Your Car may Spy on You from Frod Kelin's blog

The car has grown to become one of the most credible means of transport, and it has become the best friend of a man. The car is a state sign that the car's function is to measure the livelihood of the person who drives it. People do not realize the fact that it will one day become a lot of objections about privacy.

While GPS inventions are an important step in security and tracking, GPS-equipped cars may do more. They are fashionable and smart, many people like and feel safer in them. However, the recent revelation seems to suggest that GPS devices may only be smarter than most of us imagine. According to the car technical expert, a person knows where to drive the person at any time the fact that there may be great potential. People can manipulate this information to get and sell personal information. The sale of personal information is likely to make someone big money. The car tracks people in the same way as the smartphone works today. The use of smart phones to obtain personal information is not new.

GPS Jamming Devices

Over the years, people have been tracking their personal information for their smartphones and selling their personal information, but the feelings of the car were largely ignored until recently. The Office of Government Responsibility issued a report in December (PDF), the conclusion is that consumers do not know the privacy risks of their car software. Soon after, at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, Ford Marketing Director Jim Farley put forward a more precise view: "We know every illegal person; we know when you do it." Recently, Ford drew attention to its new patent, providing targeted GPS advertising based on GPS coordinates

Targeted advertising services and marketing make it more profitable. This is why the increase in political goodwill attempts to curb this growth trend.

In these allegations there are some truths, car spies and gathering information. If the car tracks everywhere, the individual goes, then it knows the person's favorite place. It tracks and records all the sport, so it knows that people are free time, they eat and relax in the places they visit. Car tracking even know that people have the favorite holiday destination. But is the car company sharing this information? In his case, Senator Schumer cited a study done by the government accountability office. It shows that up to 90% of the cars, safety and tracking equipment manufacturers share the information they collect. In this case, the use of GPS jammer is sensible because the car spy is a worrying trend, in fact, it uses people to trust the equipment to keep them safe and make it worse.

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