EAS anti-theft tags are additionally designed to help it become extremely difficult from aoaltwar's blog

Century Europe’s EAS systems are versatile and gives a multi-alarm technology clothes eas. Our EAS security gates can cover wide aisles, have a very modern design which enable it to be customized to the décor. We do not just offer EAS antennas, tags and labels, but additionally cable tags and security keepers (boxes) and many more. We develop, produce and offer every component ourselves, including however, not limited to detection systems, deactivators, labels and detachers. This ensures the best high-performance of each and every EAS system. Excellent detection, an excellent product display and customer-friendly entrance are guaranteed.

Electronic article surveillance helps shop keepers to protect their assets and also to reduce shrinkage. Besides, stores can help to save considerably on operational costs by integrating source tagging in to the production and still provide chain. EAS solutions are applied in several markets around the world, employing a variety of technologies. Below please find out more on three markets through which EAS systems may be used.

Easy to set up and operate for store employees - tough to remove or deactivate for shoplifters: EAS systems target quick and intuitive installation, while attaching, removing and deactivating tags is definitely a straightforward method that takes store employees only seconds. Conversely, EAS anti-theft tags are likewise designed to ensure it is extremely difficult for just a shoplifter to clear out or deactivate one.

Enables an empty display of merchandise: Retail goods on open display give customers better use of those that are located in displays or located behind counters check this link . This helps them examine the products and get a tactile feel for them-particularly when store personnel aren’t around to assist. Ultimately, open displays will help boost sales-and with the aid of EAS anti-theft systems, accomplish that without incurring inventory shrink from shoplifting.

Supermarkets & mass merchandise stores are transforming themselves into smart stores from recent past for providing better shopping experience. To match using the pace of changing shopping behavior as well as the emergence of the latest trends, many store operators are adopting technology in their supply chain as well as inside their storefronts, thereby trialing new delivery models, developing private labels, and forming partnerships with leading internet connectivity providers to increase their market presence. The performance in the supermarket and mass merchandise sector is determined to further improve inside the coming years. Growing interest on EAS systems to avoid theft and shoplifting incidents is predicted to drive the adoption of EAS systems on this segment.

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