiber burning lasers for sale, the development of domestic fiber lasers are also facing many problems. With the transformation of many laser companies into the fiber laser market, increase investment in research and development of fiber lasers, the future competition will become increasingly fierce. To gain market advantage in the future, grasp the future trend of fiber laser market trends and technological development is very important. In general, fiber laser market trends and technological development trends are the following two points:

First, fiber lasers themselves improve performance. How to improve the output power and conversion efficiency, optimize the beam quality, shorten the gain fiber length, improve system stability and make it more compact and compact is the future focus of the field of fiber lasers. Second, the development of new fiber lasers. In the time domain, ultrashort-pulse mode-locked fiber lasers with smaller duty cycle have been the hotspot in green laser pointer field research. High power femtosecond pulse fiber lasers have been the long-term goal. In the frequency domain, broadband output and tunable fiber lasers will become a hotspot.

In the next few years there will be greater development of fiber lasers, all manufacturers are also facing greater competition, but also to face the competition of imported parts, so it is both opportunities and challenges.

The localization and industrialization of fiber lasers will greatly enhance the development of China's high-end lasers, while China's high-power laser processing equipment to provide the core technology, greatly promote China's laser processing industry. At this stage, we have made some achievements, but in the fiber laser industry with the leading foreign level there is still a great distance. We should integrate resources, led by the government to improve the fiber 30mw laser pointerindustry chain, in order to strengthen China's fiber laser industry to contribute!

huangxiangfeng Jan 24 '17 · Tags: laser