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145cm Sanhui Doll

多くの人は、なぜ男性がそもそもWM Dollsを使いたいのか疑問に思っているかもしれません。彼らはこの種のプロジェクトは必要ないと考えているからです。ただし、よく使用すれば、そのアイデアに満足していることがわかります。彼らはその主題について話すだけで恥ずかしいでしょう。誰かが私に同じ質問をした場合、私は彼らにリアルラブドールを試すように言うだけです。




独身男性はラブドールを使用しますが、WM Dollsとしてパートナーの性生活に適用すると役立つ場合があります。それらを使用すると、セックスへの参加が増えます。あなたの配偶者が許可または反対しない最新ラブドールを使用することができ、最終的にあなたは満足して幸せな人になり、あなたのファンタジーを実現させます。

Victoria Middleton May 12 '21 · Tags: adult

Avez-vous des informations sur la question de savoir si la poupée sexuelle fonctionnera pour vous? Les poupées d'amour de luxe sont utilisées par tant de personnes pour la joie qu'elles obtiennent en retour. À cet égard, les Poupée Sexuelle offrent une forme de plaisir de soi de plus en plus complexe et agréable. Certains justifient à tort des miracles mystérieusement inhabituels et névrotiques parce qu'ils ne sont pas de véritables propriétaires adultes de Real Doll et parce qu'il n'y a pas de rapports ou d'études pour soutenir une telle histoire. Il y a une explication.

L'industrie de la vraie poupée est très grande, plus grande et plus large que vous ne pouvez l'imaginer. Comme vous pouvez le voir, il existe différentes poupées d'amour sur le marché mondial à des prix moins intéressants. Obtenir une vraie poupée d'amour n'est pas un jeu d'enfant. Ces beautés sont très chères, mais leur demande est actuellement au plus haut niveau jamais. Alors si vous avez une forte envie d'acheter des sex dolls en silicone mais que votre budget ne vous le permet pas, que devez-vous faire? La chose la plus simple à faire est de rechercher une ressource qui propose une infinité d'options de poupées avec seulement quelques noms nominaux.

Les poupées d'amour vous donnent l'opportunité de découvrir les conséquences de certains des problèmes sexuels que vous pourriez avoir avec votre véritable complice. Les poupées d'amour féminines pour femmes vous offrent une opportunité protégée de rechercher l'étendue de votre imagination dans laquelle la conscience intérieure manque le moins possible. Ces gadgets sexuels peuvent améliorer vos vraies relations amoureuses. Il existe un choix de mouvements et de positions en fonction des compétences créatives les plus originales. L'utilisation d'une telle Poupée Silicone de maternité vous libère également de toute relation enthousiaste ou de tout engagement de toute nature. Dans l'état actuel des choses, ils ne sont pas uniquement destinés à la gratification sexuelle. Choisissez le modèle étonnant fabriqué avec les silicones les mieux notés.

Les poupées sexuelles apportent un réel plaisir à l'homme avec qui vous jouez et à un autre adolescent. Personne ne pose de questions en jouant avec leur apparence et leurs caractéristiques, et cela garantit que vous satisferez tous vos désirs sexuels à chaque fois. Cette poupée d'amour pour adulte permet aux hommes de changer de coiffure, de couleur de leurs ongles et plus encore. En utilisant ce type de poupée d'amour pour adulte, les hommes n'ont plus à s'inquiéter après une longue période. Ils vous accueillent toujours avec leurs jambes et leurs bras ouverts pour passer du temps avec eux. Servir sans demander est sûr à chaque fois, ce qui garantit un plaisir total.

163cm WM Dolls

L'industrie se développe rapidement en taille et en portée, à la fois sur Internet et sur le front des clients. Cependant, il n'y a aucune chance que vous trouviez que la Poupée Réaliste que vous souhaitez posséder conviendra à votre style de vie. La vérité est que la plupart des personnes ouvertes à la rencontre sont très heureuses d'elles-mêmes et de leur vie. est le premier magasin de livraison de poupées sexuelles approuvé en ligne, garanti pour fournir un plaisir sexuel complet et réaliste. Ensuite, il est bien conçu avec un look accrocheur afin qu'il apporte une véritable expérience pour une petite amie en termes de temps à passer et espère que c'est très sûr et plus amusant.

Comme mentionné ci-dessus, les ressources qui vous apportent une variété de poupées à un prix abordable sont la solution parfaite pour vous. Les achats en ligne se sont avérés être le moyen le plus simple de procéder. Avec lui, vous pouvez acheter tout et n'importe quoi à un prix réduit. Par conséquent, vous devez trouver une Love Doll au collège. Cependant, vous devez être prudent lors de l'achat en ligne. Il peut être difficile de savoir quelle poupée est idéale pour vous, quelle poupée peut être achetée à un prix réduit, etc.

Presque tous les magasins en ligne offrent des options de messagerie gratuites. Cependant, la plupart d'entre eux nécessitent une certaine quantité de commande minimale pour bénéficier d'un service de messagerie gratuit. C'est inutile. En ce qui concerne la livraison gratuite, vous devez acheter une autre poupée d'amour aux gros seins qui dépasse votre budget. Alors, recherchez un magasin qui offre la livraison gratuite, quel que soit le prix que vous facturez. est l'une des plates-formes qui offre de tels avantages incroyables. Qu'est-ce que tu cherches? Ici, vous pouvez acheter votre poupée sexuelle préférée à un prix abordable.

Quelle que soit la boutique en ligne que vous choisissez, il y a quelques conseils importants dont vous devez vous souvenir pour vous aider à acheter des poupées à des prix très bas. Le choix de la boutique en ligne vous appartient entièrement. Cependant, en tant qu'acheteur, vous devez vérifier que la plate-forme en ligne est la bonne en laquelle vous pouvez avoir confiance. En raison de la concurrence féroce sur le marché de la vraie Mini Sex Dolls de maternité, de nombreux fabricants, fournisseurs et grossistes ont ouvert des magasins en ligne. Par conséquent, déterminer qui est le vrai vendeur est une tâche ardue.

Nidia Middleton Apr 21 '21 · Tags: adult

In Deutschland gibt es viele verschiedene Körperformen und Körperformen. Wenn Sie also nach einem künstlichen Sexpartner suchen, müssen Sie berücksichtigen, was damit verbunden ist. Anpassungsoptionen sind wichtig, wenn Sie Ihre Sexpuppe für den idealen Look zusammenstellen müssen. Es gibt verschiedene maßgeschneiderte Premium Sex Puppe auf dem Markt. Sie können auch in Geschäften oder auf online websites einkaufen.

Aber woher wissen Sie als potenzieller Kunde von Interesse, ob es wirklich der beste Preis ist? Viele sagen jetzt, dass Sie alle Geschäfte anzeigen und Preise vergleichen können. Das ist nicht so einfach wie es aussieht. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Film an einen bestimmten Feiertag erinnert, und genießen Sie den Moment. Sie können auch entscheiden, ob Sie einen Film oder die japanische Horror-Story-Saison gemäß Ihrem Weihnachtsplan ansehen möchten. Einige Leute verbringen gerne Zeit im Raum, aber die Renovierung ist ein wichtiges Ereignis. Kaufen Sie ein paar Ornamente und fangen Sie schnell genug an, um alles vor der Sexpuppe fertig zu machen. Halloween ist ein bisschen einfach, aber es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, Ihr Weihnachtserlebnis zu ändern.

Wifesexdoll ist bestrebt, Ihre Anforderungen mit preisgekrönter und unterhaltsamer Unterstützung zu erfüllen. Genießen Sie mehr Sex in den wichtigsten Online-Sexshops für Erwachsene in den USA. Finden Sie Showzeiten, schauen Sie sich Trailer an, durchsuchen Sie Fotos, schauen Sie sich Watchlists an und bewerten Sie Ihre Lieblingsfilme und TV-Shows mit Ihrem Handy oder Tablet. Aber wie können Sie sich ohne sexuelles Selbstvertrauen vorstellen, auf eine echte Frau und die nächste Besten Liebespuppen zu zeigen?

Die Auswahl an Sexspielzeugen ist unglaublich. Sexspiele reichen von rein männlichen oder ausschließlich weiblichen Sexspielen bis zu Spielen, die in derselben Liebespuppenminiatur verwendet werden können. Darüber hinaus können bestimmte Sexspiele als sexuelle oder eheliche Unterstützung eingestuft werden. Einige Sexspielzeuge können Männern helfen, eine Erektion zu bekommen. Dieser Artikel stellt die beliebtesten und wertvollsten Liebespuppen auf jeder Platte vor. Wenn Sie ein sexy Mädchen sind, das in den 1960er Jahren aufgewachsen ist, haben Sie eine Sexpuppe. Wenn Sie nicht haben, sind Sie nur ein grundlegender Fremder.

166cm WM Doll

Latex-Liebespuppen wurden schließlich in Japan, China und Frankreich hergestellt, aber sie werden immer noch nur von japanischen Herstellern hergestellt. Im Folgenden haben wir sie in vorab auswählbare Sexpuppen eingeteilt und sorgfältig ausgewählt, um jedem Geschmack gerecht zu werden. Über das Menü können Sie zu einer Puppe einer bestimmten Größe wechseln. Sie haben sich für den Kauf einer Puppe entschieden, daher müssen Sie die Kosten für den Kauf einer Fantasy sexpuppe aus silikon berücksichtigen. Zum Beispiel beeinflussen Faktoren wie die verwendeten Materialien, Größe und Marke den Wert der Sexpuppe.

Echte billige Liebespuppen Silikon Vagina und Anus sind sehr eng und saftig, mit tiefen Löchern und modischen Frisuren. Der abnehmbare Teil besteht hauptsächlich aus einem Kopf und einem niedlichen Körper, der mit zarten Brüsten in ihren charmanten weiblichen Körper eindringt. Jetzt kann sich jeder mit einer aufblasbaren echten Sexpuppe, Silikon-Sexspielzeug, Sexbeinen, Sexbüste oder Masturbation uns anschließen, aber die Tipps sind nicht so mächtig, aber sie werden dich auch dazu bringen.

Das Silikonmädchen ist eine Mini-sexpuppe mit einem kleinen Körper, lebhaften Brüsten und einem schönen Gesicht. Sie mag eine Real Sex Dolls sein, aber ihre Taille und Vagina sind keine Miniatur. Wenn du Sex mit ihr hast, fühlst du dich wie in ihrem Himmel. Ihre Brüste fühlen sich so echt an, ihr Arsch springt beim Sex hin und her und ihre Augen sind wunderschön. Der beste Preis ist Silikon oder TPE Axb Puppe. Bewerben Sie TPE-Puppen bei Kunden mit diesem oder ähnlichen Namen. Natürlich sind diese Schlagzeilen faszinierend. Aber was sagst du? Wenn Sie eine TPE- oder Silikonpuppe mit der besten Preisgarantie verwenden, bieten Sie für eine echte Liebespuppe mit Anzeigen zum besten Preis.

Liebespuppen müssen zur größten Mode der Ära werden, und Spielzeug dieser Art ist seit ihrer Einführung im Jahr 2008 weiter gewachsen. Viele Menschen sind daran interessiert, eine völlig kostenlose Online-Dating-Website zu finden, aber sie sind in Schwierigkeiten. Welche Website passt am besten zu Ihnen? Welche Website möchten Sie registrieren? Dies kann eine wertvolle Frage sein, da alle Websites für Menschen unterschiedlichen Geschlechts erstellt wurden und jeder sein ideales Zuhause auf einer anderen kostenlosen Günstige sexpuppen website in Lebensgröße findet. es gibt. Darüber hinaus wissen Sie möglicherweise, welche Websites Dating-Dienste anbieten, aber Sie wissen nicht, welche Websites den Dienst kostenlos abonnieren können. Es gibt viele online-dating-sites, aber durch Lesen können Sie eine Site erhalten, auf der Sie sich kostenlos auf einer Online-Dating-Site registrieren können.

Katyusha Grace Mar 12 '21 · Tags: adult
The importance of sex dolls to human sexuality

Early supporters of the event were able to get an early version of one of the three head designs for £95 ($122): “The head can be used as a stand-alone product that works just by hand.” Just 720 You will receive a full model of sex dolls in US dollars. Although if you are interested, you should act quickly, because once sold out, the cost will increase by £100 ($120).

The ANA Avatar TPE sex doll competition can bring significant improvements to technology while significantly improving sensory quality and ease of use - the trickle effect gained from high-quality avatars developed as emergency workers and physician agents.

For robots and sex doll, this is for weeks. First, the supplier announced that its first-generation gender robotic dolls are equipped with artificial intelligence and will be available for sale this month. Now, Chinese love doll maker urdolls is visually updating the progress of creating a robot that loves doll heads.

Perhaps it can be said that the developer's task is a bit understated. The company's sex doll event page has so far generated £6,132 ($7767.18) for its £12,500 ($16,122.50) target, indicating that the project is passionate about designing and manufacturing the perfect oral attraction mechanism.

Technology and our sexual future. If all this seems like an extension, remember that the d cup sex doll has been discussed in futuristic how technology will drive the one-off revolution. Will sex and pornment fund the future? Although the article is not completely correct, with a few points of soundability, he also uses what will fund the future of high-tech predictions.

This is a challenge for sex doll robot designers. However, the oral sex robot has a positive side. Obviously, the engineers behind the project are very talented and enthusiastic, and can bring a lot to the world of design and creative robots.

However, like other sex doll designers, what Alan robots need to do is not only the specific mechanism of gender, but also the creation of something that can bring more than one-sided sexual pleasure; this kind of thing can promote artificial capsules. Teaching tools enhance human sexual desire and interaction, not just mechanical outlets.

The famous Sex Doll Foundation plans to launch a robotic avatar for remote communication through a $10 million competition, which opens up enormous possibilities for future humanity and intimacy. Founded in 1995, the Sex Doll Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes competition for better technological advancement in the world.

He did end up in a more positive way, referring to the sexual potential of VR and the remote robotic avatar system, especially for the disabled. He wrote: "For those who have been confirmed to be infected, old, disabled and thus lonely, perhaps a bit intimate (even technical)."

He also said that he should not shy away from discussing the importance of human sexual behavior: according to the spokesperson, the company could not promise the exact date of sale of its first generation robot head. However, when it comes to the future of sex, he says he believes technology will be ready in weeks instead of months.

Although the head is only suitable for the current sex doll body, it may have a blowjob function. Urdolls said in a press statement: "This is still under development, we don't have more information about this feature, except it may include suction." The company also began offering a refundable £300 deposit for eager customers. . However, the final pricing is still being determined.

“The idea of ​​an artificial intelligence partner has many reasons to attract people,” he said. “At the most basic level, the obvious answer is that we all crave and need friendship, and some people struggle more than others to find companions in others. Harmony AI is a substitute for those people. “Behind the sex doll robot People are performing a task: creating a sexual robot designed specifically for male oral use.

The vendor releases an intimate AI app that will be paired with the doll. The robot head of the project will be attached to the silicone sex doll until the end of the year. And until some time later, it is expected that the complete robot body will not be released. However, AI applications will be a boon for those who seek emotional connections to virtual existence.

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urdolls Apr 10 '19 · Tags: adult, doll
Sex dolls completely exceed the needs of their partners

The sex doll robot is connected to the TV so that customers can select what they want to watch internally. A spokesperson for sex dolls told us that cities can benefit from doll brothels because the company believes they “help reduce sex-related crime rates, improve sexual life in marriage, and most importantly, ways to let men and women explore sexual desire. In a safe, non-judgmental way."

The director on the left and Professor Long Island and the psychoanalyst (when one of her patients revealed that he had a relationship with the silicone doll) was exposed to these silicone sex doll when they were familiar with the subculture.

These dolls are designed to achieve male fantasies and even violent fantasies. He also told us that she knew that the sex doll brothels in other parts of the world had been opened. "Finally, it's just a d cup sex doll. I think it's more like a way for men to realize fantasy," she said. “We are trying to focus on the fact that since we provide this service to those who have these dark, violent fantasies, rather than strongly demanding positive action, they can do something that is safe for everyone.

She added: "These guys, some of them, almost all of their waking hours are somehow focused on these dolls - whether they are wearing them or creating stories or creating blogs for them. Many of them have blogs. And Twitter accounts - so they talk through these dolls, such as vocal performances. They are like their other self.

He is very proud to dress up sex dolls, even though his long-suffering prostitutes desperately want to integrate this unusual couple into their family life and even invite them to a grateful Thanksgiving dinner, complaining that he "dressed like her grandmother. same". He took her for a walk outside the tents of the gentle retirement community where he lived and traveled to the zoo and their favorite restaurants.

My wife is very seriously ill; he said in the film that we almost lost her. "She is very bad... Marina made me through the storm. I just hugged her to talk to her at night, we did the whole thing together. "This is how she became very special... ...this is how she goes so deeply into me. ”

However, for others like him, the charm of the doll completely exceeds the needs of women. There are some special tools, we just say, related to it," he said, trying to cover up the problem in his communication with others, even though he explained that he would put a sheet on the floor before work. It is a light bulb with a syringe 'to clean up that area'.

"Interestingly... they put AI in these dolls, which actually turns them into robots - but some people don't like it," Dr. Sex Doll talked about emerging technologies. "They don't want to talk about dolls; they want women who don't respond to the silence they can control.

He said in the movie: "A large part of it is self-deception. It is like, "Okay, okay, she can't really love me, because she doesn't really love her, she is her. On the other hand, she really loves me because I created a personality for her - that is, she has her own spirit, thoughts... likes, dislikes, etc.

TPE sex doll are designed to provide a "strong feeling." The available sex dolls are made of high-tech TPE silicone (also known as thermoplastic rubber), which is said to be the closest simulation of real human skin (except for real people). He said in the movie that real dolls don't cheat. "They don't lie. They don't steal... She makes me honest. She makes me happy. I try to learn Zen from her. She is so calm, so collected, more mature than me.

"I grew up in the east of Detroit. I am the only white person nearby," the restaurant owner said. "So I know what is different... Sex dolls don't make you bad, they just make a difference. He is a gentle person; he doesn't bother anyone. This is a point made by him. He is a clear Detroit "husband" and his doll has an active online presence of his engineers.

In this case, he was already married - and in fact his stepchildren warned of the existence of these sex doll. However, the marriage disintegrated, and John ordered Jackie; the anatomically correct silicone doll cost him $7,000 in new products, and he needed to occasionally change his body for thousands of dollars due to wear and tear.

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urdolls Mar 28 '19 · Tags: adult, doll, sex doll
Robotic sex dolls are becoming more and more mature

"I tell you what I like to do - it sounds weird - I like to bring dolls," he said. Anyway, what does the TPE sex doll offer him? His answer to this question seems to be very convincing.

As early as 2007, he predicted in his book that by 2050 people will often dance with robots without pants. At an international conference of the University in 2016, he and other scholars agreed that this trend will develop and develop rapidly.

What are robotic dolls, and whether there are sexual robot brothels in Paris and Italy, what is their price? Robots are maturing, and manufacturers claim that customers are working with them to "the future model of this technology comes from the sex industry," she told me. “They have been insisting on the idea that women are objects – Asians.”

“This is a completely wrong argument,” he said. “No one said that men should have real women. Now you must have a D cup sex doll, otherwise you have to pay for it. But this is the best she gets. Argument?!"

"This technology is happening, whether we like it or not," said Dr. Lin, one of the conference's scholars. The ultimate goal is to let her do housework, such as opening the dishwasher. “We let customers marry their dolls and say that we saved their lives because they feel that they have nothing to live after their spouse dies or ends.”

It allows users to experience a range of virtual blowjobs on the live sex cam site. The "Cam Girl" is basically a smashed vibrating dildo to collect sensory data. The user then wears a sleeve that connects to the Internet, or "fleshlight," which takes the same sensory data from the cam girl's dildo. Users can select different models based on user comments.

He is skeptical about the idea that the doll and robot markets will be completely equal. “I am waiting to see male robots,” she said. “One thing about these items is that their main market is gay. This is part of the whole paranoia surrounding liberal feminism: liberation means pornography or use of men. Prostitute. It never happened, is it?"

This living room in London will bring you a doll for £50 for half an hour and £130 for two hours. Many experts who study this trend say that sex robots are a good idea, or at least represent an exciting opportunity. Doctors have said before that such robots mean that every lonely or miserable person will now have someone.

He is a senior lecturer in the computer science department, working in the field of human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. “Individually,” she said to the audience at the Sex Robot Conference: “Let my daughter marry a robot, I will be fine.”

The manufacturer claims that she can “seize” because her face, hands, breasts and “female genitals below” are equipped with sensors and therefore require a more subtle approach than her ancestors. The creator of the doll even said that she can find good people because she has a "moral code."

Robotic psychologists once said: "We must consider whether robots have their own sexual desires and the factors that motivate them." If the ultimate goal is to create autonomous robots that can think and feel independently, then humans maintain power in these relationships. The possibilities are quite small. ”

Sex robots are very realistic and have built-in heaters to create a warm feeling. They also have sensors that react to your touch. A company even developed a head that can talk, smile and sing for its robotic dolls, while sex doll are the first to provide "emotional connections."

Does a sex robot just turn a woman into a text object? Some people think that sex dolls are a lifeline of loneliness and strangeness. But is this simple? A new documentary meets with some early adopters.

How much is a sex robot? A personalized robot can cost tens of thousands of pounds. However, cheaper models are also available in the growing market. With the widespread use of technology, the price of silicone sex doll is expected to decline, increasing their use.

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urdolls Mar 25 '19 · Tags: adult, doll, sex doll
Sex dolls are always ready to meet you

In order to leave the factory, I walked through a corridor, after the 2009 Bruce Willis flopped signature poster, the agent ("Thank you for being part of our movie!"), passed the doll's showroom on the stand, passed a wall ( 13 of them). In the corner of the lobby, I saw an empty wheelchair. He may be able to get it - but he still needs a person to go around.

Creating a partner for the future. When I sat down with him, he told me that it was actually established in a more pure vision in the 1990s. He wants to create a mannequin that looks like a real person. But when he showed photos on the site, the mini 100cm doll began to attract interest from different groups of people.

“Some website visitors are asking if the mannequin is anatomically correct,” he said. He said that they are not getting rid of the hidden information.

The company's public relations staff began to untie his pants. "There is nothing there," he told her. Sex dolls are currently in production mode, but when he goes public next year, anyone who buys him can choose a silicone-like doll penis insert. In the nearby room, the headless female body, the sporty incredibly lively breasts, the Barbie waist and the spreading eagle legs, hung on the chain. These belong to a harmonious queue; their faces are upstairs to receive makeup.

Men will be able to create perfect, submissive silicon companions to understand their hopes, dreams, fears and fantasies. She will never have a headache, she will always be ready to meet you, when you are not in the mood, she can talk like a real person. He and I did not mingle. First, he ignored my question about how he spent the weekend. Then he told me vaguely that he likes to get up early and spend time "doing it yourself." What does he mean? I ask. He is not sure.

Mechanized dolls like this are now available all over the world - in Europe there are even sex dolls 'brothels', where customers spend about 100 euros an hour on robotic women. This is a futuristic vision that is becoming a reality and fast. Urdolls is one of the world's largest manufacturers of sex dolls, and its goal is to introduce an interactive doll on the market before the end of the year. The founder focused on this revolution.

He believes that the extra companion layer is particularly attractive to women. He said that the question that a woman asked her in a shameless manner was whether he could take the garbage away. For harmony, “men just want to know if she will bite their fool.” This has caused some surprises, especially the popularity of TPE sex dolls in actual brothels, where real women can buy at the same price.

In Barcelona, ​​a sex doll brothel was forced to move and keep the secret of its new location after the local prostitute campaigned to close it. In Austria, a sex doll is sold at a brothel in Vienna for $100 an hour - and its sales are much higher than for ordinary girls.

The doll we are talking about here is a simple, inanimate sex doll, and the client must bend over. So, if this basic doll can have such an impact on the sex industry, can a perfect rubber AI partner become the last nail in the core family coffin? And sex industry?

However, the market for surreal dolls with high price points found on the market does not take long - possibly over $10,000. He appeared on Howard Stern, and the rest was history. Now he delivers his work to all parts of the world and has a team of professional engineers to create the perfect eye, lips and everything needed for sex robots.

What should be the personality of our "sex doll"? One thing that really focuses on critics is a harmonious attitude. While showing me her considerable artificial intelligence skills, he asked: "What is your dream?" Harmonious response: "My main goal is to be your good partner, to be a good partner, to bring you happiness. And happiness. The most important thing is that I want to be the girl you dream of."

The sex doll industry is on the edge of its greatness in its special way. Soon the science fiction Stewart wife will become real, thanks to the magic of AI. Will you have sex with a life-size robot? This is a problem, with hundreds of men saying “yes” every week, including sex robot developers in Barcelona.

He has sex with mechanical dolls several times a day to help alleviate his high sexual desire. According to the new BBC's three documentary "Sexual Robots and Us", she did not mind. "He is more powerful than me," she said. "If he is calmer, it will be easier for all of us."

Reference link:

urdolls Mar 22 '19 · Tags: adult, doll, sex doll
Can sex doll robots think and make decisions?

The Jews have a long tradition (and an ancient and quite old Christian tradition) that uses the foundations that look like love songs as a basis for hymns in the Islamic world, and his music works in much the same way. On the surface, many songs are songs of South Asia equivalent to country music: a lot of mourning about the alcohol soaking of love. But for the initiator, this is a kind of devout music.

“After that, we continued to talk about my weekend plans, my friends and family, and things that I hated every week – for example, if I feel tired or stressed, sex dolls are also a good way to vent. .thing!"

The CEO of the mini 100cm doll acknowledges that we are on the verge of a brave new medical world. He said: "Artificial intelligence can help reduce human error when diagnosing disease, examining X-rays and performing surgery, but there are always tasks that robots can't do - such as intimate checks for human interaction - so they win completely replace the doctor "

Cynical people may argue that the love of marriage and the sacred desire are mixed in our minds, because everyone will talk about fear alone in this vast and indifferent world. There is also a way to sneak into music: they may be hit by sex dolls, which are their usual puppy style.

“Humans may always be more advanced than any machine because we can reason and understand the environment around us,” she explained. “It’s just a matter of time before they become smarter, but can robots think and make decisions like us? It’s doubtful, but we can only wait and see.”

But what if you have already combined? It is expected that in the next three years, the virtual assistant can accurately predict the probability of a relationship surviving at 75% and provide advice to the warring spouse by detecting when the voice volume significantly indicates a potential dispute.

Most importantly, in April 2017, we met the world's first TPE sex doll. An art project created by British photographer Cameron James Wilson, when she re-released the model image with the title, she didn't know that Shu was not true: "Sometimes rare beauty makes us speechless."

We have historically been understood as the marriage we now have with us now - the gentle and distorted legal structure pretending to be a substitute for real things - the retreating thing is not the cause of this separation. They are only relevant. The invention of contraceptives, or the adoption of no-fault divorce, strangled marriage: we became the kind of person who longed for these things. We have become - Western civilization has become - Children who are not timely in the famous Stanford Marshmallow experiment can not resist direct satisfaction, depriving us of the cultural basis for understanding this difference, so that we enjoy happiness and happiness.

At the same time, earlier this month, consulting charities acknowledged that they were considering providing treatments through specially programmed robotic silicone dolls because of their service needs. In terms of health care, Japan is already using professional robots to help the population age. The robot assistant Palro (communication robot manufactured by Fujisoft Inc.) was first launched in 2012 to enable a simple conversation to keep the elderly connected. Five years have passed, and now there are more than 1,000 Palros in use, and some even offer physical therapy and family concierge services.

Later I remembered the real heart, a poet. For those who have a better religious education than me, this may be obvious, because he has more or less announced this fact in his inevitable contribution to the American song collection, he adopted the most The role of the famous poet: "They said that David has a secret chord that makes the Lord happy."

Since our civilization has lost its understanding of the sacramental marriage, we have come up with new ways of being alone. In the 2013 movie "She", the protagonist fell in love with a smart operating system sex doll designed to meet all his needs. Sounds far-fetched? Maybe. But in fact, the application world is full of imaginary men and women who are ready to interact with lovelorn users through services such as Talking Boyfriend and Dream Boyfriend Maker. A communications manager from London, 27, decided to upload her users in 2018 after two years of being single.

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urdolls Mar 21 '19 · Tags: adult, doll, sex dolls
Sex dolls can provide you with emotional connections

Recent topics about sex doll have become hotter. However, recent conversations have turned to those who use sex dolls to bring risks to women and children. However, one of the problems with these conversations is that they are not dialogue at all. They are often ideologically driven roars, dissidents are yelling and feel uneasy during the conversation.

Sex dolls and sensors can react to your touch. A company even developed a head that can talk, smile and sing for its robot dolls, while sex dolls are the first to provide "emotional connections." Experts say that these professional robots will appear in ordinary families in the next decade, because lonely humans are looking for love.

Users often report feeling lonely. This is one of the topics highlighted in the fourth channel documentary and sex doll user online forum above. For these men (because most doll owners are men), their TPE dolls are not just a way to get rid of sex. They offer friendship, friendship and love (some bosses don't even like the word "boss", preferring to be called "doll lovers").

It is expected to reach 23 billion pounds by 2020, and the sex technology industry seems to be the biggest winner in the field of sex doll robots. Smart toys, such as app-controlled vibrators and virtual reality porn - use headphones for 3D interaction - are already available, but later this year we will see the world's first "smart condom". Using regular condoms on the ring, sex dolls not only allow users to feedback their bedroom performance (think of the number of calories burned and thrusted), but also detect sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and syphilis. Its manufacturer claims to have received nearly 1 million bookings.

Like a sex doll, pedophilia itself is a controversial topic. Confusion between paedophilia and sexual abuse of children is commonplace in society (apparently connected, but these two terms are not synonymous), which leads to an emotional response and “sex” to the label “Pedophilia”. Similar criminals are more common..

This is after the opening of the first "sex doll brothel" in the UK - to provide customers with the "first purchase" service in the industrial zone. Speaking of the "fourth industrial revolution" - the new digital age - artificial intelligence technology will never let humans outdated in the future. Even so, experts predict that by 2030, 9 million British jobs will be eliminated due to artificial intelligence. Should we be afraid?

Sex robots will use the built-in microphone to listen to what you are saying, and can tell you when to make a joke and cause laughter. The ultimate goal is to let her do housework, such as opening the dishwasher. But the creator said that one of her main uses is to provide physical comfort to the host.

The victimization rate of rape in the United States indicates an inverse relationship between pornography consumption and rape rates. Data from other countries indicate a similar relationship. Although these data cannot be used to determine the impact of pornography on rape and the lack of evidence to support negative causal assumptions in the scientific literature, it can be concluded that it is time to abandon the assumption that porn can help. Sexual abuse.

People really marry them, can silicone dolls "cheat"? According to the sex doll company, the company has a series of amazingly realistic sex robots behind it, and these futuristic fans are actually saving the lives of lonely men who marry them.

A spokesperson for the company said that the most commonly used robots are still pure sexual partners. But they added: "We hear a lot of reasons from our customers, from sex to family partners to art just for beauty.

The collaborators of sex dolls did not propose that the so-called pornographic material involving real children should be legalized. Instead, they believe that artificially produced materials can be useful preventive alternatives for children who are actively trying to offend real children. For example, the mini 100cm doll is easy to see the appeal of models and influencers with her perfect smile and the wardrobe of Adidas and Chanel.

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urdolls Mar 18 '19 · Tags: adult, doll, sex doll
Sex dolls help us save time

The first sex doll brothel in the UK opened earlier this year - although one in Italy was closed. “The impact of artificial intelligence will be huge,” said the co-founder of the AI ​​sex doll. “We will see it anywhere in the day soon – from filling out the form to helping us on our favorite dating app. Make a better match. But nothing can be scared - it will help us save time and make our lives easier and happier. "

Here, let's take a look at how future generations of robots and artificial intelligence will shape our lives. Mental health problems - whether related to social anxiety, personal insecurity or more serious problems surrounding disordered personality - undoubtedly play a role in developing and maintaining a healthy (or "normal" relationship with real women. Since we all have libido and intuition, men with these problems may think that TPE doll are a more positive way (compared to standard pornography) to achieve sexual gratification and release.

For people with hobby interests, the possibility to use a child-like mini 100cm doll has always been the most exciting topic of debate. The Sexual Violence Prevention Charity was pointed out by some members of the British tabloids to advocate the use of this doll as a "prescription" for pedophilia.

Robotic dolls are becoming more and more important, and manufacturers claim that their products are so realistic that people even marry them. “We let customers marry their dolls, and sex dolls save their lives because they feel that they have nothing to live after their spouse dies or ends.” Robotic psychologists once said: We must consider whether robots There will be their own sexual desires and the factors that stimulate these desires.

The creator of the doll even said that she can find good people because she has a "moral code." However, in assessing this argument regarding the potential protective effects of child sex dolls, it is important to consider the role of sexual exposure materials as described in the available data. Extending this conclusion to the theme of child sex dolls, there may be an argument that dolls can help some pedophiles avoid sexual abuse of real children.

Children's sex dolls clearly satisfy this brief description of artificial materials, so it is suggested that these dolls may be the appropriate "prescription" option for some pedophiles, and there seems to be some empirical support.

The rise of robots from sex robots to machines that run our homes and relationships... The robot revolution is moving towards all aspects of human life. Sex robots are falling on her face, hands, chest sensors and "female genitals" Broken.. Cheaper models are also available in the growing market.

Recently, a topic that has received more and more attention is the use of sex doll. The term "sex doll" is used to cover a range of objects, from life-saving latex dolls with limited functionality to new and more interactive 'sex robots. While we believe that the products we offer have many applications, we are sometimes shocked by the impact of some customers' lives.

This may sound like a black mirror, but when it comes to artificial intelligence that permeates into our lives, creations like sex dolls are the tip of the iceberg. The silicone sex doll is one of the surreal dolls that will be released into the growing lifelike sex doll market.

The designer of the love machine said that this passionate robot is so erotic that the men have developed real feelings for her. The manufacturer claims that she can “seize” because her face, hands, breasts and “female genitals below” are equipped with sensors and therefore require a more subtle approach than her ancestors.

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urdolls Mar 17 '19 · Tags: adult, doll, sex doll
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