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Gartner predicts that by 2020, 95% of cloud security breaches will be caused by careless users. This figure shows that the technology itself has never been flawed, but that people need to learn to deal with it.

The best way to instruct employees is through educational measures. No scolding, after all, often they are not even aware of the risks they are creating.

Investing in awareness and improvement will never be a waste of time and money. More aware employees offer less risk and become more policed, in addition to learning about what their carelessness can cause, for the company and for their own career.

Always be aware of the security of information and also of the environment

To close, we cannot fail to talk about those intentional “carelessness”, that is, malicious attitudes of people inside the institution and whose objective is to harm the company. To avoid this type of attack, it is necessary to think about a much bigger sphere than the simple care with devices and access passwords.

Know more about the cyber security consulting salary.

The company needs to create security protocols that are able to track activity and find the protagonists. Installing cameras in certain environments can also inhibit internal actions from being performed.

If your concern is the suitability of the teams, carrying out awareness raising work with HR is important, as well as developing methods of professional selection that are able to identify the profile of employees.

This seems a little confusing. How do you know the difference between subnet mask and IP? Let's use an example to clear up the confusion.

The best way to do this is to think of a regular address such as your company's home or physical address. So, let's say one of your friends wants to send you a letter. He writes your address on an envelope, then adds a stamp and places it in his mailbox.

The postal worker receives the letter and, if the recipient's address is local, sends it directly to your inbox. If the address is in another city or town, the letter is sent to the central post office, where workers sort it and send it where it should go. The IP address works in a similar way.

The cyber security consulting salary which you make is around $85,427 per year and more depending on experiences in the United States. 

So, if your IP is and the subnet mask is, this means that addresses in the range are on your local network. However, if you want to send something to an IP address outside your subnet, for example, you cannot do it directly (similar to mail, it will be in another city).

In this case, the mail sends the message to the local headquarters and then to the local headquarters of the intended recipient. And only then does the postal worker deliver it.

So an IP address is a number that has a network number, a subnet number (optional), and a host number. The network and subnet numbers are used in routing, and the host number is the host address.

A subnet mask numerically defines the format of an IP address, where the network and subnet bits that form the address have mask bit values ​​of 1, and the host component of the address uses the mask bit value 0.